Because of Covid-19*, we haven`t received postcards for a while. However, I made a display frame for the ones we already have. I made it because** I want students to feel motivated to study English, in preparation for the time when we can all travel abroad again. I hope it`s soon.
Because** they are hanging, you can turn them easily to read the messages on the back. Please check them out!
* 'Because of ' + 名詞,
** 'Because' + 文章
I bought this figure of Gomora ゴモラ for my coll... I mean* my son`s collection. Of course I checked that it was made in Japan, not China. What does 'Gomora' mean**? Well, the Bible (聖書) mentions a city called Gomorrah. It was full of evil people, so God destroyed it. So I guess ゴモラ is a suitable name for an enemy of Ultraman, right?
- * "A...I mean B" = "A...じゃなくって...B" (間違ったことを言って、(言い直しをしたい時に) 正しい言葉に言い換える時に役立つ言い回し)
- ** 意味
I have a lot of old fishing floats. I put the nicest ones in a display case in my classroom*, but I still had a lot left over (残り). So I made another display case. Actually, I didn`t find one of the floats in this case. I made it myself, from a champagne cork. Can you find it?
- Champagne シャンパン is pronounced シャンぺーン in English (it sounds like campaign キャンペーン)
I made two Christmas wreaths. Wanna buy one? The one on the left is ¥1500. The big one is ¥2000. I have another one at home, but it`s not for sale.
By the way, I used the seedpods that I found at Lake Biwa ( ) in the big wreath. Can you see them?
the + 形容詞 + one
the + one + 前置詞
The limes on my lime tree were turning yellow, so before I left* for work today, I harvested them. As you can see in the photo on the left**, I got a trayful. I didn`t pick all of them, though. I left*** a few small ones on the tree - maybe they will grow a little more. I took the photo on the right a few weeks ago - fortunately this guy wasn`t in the tree today.
- * leave (= 出る) --> left [過去形]
- **left = 左
- *** leave (残す) --> left [過去形]
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