今日の食事 3月5日水曜日
Today's meals included bagels from Panera Bread, which my wife bought yesterday. I had them for both breakfast and lunch—actually, I just ate the leftovers from breakfast for lunch. For dinner, I had cream croquettes, which my wife cooked in the air fryer. They were so hot that I almost burned my mouth.
Although I no longer need to strictly monitor my salt intake, I still don’t feel like eating overly salty foods.
Tomorrow, I have a hospital visit for a checkup and a pneumonia prevention inhalation treatment. I have a meeting at 11:30 AM, followed by an hour-long inhalation session starting at 2:30 PM. That means I’ll finish around 3:30 PM and won’t get home until after 4:00 PM. It’s going to be a long day. Until this week, I had to go to the hospital twice a week, but starting next week, it will be reduced to once a week.
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