
Otto's blog

  • ハッシュタグ「#動物」の検索結果77件

Arichanna gaschkevitchii (ヒョウモンエダシャク)

Arichanna gasch...
I saw this pretty* moth while I was hiking in a forest in Ibigawa. Although the internet says it`s pretty** common, it was the first time I`d seen one. It`s pretty** colourful for a moth, isn`t it?
English Language Point:
* pretty (+ 名詞) = きれい, かわいい
** pretty (+ 形容詞) = かなり, けっこう
#動物 #虫


Frog Blog

Frog Blog
My kids said they wanted to catch some frogs, so I said okay. However, they caught too many, so I told them to release a few.

What do you think of frogs? I don`t mind them, but my colleague said she hates them. She said when she was young , she came home and there was a frog on the door, so she couldn`t open it, so she rang the doorbell until her mum came, and she told her mum to open the door. lol.

say/said + 単語 / 文章 (= 言う)
tell/told + 誰かに + 単語 / 文章 (= 教える)
tell/told + 誰かに + to 動詞 (= 頼む)


Happy Hopper

Happy Hopper
I have lots of Japanese Rice Fish (メダカ), and a few goldfish, which I keep in several fish tanks (水槽) outside. The last couple of nights, I`ve been hearing a frog there. Today I spent a couple of minutes looking for it, and found it on the edge of a tank. Haha – he seems to be smiling. I hope that means he`s happy.

a couple of ___ = 2 or 3
a few ___s = 3/4/5
several ___s = 4/5/6/7
lots of ___(s) = many


Chicken Dinner

Chicken Dinner
In summer I catch crayfish (ザリガニ) near my house and feed them to my pet chicken. She loves them. In some countries such as Sweden, Finland, & France, people eat crayfish, but most Japanese aren`t prepared to eat them. Why not? もったいない! What a waste! How about you? Would you be prepared to eat one?

prepare + 名詞 (object) e.g. 'Prepare clothes'
prepare for + 名詞 (event) e.g. 'Prepare for an interview`
prepare to + 動詞 (future action) e.g. 'Prepare to meet the boss'
be prepared to + 動詞 (action you are willing to do) e.g. 'I`m prepared to give a discount'


Shall we Eat Shells?

Shall we Eat Shells?
I found this unusual pasta at a Liquor Mountain store. I`ve seen small shell-shaped pasta before, but not large ones like this. I asked my kids*, "Shall we try them?" and they said, "Yeh!!!"

As you can see, they are similar in size & appearance to golden apple snails (スクミリンゴガイ), which are common in waterways around here.

* Yes, I took my 3 kids to Liquor Mountain with me. Am I a bad father...?

- 'shell' と 'shall' は同じ発音です
#グルメ #動物


Baby Red-eared Sliders

Baby Red-eared Sliders
I took my kids to a nearby creek (small river) to look for turtles. We took nets, gloves, & containers. We found three baby red-eared sliders (アカミミガメ), which we brought home & put in a fish tank.

- take (took) + 誰か + 何処か = 連れて行く
- take (took) + 物 + 何処か = 持っていく


Carpenter Bee

Carpenter Bee
Do you like The Carpenters? How about carpenter bees? I found this one pollinating my lime tree. I hope the chickens don`t eat it.

pollen = 花粉
pollinate = 受粉する
花粉症 (pollen allergy) = hayfever
#動物 #昆虫 #虫


Fish Tank Cleaning Tool

Fish Tank Cleaning Tool
I found this interesting item in a 100yen store (although it cost 200yen). It`s a 2-piece magnetic tool for cleaning the inside of a fish tank, so you don`t have to put your hand inside the tank. Pretty clever! And pretty effective, as you can see.

- fish tank = 水槽
- septic tank = 浄化槽
- 満タン = full tank


Fly Away, Butterfly

Fly Away, Butterfly
Last summer I found a chrysalis & kept it ...& kept it ...& kept it, all winter. I wondered if it was okay... Finally, this week a common swallowtail butterfly came out. After a while drying in the sun, it flew off. Bye bye, butterfly!

- birds, butterflies etc: fly off/away
- people, legged animals, etc.: run off/away
- fish, mermaids, etc.: swim off/away
#動物 #昆虫 #虫


DIY Fish Viewer

DIY Fish Viewer

I made a fish-viewing box from a sheet of clear perspex (クリアアクリル), which I bought at a hardware store (about ¥200 for A3 size). To bend it, I used a blow torch. Next I used a glue gun to attach the side pieces. Finally I tested it using my pet loach (どじょう ).

I`m looking forward to using it with tropical fish when I visit Miyakojima. Please check my blog next week to see what I caught!

- To 動詞... I 動詞... = I 動詞... to 動詞...
- To 動詞...please 動詞... = Please 動詞... to 動詞...


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