- ハッシュタグ「#pspinc」の検索結果1621件
I saw this sign ... I wish ...
I want to live like there is no regrets.
There are too many things that I regret ... But I will try my best to overcome all my regrets. I can at least try!!!
Who in the right mind will start the new car company in the US back in 2003?
Well, if you think it like that TESLA would not have been born.
It is very inspired. Always think something new.
There are so many commercials on YouTube videos that makes YouTube very inappropriate for companies and non-profit. YouTube is design for YouTubers who are making money by displaying commercials.
We need a video system that is design for businesses. I am planning to develop the way for this Bloguru to upload and display commercial free videos. But unlike Bloguru itself, I think this service will not be free for bigger videos.
Bloguru に有料でコマーシャルなしのビデオをアップロードするサービスを考えています。皆さんにご興味はありあすか? ご意見をお聞かせください。
How is the world software company like PSPinc make Linux PC more user friendly and easy to use? That is what we are brain storming right now. I want to be able to release Linux PC by the end of summer.
1908 National Cash Register
It still works!!!
Every item you see in the world were one time technologically most advanced item at that time. Technology advancement is fast, unless you keep inventing, what you have is going to obsolete in few years.
If you have an idea ... you must invest your time, resource and effort into it. Otherwise, someone else will do the same and you will be left thinking "Why didn't I do it?"
I am always working on something new. Right now, I am working on Kiroboto.com and Bento Box Linux PC.
Old School Linux
I am working on Linux PC to be sold with our Internet services. Yes, I am working to develop a hardware (software) for sale.
When you hear Linux ... you think of the screen like above. I thought so too. But today's linux is way more user friendly. As I use more, I wonder why I need to use Mac or Windows.
I will keep you posted on the progress.
Back in 2012 ... Apple Closed MobileMe Service
Progress sometimes include shutting down the services.
When there is a problem, people often say "we did not do anything."
Isn't it funny that people think when there is a problem, there is someone caused that problem. Isn't it possible that problem happened because people did no do anything.
People think nothing will happen when you do not do anything. That is the reason why people are so afraid of changes. Look at the companies that did not do anything for last 20 years (since the beginning of Internet). They are not doing well, are they? The problem was "They did not do anything."
Although Internet his everywhere, Internet is still growing. What are you doing about it?
You need to tel me whether you want White or Red.
Let us give you a website development estimate, we will give you a wireless mouse just for contacting us.
Contact me, Ken Uchikura, by clicking on the link ... Email Me Directly / No Sales Person will Respond.
There is no obligation ... You get a free mouse.
As a giveaway, a high-quality wireless mouse with your company logo, how much would you pay?
If you say $5.00 ... That is a very good price you will find on the Internet. But IU did not pay pay that for the mouse you see above. If you are interested in a memorable gift that people will alway use, please contact me. I wil help you by directly from the manufacturer in China with no risk.
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