
Bloguru Support



Bloguru Admin Page Redesign

Bloguru Admin Page on mobile... Bloguru Admin Page on mobile phone
Thank you for using Bloguru. We are pleased to announce that we have released a redesigned, completely new admin page on Bloguru. With new features added, like viewing Latest Activities and all My Posts, we believe this brings you a whole new experience of using Bloguru with a refreshing touch!

Mobile Friendly
Blog straight from your mobile device! The admin panel is now mobile-friendly and will work on your phone, tablet, or desktop computer. We added a simplified mobile post option, but we also optimized the original post page in case you need all the features offered on desktop, too.

Latest Activities
On dashboard page, you can view all blog latest activities including all comments and wows by clicking “All Activity”.

Last 7 Days Blog Performance
On dashboard page, this graph shows how many views are received for your posts during the past week.

My Posts
This page displays all your Bloguru posts where you can check which post is popular and has the most views/comments! You can also search for specific posts by date range and keyword.

Please enjoy using Bloguru with these new features and let us know if you have any questions or feedback.

Official Bloguru Support
#Bloguru #PSPinc #Redesign


Bloguru outage

Dear Bloguru users,

Between 2:30am - 6:30am PST, 6:30pm - 10:30pm JST, we experienced an outage with Bloguru Services; our apologies for any users who were unable to access the site during this time. We are currently investigating the cause of this issue.

Thank you for your support and understanding.


Would you like to invite your friend to Bloguru using “Invite a friend feature”?

Would you like ...
Thank you for using Bloguru.

Today, we are introducing “Invite a friend feature”. Using this feature, you can send a Bloguru invitation email to your friends.

The feature is available in the “Admin Home” by clicking the “# Invites Available” button under profile picture. You can add your friend’s email address and message, then click “send invite”.
*Invitation link is only valid for two weeks.

We hope you can make full use of this feature and enjoy posting at Bloguru!

Official Bloguru Support
#Bloguru #PSPinc #Support


Bloguru - Hashtag Feature Update Released

Hashtag Feature Hashtag Feature
We are pleased to announce that we have updated the hashtag feature on Bloguru.

What is Hashtag Feature?
A hashtag is a type of label which allows users to find blog posts with a specific topic. You can also use hashtags to categorize your own blog posts. You can enter any words in the "Hashtags" field when posting blogs.

Popular Hashtags & Recently Used Hashtags
The hashtag feature is available under “New Post”→ “Hashtags” → star icon after logging into your account.

  • Popular Hashtags: Top 10 most frequently used hashtags by your own post within the past 30 days, ordered by frequency
    ※Before this update, this section displays top 10 most frequently used hashtags by all user posts within the past 30 days
  • Recently Used Hashtags: Top 10 recently used hashtags by your own post within the past 30 days, ordered by latest date

You can also quickly add existing hashtags by clicking them in the lists. If you want to add all hashtags into your post, click “Add All”.

*If no hashtag has ever been used within the past 30 days, “No hashtag used” will be displayed.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Official Bloguru Support
#Bloguru #PSPinc #Support


Blog Post Signature Feature Released

Blog Post Signature Feature Re...
We are happy to announce that we have released the all-new blog post signature feature on Bloguru. With this feature, you can create a blog post signature that will append to the bottom of all of your blog posts on your blog’s home page and on each individual blog post. This field supports HTML, which allows you to create a unique look to your signature.

The signature feature is available under “Options”→ “basics” → “Blog Post Signature” after logging into your account.
Note: If you update your signature, the changes will only be reflected on new blog posts going forward. If you wish to edit past blog signatures, you can modify it on the same edit blog post screen you use to edit your blog’s content.

Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you for using Bloguru!

Official Bloguru Support


Video Manager launched

Video Manager launched
Thank you for using Bloguru.

We have added a Video Manager feature to the admin home.
The video manager is available under ”Options”→ ”video manager” tab after logging into your account.
With this feature, you can manage all the videos you uploaded in the past.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Bloguru Support Team


Bloguru User Ranking

Bloguru User Ranking
Here are top 100 Bloguru users.
Many of them are in Japan.

1 神戸:ファルコンの散歩メモ ファルコン https://jp.bloguru.com/falcon
2 神戸角打ち学会(至福の立ち呑み) 神戸のおいさん https://jp.bloguru.com/kobenooisan
3 my favorite birdy https://jp.bloguru.com/ihopebirdy
4 LAN-PRO KUMA https://jp.bloguru.com/kuma
5 いつまでも起業家 Forever Entrepreneur 内倉憲一 https://jp.bloguru.com/uchikura
6 翔平のにじいろ冒険ブログ 関 翔平 https://jp.bloguru.com/kawaguchi-taiyou
7 moqのごはん moq https://jp.bloguru.com/moqmoqmoqmoqmoq
8 日常のつぶやき~この庭と草木 moon https://jp.bloguru.com/moon
9 Welcome to Ucikura’s Blog Kenichi Uchikura https://en.bloguru.com/ken
10 タイドプール dote https://jp.bloguru.com/tidepool
11 エンジェルライフ:高松 天使 https://jp.bloguru.com/angelique
12 みどりの風 エメラルド https://jp.bloguru.com/emerald
13 サンディエゴタウン&ロサンゼルスタウンがゆく! SanDiegoTown & LosAngelesTown https://jp.bloguru.com/sandiegotown
14 Tai - Diary Tai https://en.bloguru.com/tai
15 UCHIKURA & CO.,LLC. UchikuraCo https://en.bloguru.com/UchikuraCo
16 PSPinc Official Company Blog PSPinc https://en.bloguru.com/pspinc
17 裕福の部屋 福福 https://jp.bloguru.com/hukuhuku
18 熊本地震からの復興・ハーブ栽培 Shino https://jp.bloguru.com/Organic
19 熊本県弓道連盟 熊本県弓道連盟 https://jp.bloguru.com/kumamotoken
20 Japanese-Online's Blog Japanese-Online https://en.bloguru.com/japaneseonline
21 カイの家 hiro https://jp.bloguru.com/kai
22 モリンガでダイエット実証実験 Phantom https://jp.bloguru.com/Phantom-tree
23  <生涯現役の鬼軍曹> MR職人 https://jp.bloguru.com/syokunin
24 緑・海気浴・/・襍にbloguru zakkah https://jp.bloguru.com/zakkah
25 つれづれなるままに 高橋京太 https://jp.bloguru.com/hosanna
26 ハルのブログ ハル https://jp.bloguru.com/advroad2
27 ロッキーおしょうが行く! 幸せな笑顔づくりのおしょう https://jp.bloguru.com/sasanomi
28 RACELIFE SPIN OFF 流浪のレース屋 SHYGUY https://jp.bloguru.com/racelife
29 熊本地震の活動記録と未来へ向けて Shino-tan https://jp.bloguru.com/Shino
30 ShibataのBlog Shibata https://jp.bloguru.com/shibata
31 @nachtmusik CLA aka なはとむじーく https://jp.bloguru.com/nachtmusik
32 Fukushima Daiichi Requiem kazumasa https://jp.bloguru.com/fukushima-requiem
33 two o one two m_a https://jp.bloguru.com/two01two
34 超ダイエット日記 トキエダマサユキ https://jp.bloguru.com/superdietdiary
35 takeの電気式日記 take https://jp.bloguru.com/take
36 cartmanのブログ cartman https://jp.bloguru.com/cartman
37 Japanese Sake : All Japan News,Inc All Japan News,Inc https://en.bloguru.com/JapaneseSake_AllJapanNews
38 食生活コンシェルジュ通信 toshisanso https://jp.bloguru.com/toshirosanso
39 ウルトラの父がいる〜♪ ウルトラの父 https://jp.bloguru.com/dinner
40 解体心象 ペガサス https://jp.bloguru.com/pegasus
41 絵日記綺譚 もうひとりのまこと https://jp.bloguru.com/minakami0412
42 yumi-blog♪ yumirou https://jp.bloguru.com/yumirou
43 生活環境部会〜にしなり〜 生活環境部会 https://jp.bloguru.com/kankyo138nr
44 パスター・ミッキー のブログ Pastor Mickey https://jp.bloguru.com/pastormickey
45 数押しゃ撮れる ProDriver https://jp.bloguru.com/ProDriver
46 Eigoganbare's Blog Annette Lee https://en.bloguru.com/eigoganbare
47 Asagiri Ladies Clinic のブログ Asagiri Ladies Clinic https://jp.bloguru.com/asagiri
48 大分市弓道クラブ oitakyudo https://jp.bloguru.com/oitakyudo
49 PSPinc 日本語公式ブログ PSPINC JP https://jp.bloguru.com/pspincJP
50 詩は元気です ☆ 齋藤純二 齋藤純二 https://jp.bloguru.com/shoboter99
51 不育症・着床障害のブログ〜ドクター青木の日々感じていること〜 Dr.Aoki https://jp.bloguru.com/dr-aoki
52 地域福祉部会〜にしなり〜 地域福祉部会 https://jp.bloguru.com/fukushi138nr
53 不良のアウトドア Mt.zaki https://jp.bloguru.com/furyou
54 罪プラ日記 ピルグリム https://jp.bloguru.com/4214
55 サウスベイ マネジメント セミナー SBMS サウスベイ マネジメント セミナー(South Bay Management Seminar) https://jp.bloguru.com/sbms
56 さちのお掃除日記 さち https://jp.bloguru.com/happy-go-lucky_diary
57 豆腐日記【毎日豆腐食べてます】 豆腐 https://jp.bloguru.com/a
58 車の買取・販売の専門店:アクセルモータース@アメリカ・サンディエゴ Accel Motors https://jp.bloguru.com/accelmotors
59 ハニプラ美容液口コミと効果まとめ ハニプラ美容液口コミ https://jp.bloguru.com/hanipla
60 My favorite♪ sunukolyn https://jp.bloguru.com/sunukolyn
61 望夢英語寺小屋(0歳〜園児こども英会話、一宮市、岐南町) TERAGOYA ベビー&園児 https://jp.bloguru.com/teragoya-ichi
62 広報部会〜にしなり〜 広報部会 https://jp.bloguru.com/kouhou138nr
63  BCA土曜学校 ブログ saturdayschool https://jp.bloguru.com/saturdayschool
64 ストレピアでエイジングケア&スキンケアの時短!口コミと噂の評判の真相とは 脱アラサー! https://jp.bloguru.com/strepair
65 カミカシャンプーの口コミと効果まとめ カミカ口コミ https://jp.bloguru.com/kamikashampoo
66 安心安全部会〜にしなり〜 安心安全部会 https://jp.bloguru.com/fusegu138nr
67 50歳からの起業 ー シアトル奮闘記 尾中 泰(ひろし) https://jp.bloguru.com/enlinxpartnersblog
68 ツナ缶レビュー zu-mix3.0 長井ずみ https://jp.bloguru.com/zumix
69 The Cats - Nikki & Nico nikkinico https://jp.bloguru.com/nikkinico
70 【真実検証】ビーククレンズの効果はウソ?口コミはホントなの?実際に試してみた! クレンズふぁん https://jp.bloguru.com/slim
71 ふわっとマシュマロブラの口コミ・評判と効果を実際に体験して検証 マシュマロ https://jp.bloguru.com/mashumaro
72 口コミはうそ?ルックルックイヌリンプラスは効果ある?50代の夫と一緒に飲んでみた ルックさん https://jp.bloguru.com/inulin
73 黒ずみばいばいのためにケア minyon https://jp.bloguru.com/ibiza
74 ヴィアージュナイトブラの口コミと効果 ヴィアージュナイトブラ https://jp.bloguru.com/viage-nightbra
75 人と地球にやさしく チァーリー・マサ https://jp.bloguru.com/sohodesk
76 Slow Life & Trips wahootaste https://jp.bloguru.com/wabysaby
77 くまごろうのひとりごと くまごろう https://jp.bloguru.com/kumagoro
78 自然が織りなす伝統のわざ〈のだ自然塾〉 のだとんび https://jp.bloguru.com/nodatonbi
79 【アスタレチノV】口コミ・評判と効果を実際に体験して検証 もうすぐアラフィフ https://jp.bloguru.com/ast
80 DUOクレンジングバームの口コミ・評判と効果を実際に体験して検証 クレンジングバーム研究中 https://jp.bloguru.com/duo
81 ここねクレンジングバームの口コミ・評判と効果を実際に体験して検証! ここねちゃん https://jp.bloguru.com/cocone
82 めぐみ保育園 めぐみ保育園 https://jp.bloguru.com/Megumi
83 ぼくしのめがね bokushi https://jp.bloguru.com/horizonjapanese
84 一宮市社会福祉協議会のブログ 一宮市社会福祉協議会 https://jp.bloguru.com/138sk
85 ビハキュアのシミ効果はウソ?口コミや評判を検証してみた ビハキュア大好き https://jp.bloguru.com/bihacure
86 望夢英語寺小屋(こども英会話(小学生、中学生)) TERAGOYA キッズ(小中学生) https://jp.bloguru.com/teragoya-ginan
87 終列車の旅 しゅう https://jp.bloguru.com/ixi_syuu_ixi
88 誠信高等学校からのお知らせ seishinjimushitsu https://jp.bloguru.com/seishinjimushitsu
89 Kirinoの副業ブログ kirino https://jp.bloguru.com/kfb
90 ギター余話 Toshiaki Nomura https://jp.bloguru.com/hauser2
91 足立区 プロデュース美容室 ブログ yamada https://jp.bloguru.com/produce
92 タロージャーナル タロー https://jp.bloguru.com/taro
93 カリフォルニアのじいさんのブログ カリフォルニアの爺さん https://jp.bloguru.com/jiisan
94 自由飲酒党のブログ 自由飲酒党事務局 https://jp.bloguru.com/jiintou
95 プルエスト洗顔は毛穴に効果なしで良い口コミは嘘?真実を暴露【販売店情報も掲載】 プルエスト愛用者 https://jp.bloguru.com/pluest
96 Brog of Jazz Saxophone NEWYORK SAX https://jp.bloguru.com/sax
97 岩魚太郎の何でも歳時記 岩魚太郎 https://jp.bloguru.com/iwanatarou
98 望夢英語寺小屋 (高校生、大人英会話 岐阜市エリア) TERAGOYA おとな https://jp.bloguru.com/teragoya-gifu
99 風の中のあの音 Liu https://jp.bloguru.com/03983
100 ふんわり幸せなお茶の時間 お菓子教室シュクレ https://jp.bloguru.com/sucre
#Bloguru #BloguruUserRanking


Bloguru Video and Hashtag Updates

Thank you for using Bloguru.

We have recently changed the information about the video storage space for the Bloguru video feature.

The numbers above the video storage limit bar now display the used video space out of the total available space. Before it had displayed the remaining available space.

Furthermore, the colors for the progress bar have been switched. The blue bar shows the used video space and the grey bar shows the total space remaining.

There is also a new feature for the hashtags section when creating a blog post. The Add All button under the Popular Hashtags and Recently Used Hashtags lists allow the user to instantly populate the Hashtags field with those hashtags.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Bloguru Support


Blog Post Page Load Improvement

Thank you for using Bloguru.

We have added a new feature in an effort to improve page load speeds on blog posts. Images on your blog will now load as they come into view instead of all at once. Your regular Bloguru experience should remain unaffected.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Bloguru Support


Issue with connecting with Twitter account is fixed

Issue with connecting with Twit...
Thank you for using Bloguru.

We have fixed the issue with connecting a Bloguru account to a Twitter account. To connect your Bloguru account with a Twitter account, go to “Options” tab on the admin page and sign in to Twitter from “Social network connection” section.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Bloguru Support Team


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  • まだブログルのメンバーでない方は下記のページから登録をお願いいたします。