Australia finally qualified for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar by beating Peru this morning. Where is Qatar? Who knows? Anyway, I`m looking forward to November.
“Who knows?” = 誰も知りません、知っている人がいるの?
“Who cares?” = 誰も気にしない、気にする人がいるの?
Did you watch the soccer last night? Japan lost 0-1 to Brazil. I`m disappointed (がっくり), but Brazil are strong, so I guess it`s not so bad. It could have been worse.
- "lost" にはいくつかの意味があります。例えば "I lost" = 負けた, "I`m lost" = 道に迷った, "I lost my umbrella" = 傘を無くした
photo credit:
Have you been watching the Olympics? Japan has been performing well in various events such as softball, soccer, and table-tennis. I especially enjoyed the table-tennis mixed doubles final. Of course I was pleased that Japan got the gold medal. Have you ever been awarded a gold medal? I got one for swimming when I was in elementary school.
- Have you been ___ing = __していましたか
- Have you (ever) been + 過去分詞 = ___された事はありますか (受動態)
- WRONG: 'Have you been watched the Olympics?'
I went to see F.C.Gifu on Sunday. Because Sunday was Children`s Day, before the game they showed childhood photos of each F.C.Gifu team member on the big screen (the member above is the goalkeeper, Jan-Ole Sievers, who is from Germany.) It was kind of funny.
The final score was 2:1. Gifu won! Because of that, I went home in a good mood ...finally.
- "Because + 文節, 文節"
- "Because of + 名詞 / 名詞句, 文節"
I went to see F.C.Gifu on Sunday. If they`d won, they would`ve gone to #14 in the J2 League table. But they lost. They lost badly. They missed a PK. And one Gifu player got a red card. Now their league position is #21.
Oh, and it rained.
I should`ve stayed home.
- "Would`ve" と "should`ve" の発音は "would of" と "should of" と似ている。 書く時に、ネイティブもたまに間違える事があります!
Tera-chan asks Teragoya Otto about the 2019 Australian Open:
T: Did you watch the tennis on Saturday?
O: Yes, I did.
T: Who won?
O: Naomi Osaka won.
T: Who did she beat?
O: She beat a Czech player called Petra Kvitova
T: Where did you watch it?
O: I watched it at Marquee Australian Bar in Gifu
T: Did you drink beer while you watched it?
O: Of course.
T: Who paid for your beer?
O: Me, of course! Why?
T: I heard that you sometimes try to get other people to pay for your beer...
O: What? Who told you that?!
T: Oh, I forget. Bye...!
- Who + 動詞...? = 誰が動詞(する / した)…?
- Who + did + 誰か + 動詞...? = 誰かが誰に/を動詞(した)…?
I`m disappointed that Australia failed to reach the next round of the World Cup, but I`m sure German fans are even more disappointed by their national team`s failure. Wow - what a surprise!
Tonight I`ll watch Japan play Poland. I hope Japan wins.
- fail + 名詞 = 落ちる
- fail to + 動詞 = しそこなう
- failure = 失敗、故障、不成功
Tonight, Australia will play Peru in the World Cup. I hope Australia wins. I hope Tim Cahill plays, and of course I hope he scores. I just wish he were younger... he`s 38 now. I also wish Australia had some of the big-name players that countries like France have. Well, let`s see what happens.
- I wish + 過去形動詞 (about now or future, something NOT true/possible)
- I hope + 現在形動詞 (about now or future, something POSSIBLE)
- "I wish Australia wins/will win" - WRONG
I finished work at 10pm, then went straight to Marquee Australian Bar in Gifu. I got (= arrived) there just in time for the second half of the Colombia-Japan game. I got (= bought) a beer then talked about the first half with a customer. She said a Colombian player got shown (= was shown, 出された/見せられた) a red card. Of course when Japan scored their second goal, the bar got (= became) pretty noisy. At full time, I got (= received) a free glass of champagne. Thanks, Chris!
- As you can see, 'get' has many meanings.
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