- ハッシュタグ「#uchikuraco」の検索結果1989件
Check out those deals.
NFC Tags
Reader/ Write
It did not work!
I wanted to test NFC Tags (RFID Tags) for future development. If I has Android, it would have been easier but I am a iPhone user. So, I needed to purchase TAG Reader/Writer ... I got one today. It came with SDK but no easy software. I has=d to return it. It needs to be much easier.
Look what we have found today.
We are making products ready soon.
We are looking for users and resellers.
Use Kiroboto to promote your sale.
We are in the beta-testing stage of our new product called "Opinion Stand".
If you are interested in becoming a user or reseller, please let mw know.
I created a website to leave my message to Pompom in heaven.
You can do this as well.
Today the usage reached 6,600 times. Wow.
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