
Bloguru Support



Bloguru Text Style Feature Released

Bloguru Text Style Feature Rel...

Thank you for using Bloguru.

We’re excited to announce we’ve added a new feature that will let you easily stylize the text of your blog posts.
Why not create blog posts that are easier to read, easier to convey, and more attention-grabbing?

For example, you can write the following


Notice of Enhanced Bloguru Features

Feb 1, 2023

We’re pleased to announce a new feature that lets you easily stylize text in your blog posts.
Specifically, you can now bold, italicize, underline, strikethrough, and align your text. And there’s even a new undo button.


*Please note that italics may not be displayed in some browsers.
*For users using HTML tags, enter the code after clicking on the source code button in the upper right corner.
*Please note that a post may not be displayed correctly if a new or existing post contains incomplete HTML tags in the signature.


⭐If you’ve accidentally erased your content, don't worry. You can easily undo it with the Undo button.
⭐If you’d like to use the same source code from a previous post, just easily enter and save the HTML code from the Source Code button.
⭐Emojis are still available. Go ahead and try it out 😀.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Bloguru Support.

Official Bloguru Support


Bloguru Social Share Image Feature Released

Bloguru Social Share Image Fe...
Thank you for using Bloguru.

Do you know that you can share articles posted on Bloguru on other social networking service?
For example, we have a share button in the lower left corner of the article for Facebook, and you can also paste the URL of the article to share it.

We have released a new feature for users with multiple social network services to set up a separate image when sharing posts. Please follow the steps below to use this feature.

Social Share Images
1. Log in to bloguru
2. Go to Options > Basics
3. Social Share Image > Choose File
4. Save

Note that if an image is included in a shared blog post, the image in the blog post will take precedence.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Official Bloguru Support


Bloguru System Maintenance Announcement

Bloguru System Maintenance A...
Dear Bloguru Users,

Thank you for your continued support of Bloguru.

We will be conducting a Bloguru system maintenance as scheduled below. You may experience some delay while using Bloguru for 1 minute but no downtime is expected.

* USA Pacific Daylight Time
- Apr 6th (Wed) 10:00am-10:15am

* Japan Time
- Apr 7th (Thu) 2:00am-2:15am

Details: Increase the limit of maximum allowed characters for post content from 20,000 to 40,000

We apologize for any inconvenience that might be caused.

Please contact us for any questions you have.

Official Bloguru Support
#Bloguru #Update


Update to "Email Me" Feature to display to all visitors

Update to "Email Me" Feature ...
Thank you for your continued support of Bloguru.

Previously, the "Email Me" button, if set to display, would only show to logged-in users.
We have added an option to allow the display to everyone including guest users.

If you want to show the "Email Me" button to all blog visitors, you can do so by clicking
Login > Basics > Profile > Show "Email Me" Button in Blog Sidebar.
Set to 'Display' and uncheck the option of 'Users must be logged in to Bloguru to see "Email Me" button'.

We hope you will enjoy the one-on-one communication between you and the readers.

Please contact us for any questions you have.

Official Bloguru Support
#blog #bloguru #emailme #newfeature #update


Bloguru Hashtags Updates

Bloguru Hashtags Updates
Thank you for using Bloguru.

We are pleased to announce that we have updated Bloguru's hashtags feature.

When creating a new post or editing a post, you can now find all of the hashtags you have ever used, sorted by the number of times you have used a hashtag! Your most popular hashtags will be at the top and your least used hashtags will be at the bottom.

Just click the # symbol in the "Hashtags" section of the add/edit post page and your hashtag list will appear. To add any hashtag to your post from the full list, click any of the hashtags listed and it will be automatically added to your post!

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Official Bloguru Support
#blog #bloguru #hashtag #newfeature #update


Check Out the Latest 🥇Bloguru Weekly Ranking!

Check Out the L... Check Out the L...
Thank you for using Bloguru.

We are pleased to announce that we have released Bloguru's weekly user ranking.

From the homepage, you can check the top 3 users ranked by points/posts/views/comments. Just click 'View Full Ranking' if you are eager to find out who the top 100 users are! Ranking for past months is also available by toggling the dates.

Find someone interesting and would like to become Bloguru Buddy? If you are already logged in, simply click the button to send a Bloguru Buddy request while checking the ranking page.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Official Bloguru Support
#Bloguru #NewFeature #Ranking #Top3 #Top100 #UserRanking


Updates to Latest Buddy Posts

Updates to Latest Buddy Posts
Thank you for your continued support of Bloguru.

Following the previous update to the home page that let's you filter your buddies posts by date and username,
We've updated the functionality of the username filter. Now when you use the username filter for the first time, the tags will be closed by default making it easier for you to choose which buddies' posts you want to check out. When you are done looking at all the new posts, we've added a close all button to close all the username tags you've opened.

Please take this opportunity to try it out.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Bloguru Support.

Official Bloguru Support


Latest Buddy Posts

Latest Buddy Posts
Thank you for your continued support of Bloguru.

Following last week's update to the home page that enables you to view a list of your fellow bloggers' posts
We've also added a new feature that allows you to filter by post date and username.

Please take this opportunity to try it out.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Bloguru Support.

Official Bloguru Support


Buddies Feed On Homepage

Buddies Feed On Homepage
Thank you for using Bloguru.

We are pleased to announce a new toggle on the homepage you can use to view your buddy feed.

When you log in, and navigate to the homepage, at the top, you will now see a toggle to switch between being able to explore Bloguru, and seeing your buddies feed. If you click this toggle, you will see a list of your buddies posts!

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Official Bloguru Support
#bloguru #buddies


Inactive Accounts Without Posting for a Year Have Been Deleted

Inactive Accounts Without Posti...
Thank you for using Bloguru.

For inactive Bloguru accounts without posting for one year after our last email reminder, we have deleted those accounts. We highly recommend all users to post at least once a year to keep your account active.

We hope you enjoy using Bloguru as always.

Please contact us for any questions you have.

Official Bloguru Support


  • ブログルメンバーの方は下記のページからログインをお願いいたします。
  • まだブログルのメンバーでない方は下記のページから登録をお願いいたします。