Do you like horses? How about horse? I tried it last night at スシロー. Yes - horse sushi! I saw it on the menu and thought, "Why not?" (ま、いいんじゃない?) It was a little tough (硬い), but it tasted okay. Have you ever eaten horse? No? Why not (なんでしないの)?
- I like frogS. Do you like frogS? Yes, THEY are cute.
- I like frog. Do you like frog? Yes, IT tastes like chicken.
At this restaurant in Ichinomiya, you can eat your meal inside this London double-decker bus. You can choose upstairs or downstairs. It`s interesting, isn`t it? Of course my kids loved it. Geeky dad enjoyed it too.
This is their website:
- In English, 'London' is usually pronounced ランダン or ランデン (not ロンドン )
While looking at dinosaurs in Yanagase in Gifu (, I noticed (見かける) a new Okinawan-theme restaurant. We decided to have lunch there. I ordered Okinawan-style `souki soba` noodles. It was delicious. I decided not to drink Orion beer. I noticed they had root beer, so I ordered that instead (代わりに).
Sorry, I don`t remember the name of the restaurant, but if you look for it in Yanagase, or ask somebody there, I`m sure you can find it.
- decide [not] to 動詞 = 動詞[ない]ことにしました
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