
Otto's blog


God`s Samurai

God`s Samurai
I just finished reading this book about Mitsuo Fuchida, lead pilot in the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbour. After the war he became a Christian and travelled the world telling his story, and encouraging people to accept Christ. It`s a fascinating (= very interesting) and inspiring story. 
English Language Point
日本語発音: イエス キリスト 
英語発音: ジーザス クライスト
注意: 外国人の誰かはビックリとか時に「ジーザス!」か「 クライスト!」か「ジーザス クライスト!」と言う けど 実際は駄目です。良くないです。


Tahoutou Pagoda, Inazawa

Tahoutou Pagoda, Inazawa
While walking in Inazawa, I passed a temple complex. The main temple is called Mantokuji, but the pagoda is called Tahoutou. It was built during the Muromachi period (1336 - 1573). Pretty old! I did a sketch of it in my goshuin 御朱印 book. While I was sketching, an old couple walked past and greeted me, but I didn`t see anyone else. It`s a very peaceful & scenic place.
English Language Point:
- While __ing... OK
- While + 主語 + was/were + __ing...  OK
- During __ing... WRONG
- During + 主語 + was/were + __ing...  WRONG
- During + 名詞...  OK
#アウトドア #アート #旅行


Marvellous Marble

Marvellous Marble
While taking a walk in Inazawa, I found this cool old marble. According to a Youtuber, this kind of marble is about 70 years old.  
English Language Point;
According to __= __に依ると


Lada Niva 1600

Lada Niva 1600
Russian cars are rare in Japan, so I was pretty surprised to see this one in Ibigawa.
I have a joke for you:
Question: Why do Lada workers make mistakes? 
Answer: Because they`re rushin`. (rushin` = rushing = 急行. ‘rushin’ と ‘Russian’は似ている)
English Language Point:


Arichanna gaschkevitchii (ヒョウモンエダシャク)

Arichanna gasch...
I saw this pretty* moth while I was hiking in a forest in Ibigawa. Although the internet says it`s pretty** common, it was the first time I`d seen one. It`s pretty** colourful for a moth, isn`t it?
English Language Point:
* pretty (+ 名詞) = きれい, かわいい
** pretty (+ 形容詞) = かなり, けっこう
#動物 #虫


Old Oldsmobile

Old Oldsmobile
I came across these cars in Ichinomiya:
1966 Oldsmobile Delta 88
1971 Chevrolet C10 Pickup. 
Nowadays a lot of American pickups are huge. Maybe that`s why some Americans refer to a pickup as a 'truck'. But in Australia, a truck is a トラック. And in Australia, we call a pickup, for example a Toyota Hilux, a 'ute' (short for 'utility vehicle'). 


Tokoname Toilet

Tokoname Toilet
Tokoname is a city in Aichi, near Chubu Airport. It`s famous for ceramics. However, I couldn`t find any information online about a company called Tokoname. Sorry.
Also, sorry for posting about squat toilets twice in a row. lol
English Language Point:
- row = 列
- in a row = 続けて, 陸続 
- lol = Laugh Out Loud = (笑)


Yamahiro Seito Squat Toilet

Yamahiro Seito Squat Toilet
I`ve never seen this logo before. Actually, I`ve never paid attention to squat toilet logos before. One reason is the position; normally when you use a squat toilet, you can`t see this part of the toilet, right?
According to a blog* about toilets in Aichi Prefecture (nice hobby! lol), the Yamahiro Ceramic Company was founded in 1925 in Seto City, and was still around in 1974, but may not exist anymore.
English Language Point:
- I`ve never... = I`ve never...before (私は。。。したことがない)


Fukusho Temple Woodblock Print

Fukusho Temple Woodblock Print
I started this woodblock print 10 years ago. Finally I finished it. I printed and painted several copies. I gave one copy* to my parents, one to my first brother, and one to the head nun at the temple. She was surprised and happy. 
English Language Point:
- copy (動詞) = 写し,写す, 倣う
- *copy (名詞) = 複写, 枚


Sunglasses for Buddha

Sunglasses for Buddha
When my son and I were in Komaki, we tried to recreate a funny photo we had seen online. It was tricky. I had to stand on 2 cinder blocks, next to a grave, holding my smartphone above my head. Maybe some drivers were watching me. My son said, "Dad, please hurry up..." lol
English Language Point:
cinder block/concrete block =コンクリート建築ブロック
レンガ = brick (レンガは英語ではないです)


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