Do you know the dish 'Tom Yum Goong'? 'Goong' means 'shrimp' in Thai. However, I don`t like* shrimp, so when I lived in Thailand, I asked restaurant cooks to use 'gai' (chicken) instead of 'goong'. This is an unusual request in Thailand. However, I found this 'Tom Yum Gai' packet curry in the supermarket, so maybe a lot of people are like** me, and prefer chicken to shrimp.
* (don`t) like __ = _が好き(ではない)
** am/are/is (not) like __ = _のように(_のようではない)
I found a stock cube with a heart mark on it. Maybe it`s a sign (気配) that my stocks will do well this year. Or maybe there will be a stock market crash and I will have a heart attack (心臓発作).
I hope it`s the former (前者), not the latter (後者).
stock cube = 固形スープの素
stocks = 株式
stock market = 株式市場
A student gave this to me. Her friend in Kagoshima sent it to her. Do you know what it is? It`s about the size of a billiard ball, and it smells like passionfruit. My kids` guesses were: lemon, mango, pineapple, and lychee, but they were all wrong. The answer is below, in comments.
- send = 送る (例えば郵便で)
- give = あげる, くれる, 渡す
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- まだブログルのメンバーでない方は下記のページから登録をお願いいたします。