
Bloguru Support

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Bloguru Maintenance Announcement

Bloguru Maintenance Announce...
Dear Bloguru Users,

Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

We will be conducting a Bloguru update to support emoji, and you will not be able to access Bloguru services for 30 minutes during the below period.

* USA Pacific Time
- Apr 13th (Tue) 9:00am-9:30am

* Japan Time
- Apr 14th (Wed) 1:00am-1:30am

We apologize for any inconvenience that might be caused.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Official Bloguru Support

Background vector created by rwdd_studios - www.freepik.com
#EmojiSupport #Maintenance #bloguru


Bloguru Maintenance Announcement

Bloguru Maintenance Announce...
Dear Bloguru Users,

Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

We will be conducting Dreamersi software update in the network switch, and you may not be able to access Bloguru services for 20 minutes during the below period.

* USA Pacific Time
- Feb 27th (Sat) 6:00am-6:20am

* Japan Time
- Feb 27th (Sat) 11:00pm-11:20pm

* Details: Network BIOS and software update

* Purpose: For a stability and security enhancement

We apologize for any inconvenience that might be caused.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Official Bloguru Support

Background vector created by rwdd_studios - www.freepik.com
#bloguru #maintenance


Server Maintenance

Hello Bloguru Bloggers,

We have a server maintenance scheduled for about 10 minutes from 8:30am PST tomorrow, Jan. 27th Saturday, (1:30am on Jan. 28th Sunday JST) for expanding server storage.

During the maintenance, Bloguru will be temporarily unavailable.

Thank you for your patience and support.
The Bloguru Support Team
#bloguru #maintenance #pspinc


Updates to Bloguru System

Hello Bloguru Bloggers,

We have updated the following items on Bloguru:

[Image File Size Limit]
The file size limit for posts and avatars has increased to 100MB per image.
The file size limit for commenting has increased to 50MB.

[Password Strength]
There are new requirements when creating or changing a password.
New passwords require at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, a number and a symbol.
There is now a password strength bar that shows how strong your created password is.

Thank you for helping us make Bloguru better!
The Bloguru Support Team
#bloguru #maintenance #pspinc


Bloguru mobile app has been terminated

We would like to announce that the Bloguru mobile app has been terminated and is no longer suppported. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you for helping us make Bloguru better!
The Bloguru Support Team
#bloguru #maintenance #pspinc


New July Theme "Goldfish" and Official Release of Responsive Themes

New July Theme "Goldfish" an...
Hello Bloguru Bloggers!

We have released new responsive themes today, called "Goldfish", for use on your blog. "Goldfish" theme has soft and calm design and will give a nice refreshing touch to the summer heat.

You can find the theme under the responsive tab on the admin themes page. As previously mentioned, responsive themes will only work with modern browsers that support HTML5 and CSS3.

Also, we are pleased to announce that all responsive themes have been upgraded and officially released today.

Thank you for helping us make Bloguru better!
The Bloguru Support Team
#bloguru #maintenance #newtheme #pspinc


New June Themes and System Updates

Theme 1 - "Rainy Days" Theme 1 - "Rainy Days" Theme 2 - "Business Online" Theme 2 - "Business Online"
Hello Bloguru Bloggers!

We have released 2 new responsive themes today, called "Rainy Days" and "Business Online", for use on your blog. You can find the theme under the responsive tab on the admin themes page. As previously mentioned, responsive themes will only work with modern browsers that support HTML5 and CSS3.

Also, we have released the following updates.
- Increased the maximum character length of post title from 40 to 150 characters
- Post title is used as page title on each post page for SEO purposes

Thank you for helping us make Bloguru better!
The Bloguru Support Team
#bloguru #maintenance #newtheme #pspinc


Updates to Bloguru system

Hello Bloguru Bloggers!

We would like to announce that we have updated the following items on Bloguru.

[ Blog Post Ranking ]
"Blog Post Ranking" on Bloguru Home displays top 14 posts that have most activities with views, comments, and wows. It has been updated to display only one post per user.

[ Blog Statistics ]
We have updated the "Blog Statistics" system.
The number of page view increases when any page in your blog are viewed.
Also post page view increases when that post is displayed on any page under your blog.
Viewing your own blog will be excluded while you are logged in.

Thank you for helping us make Bloguru better!
The Bloguru Support Team
#bloguru #maintenance #pspinc


Hashtag FAQ

Hello Bloguru Bloggers!

We have added "Hashtags" and "Aggregators" to the FAQ page.
If you have any questions about "Hashtags" or "Aggregators", please refer the FAQ page.

» Hashtag FAQ
» Aggregator FAQ

Thank you for helping us make Bloguru better!
The Bloguru Support Team
#bloguru #maintenance #pspinc


New December Theme and Updates

New December Theme and Upd...
Hello Bloguru Bloggers!

We have released a new responsive theme today, called "Scenic Winter", for use on your blog. You can find the theme under the responsive tab on the admin themes page. As previously mentioned, responsive themes will only work with modern browsers that support HTML5 and CSS3.

Also we removed Bloguru category since we have enhanced the Bloguru search features.

Thank you for helping us make Bloguru better!
The Bloguru Support Team
#bloguru #maintenance #newfeature #pspinc


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