
Bloguru Support



Updates to Bloguru system

Hello Bloguru Bloggers!

We would like to announce that we have updated the following items on Bloguru.

[ Blog Post Ranking ]
"Blog Post Ranking" on Bloguru Home displays top 14 posts that have most activities with views, comments, and wows. It has been updated to display only one post per user.

[ Blog Statistics ]
We have updated the "Blog Statistics" system.
The number of page view increases when any page in your blog are viewed.
Also post page view increases when that post is displayed on any page under your blog.
Viewing your own blog will be excluded while you are logged in.

Thank you for helping us make Bloguru better!
The Bloguru Support Team
#bloguru #maintenance #pspinc


New Features on Bloguru Home

New Features on Bloguru Home New Features on Bloguru Home
Today, we have added new features on Bloguru Home.

[Recent Posts]
12 of the most recent blog posts within the last 30 days are displayed.

[Popular Bloggers]
3 bloggers from blogs that has 4 or more posts published within a week are displayed randomly.

[Blog Post Ranking]
Top 14 posts that have most activities with views, comments, wows are displayed.

Thank you for helping us make Bloguru better!
The Bloguru Support Team
#bloguru #newfeature #pspinc


New May Theme

New May Theme
Hello Bloguru Bloggers!

We have released a new responsive theme today, called "Marine Life", for use on your blog. You can find the theme under the responsive tab on the admin themes page. As previously mentioned, responsive themes will only work with modern browsers that support HTML5 and CSS3.

Thank you for helping us make Bloguru better!
The Bloguru Support Team
#bloguru #newtheme #pspinc


New April Theme

New April Theme
Hello Bloguru Bloggers!

We have released a new responsive theme today, called "Bitter Black", for use on your blog. You can find the theme under the responsive tab on the admin themes page. As previously mentioned, responsive themes will only work with modern browsers that support HTML5 and CSS3.

Thank you for helping us make Bloguru better!
The Bloguru Support Team
#bloguru #newtheme #pspinc


New "Wow!" Feature and March Theme

(1) If you liked the post, click... (1) If you liked the post, click on the "Wow!" button that is at the bottom of the post. (2) The number of times the ... (2) The number of times the post was wowed displays next to the "Wow!" button. (3) Members that wowed the ... (3) Members that wowed the post displays. (4) Details of the members tha... (4) Details of the members that wowed the post displays. Look for non-Bloguru friends, and create more friends! New theme "Fresh Mint" New theme "Fresh Mint"
We are pleased to announce that the "Wow!" feature has been released. Users can click the 'Wow' button to show that they have enjoyed the post or comment.
* Only users who are logged in can click the 'Wow' button.

Also, we have released a new responsive theme today, called "Fresh Mint", for use on your blog. You can find the theme under the responsive tab on the admin themes page. As previously mentioned, responsive themes will only work with modern browsers that support HTML5 and CSS3.

Thank you for helping us make Bloguru better!
The Bloguru Support Team
#bloguru #newfeature #newtheme #pspinc


New February Theme and Update

New February Theme and Update
Hello Bloguru Bloggers!

We have released a new responsive theme today, called Blooming Flowers, for use on your blog. You can find Blooming Flowers under the responsive tab on the admin themes page. As previously mentioned, responsive themes will only work with modern browsers that support HTML5 and CSS3.

Also we have updated the twitter logo that displays on the upper right hand corner of your post (It will only display if you use twitter).

Thank you for helping us build a better Bloguru!
Bloguru Support Team
#bloguru #newtheme #pspinc


Updates to Image Width

Updates to Image Width
Hello Bloguru Bloggers!

Today, we have updated the image width of blog posts to full width of content area.

Thank you for helping us make Bloguru better!
The Bloguru Support Team
#bloguru #newfeature #pspinc


Hashtag FAQ

Hello Bloguru Bloggers!

We have added "Hashtags" and "Aggregators" to the FAQ page.
If you have any questions about "Hashtags" or "Aggregators", please refer the FAQ page.

» Hashtag FAQ
» Aggregator FAQ

Thank you for helping us make Bloguru better!
The Bloguru Support Team
#bloguru #maintenance #pspinc


New Hashtag Feature and January Theme

New Hashtag Feature and Jan...
Hello Bloguru Bloggers!

We are pleased to announce that the "Hashtag" feature has been released. Users can now add hashtags by using hashtag field when posting blogs.
For more information about "Hashtag", please see our FAQ page.

The "Category" that we have removed a while ago has been reregistered as "Hashtag". Therefore, all blog posts have hashtags already.

Also, we have released a new responsive theme today, called "Shooting Star", for use on your blog. You can find the theme under the responsive tab on the admin themes page. As previously mentioned, responsive themes will only work with modern browsers that support HTML5 and CSS3.

Thank you for helping us make Bloguru better!
The Bloguru Support Team
#bloguru #newfeature #newtheme #pspinc


New December Theme and Updates

New December Theme and Upd...
Hello Bloguru Bloggers!

We have released a new responsive theme today, called "Scenic Winter", for use on your blog. You can find the theme under the responsive tab on the admin themes page. As previously mentioned, responsive themes will only work with modern browsers that support HTML5 and CSS3.

Also we removed Bloguru category since we have enhanced the Bloguru search features.

Thank you for helping us make Bloguru better!
The Bloguru Support Team
#bloguru #maintenance #newfeature #pspinc


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