
Otto's blog


My trip to Kagoshima

My trip to Kagoshima
For Golden Week I went to Kagoshima, in Kyushu, to visit my wife`s mum`s hometown. It was up in the hills and pretty remote. There were lots of green fields, trees and mountains - very nice, scenic and natural. Unfortunately there were also a lot of snakes - I saw six in four days! Even though Australia has lots of dangerous snakes, I hardly ever see any, but I`ve seen quite a lot in Japan. If Australian snakes played hide-and-seek (kakurenbo) with Japanese snakes, I think Australian snakes would win.

After Kagoshima, we went to Nagasaki. I`ll tell you about it in my next blog!

Have you ever been to Kagoshima? If so, why? Do you have a snake fetish or something?


First Blog!!

First Blog!!
Hello. This is Otto from Teragoya`s Ichinomiya branch. Welcome to my first ever blog! I hope you`ll find something to interest you here. I will use English, but I will try to use pretty easy English so if you are Japanese or New Zealander, don`t worry - I`m sure you can understand! If you don`t, please send me a comment and I`ll try to help.
Also, you can send me a comment to answer questions that I include in my blog. If you want to practise communicating in English, this is your chance! Don`t worry about mistakes, just write what you think and enjoy thinking and writing in English. I`m looking forward to hearing your comments - really!
By the way, this photo is of Yuko, Nikko, Eriko, Rose and I celebrating Eriko`s birthday.
What kind of cake do you like? I like cakes with not many candles on top. Unfortunately I haven`t received one for a long time...


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