
Bloguru Support

  • ハッシュタグ「#ブログ」の検索結果5件


Bloguru Status Update 4

Since our last update, we have been notified by some of our users that there remains a few broken images on their blogs. Bloguru will thus continue the process of restoring the images.

If you have noticed some broken images on your blogs, please contact Bloguru Support by commenting on this blog post or sending us an email. This will speed up the restoration process.

Thank you for your continued patience and support,

The Bloguru Support Team


Email Posts Fixed and Status Update 3

Thank you for your continued patience and support for Bloguru.

We have fixed the problem preventing posting to your blogs via email. We are still working on the other known issues, and we hope to have them resolved soon.

Issues that have been fixed

-The new Multiple Image Uploader's lack of support for certain file types

-Download Logs fail to be downloaded: download is now functional.

-Email posts do not work.

Issues that are being prepared for following updates

-Multiple Image Uploader errors remain in English despite user settings defaulting to Japanese.

-Bloguru History listing the same month multiple times

Issues that are being worked on

-Some Bloguru sidebar calendar links broken

-Times displayed in incorrect timezones for the following: aggregator, download log, and access counter.

-Loss of image comments when simple uploader

Subjects that will undergo re-development

-Inability to change the order in which images uploaded by the multi-image uploader appear

Bloguru will re-develop the upload feature to create something that is much more user-friendly.

We will post again as the status changes.

Thank you again for your patience and support!

The Bloguru Support Team


New Skin

New Skin
Hello Bloguru Bloggers!

Our new skin this month is called Ice Cream, and it looks good enough to eat.

We have also made a fix to the font size on comments.(Except IE7)

Thank you for helping us build a better Bloguru!

-Bloguru Support Team


Bug Fix and Update

Hello Bloguru Bloggers!

We have updated Bloguru with the following fixes:

- The footer has been reformatted

- Social Map should now appear on IE7

- Fixes on Admin Home page

Thank you for your support!

-Bloguru Support Team


Social Map Bug Fixes

Hello Bloguru Bloggers!

Some users have been experiencing problems using our Social Map feature, so we have updated it to use the newest version of the Google Maps API. We have also updated our Social Map feature so that if there are multiple markers for the same address, clicking on a marker at that address will expand to show all the markers at that location.

Thank you for your support!

-Bloguru Support Team


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