- ハッシュタグ「#uchikuraco」の検索結果1989件
Bloguru is the only blog with NO ADVERTISEMENT.
Dessert and Sweets Section
No Picture Yet
We are working very hard to get our new http://www.japanese-online.com ready.
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Here are for updates that we have release this week.
(1) Bumper Audio is added and played at the end of free audio uploads.
(2) Now the QR Code is much more simpler so it can be printed in less that 1/2" square.
(3) New you can swap audio without changing the embed code nor QR Code.
(4) Custom player image ... You can upload your custom image as your player button.
The Language Section is complete ... We are now moving on to the Culture section.
Managers must make decision based on incomplete information. You always wish if you had known what you know now ... Well, we all wish for that but you will never get it.
Bloguru is the only total advertisement free Blog service you can sign up for free. This site eliminates any adult materials and questionable posting. It is the only 100% safe blog place for your business and organization.
Sign up or free at https://www.bloguru.com
Because it is an online service, it does not mean you have delivery service always online. Packaging is I think is stall a valid business model.
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