My daughter found this small glass boat under a tree near the park. On the bottom, it says '大阪ラムネ (Osaka Ramune), so I guess it contained ラムネ candy, but I`ve never seen this kind of container before. How about you? Have you ever seen a glass ラムネ boat like this? This is all I could find on the internet:
Maybe it`s rare...? Well done, my daughter!
- this kind of ___ = ___ like this = こんな ___
- 'ラムネ' comes from the English word 'lemonade'
I gave each of my kids a model airplane to make during their summer holidays. I let them choose their own colour schemes.
The one on the right is German, the other two are Japanese. What do you think? Which one do you like best?
- scheme: 「スキーム」 (「シェーマ」 is German)
- theme: 「THィーム」 theme park: 「THィームパーク 」(「テーマ」is German)
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