These are some road signs I saw on the way to Fukui. The first one is a bear. The second is a wild boar. The third one is a たぬき. Do you know what たぬき is in English? You don`t, do you? Don`t worry - not many people do. In English, it`s called a `racoon-dog`. We don`t have them in Australia. Have you ever seen one?
Despite (つつも) all the signs, I didn`t see any of these animals last weekend. I was a bit disappointed (がっかり ).
On the weekend I went to Ibuki Mountain. I didn`t see many butterflies, which was a little disappointing, but I found this jewel beetle (jewel = ほうぎょく). There are many different kinds of jewel beetle in the world. This kind is called Chrysochroa fulgidissima or Tamamushi (玉虫) in Japanese. Have you ever seen one? This is the first one I`ve ever seen. It`s beautiful, isn`t it?
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