

  • ハッシュタグ「#pspinc」の検索結果1621件

Credit Card Processing

Credit Card Processing
As a next step to Kiroboto development, we need to be able to process credit cards. By the recommendation of PSPinc, I have apply for Braintree Payment ... Let's see how it goes.

#kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Not Secure

Not Secure
If you see the sign like this on your website, that means your website is not communicating using secure socket layer or SSL for short.

What is that mean?

(1) The user is receiving and sending unencrypted text.
(2) The site is not verified by no third-party.
(3) Google will not rank your site high any more.

For those reasons you could add SSL to your website.
For more information, please contact PSPinc at 1-800-232-3989 or email info@pspinc.com

PS: Did you notice, Bloguru (where you are right now) is running under SSL.
#Bloguru #PSPinc #kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #postinheaven #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Not Secure

Not Secure
If you see the sign like this on your website, that means your website is not communicating using secure socket layer or SSL for short.

What is that mean?

(1) The user is receiving and sending unencrypted text.
(2) The site is not verified by no third-party.
(3) Google will not rank your site high any more.

For those reasons you could add SSL to your website.
For more information, please contact PSPinc at 1-800-232-3989 or email info@pspinc.com

PS: Did you notice, Bloguru (where you are right now) is running under SSL.
#Bloguru #PSPinc #kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #postinheaven #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


My Design

My Design
If you let your customers design ... what is the point of employing smart people. Customers should tell you what they want to accomplish, you figure out how you get there.
#kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Do you know what customers want?

Do you know what customers...
In many times, people start asking questions about "HOW" instead of clearly understanding "WHAT" customers want. It is not customers' responsibility to know HOW to get there ... That is your job. But you cannot do your job without knowing (1) understanding WHAT and (2) smart enough to know HOW.
#kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


It complies like to come to Seattle ...

It complies like to come to Seat...
I believe many young engineers (college graduates) would like to work in the very socialistic environment. That matches west coasts of the Unite States. But the cost of living in the bay areas makes it difficult for the companies to afford engineers there. For that reason, many high-tech companies are looking at Seattle as an alternative.
#kiroboto #marketing #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


If You're Not Growing You're Dying.

Alway Look Ahead!!! Alway Look Ahead!!!
I have heard the term "If You're Not Growing You're Dying." ... That is true. But I will take it little farther by saying "If You're Not Growing, Kill It." There is no reason to waste your time, effort and resources to the projects that you are not growing.
#bentoboxlinuxpc #kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #postinheaven #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


The Most Popular Vehicle in the World.

This is non-USA... This is non-USA model.
I wonder what the US model looks like.

The Most Popular Vehicle in t... The Most Popular Vehicle in t... The Most Popular Vehicle in t... The Most Popular Vehicle in t... The Most Popular Vehicle in t... The Most Popular Vehicle in t... I want one. ほしい... I want one.
Do you know what is the most popular vehicle in the world is Honda Super Cab.
The Honda Super Cub alone has sold more than 87 million units since its production started in 1958.

It looks like Super Cab is finally coming back to the USA.

世界でも最も販売台数が多い乗り物は、本田技研工業のスーパーカブということをご存知ですか? 1958年(私が生まれる1年前)から今までに8700万台が製造販売されています。すごい数字ですよね。そのスーパーカブ、アメリカでは販売が停止されていたのですが、来年モデルからアメリカでの販売が開始されるようです。

#bentoboxlinuxpc #kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #postinheaven #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Data Line Switch Completed!!!

Data Line Switch Completed!!!
We have replaced Internet data lines this morning making them much faster.

Here is what we have announced.

We are happy to announce that we have completed our work at the data center this Saturday. Today was a continuation of our data center move that we have been in the midst of since early this year. We appreciate all your patience as we continue to upgrade and maintain our data center to better serve you, our customers.


Cherries from Washington

Cherries from Washington
It has became a traction to send the gift of cherries from Washington State to our clients and friends in Japan this time of the year.
#kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


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