
Otto's blog


Teragoya Fan Winner

Teragoya Fan Winner
Congratulations to Saturday Ichinomiya Teragoya student, Michiko - you`ve won a fabulous Teragoya fan!

I chose you as the winner because your comment was:
- interesting
- funny
- positive
- well-worded
- the only one

Well done! I hope you enjoy using it.


For A Few Dollars More

For A Few Dollars More
No, this is not a post about doing overtime (zangyo). "For a Few Dollars More" is the title of another Clint Eastwood western, which I watched last night. I thought it was a good excuse to put another picture of Clint Eastwood in his heyday (=most popular & successful period) on my blog.

Here`s a clip from it.

His partner in this movie really reminds me of my teacher when I was 11, Mr.Blakely. But Mr Blakely used to wear shorts & long socks to school. I don`t think that would suit this actor`s character in this movie.


Pumpkin pudding

Pumpkin pudding
Thanks Makie for your delicious pumpkin pudding.

It reminded me of an unusual dessert I sometimes used to buy when I caught the long-distance, overnight train in Thailand. Ah... that brings back memories (=natsukashi).
#グルメ #バー #レストラン


Music You Might Like - The Shins

Music You Might Like - The Sh...
This is "New Slang" (2007) by American band The Shins.

Sample Lyrics (=song`s words):
Turn me back into the pet that i was when we met.

Other Shins songs you might like: "Turn on Me" and "Pink Bullets"


Pet Bottle Crayfish Trap

Pet Bottle Crayfish Trap
At Kawashima Water Eco Park, I found out how to make a crayfish (zarigani) trap using a plastic pet bottle. I really wanted to see if it would work, so last week I made one & put it in the creek near my house.

As you can see, it worked pretty well!

If you make one, please let me know what you catch. And if your wife tells you it`s a stupid hobby for an adult, please ignore her. She`s probably just envious.

[click on the picture to zoom]


Anpan Man Show

Anpan Man Show
On Sunday we took Owen to see a free `Anpan Man` show at Leaf Walk shopping centre. Wow - I`ve never seen so many small kids in one place! And just to see some people with decorated beachballs on their heads.

We arrived about 25 minutes before the scheduled start time of 11am, but it was already packed (= very crowded).

So we gave up and went and had an early lunch instead. But we came back later so Owen could see the characters. He was pretty excited - he likes Anpan Man. Well, all Japanese kids like Anpan Man, right?

Did you like Anpan Man when you were a kid? Did you have any Anpan Man toys?

(If you are not from planet Japan & don`t know who Anpan Man & friends are, this clip will give you an idea)


Music You Might Like - Ryan Adams

Music You Might Like - Ryan ...
This is a new running feature on my blog. I hope you like it.

I like various kinds of music, and you probably wouldn`t like a lot of it (Gifu teacher Henriette, for example, was disgusted to find me listening to "Light rock & easy listening 70s hits" once on internet radio). However, I will choose songs I think you might like.

Remember, if you`re studying English, listening to English language songs is an interesting way to learn new vocabulary (=words) and improve your listening skills.

This song is "Two" (2007) by American singer Ryan Adams (not Bryan Adams).

Sample Lyrics:
It takes two and it used to take only one

Another Ryan Adams song you might like: "This House is Not For Sale"

Let me know what you think in comments. And if you want to read the full song lyrics, just do a google search - easy!


Australian Federal Election 2010 Result

Australian Federal Election 201...
The recent federal (=national) election in Australia was REALLY close, & the 2 main parties needed to get `greens` & `independents` (no party) members to join them to be the winner. Anyway, the greens & most of the independents chose Julia Gillard`s party, so she is (still) Australia`s Prime Minister - congratulations!

But I think she will have a hard time keeping all her new `friends` happy. I think we will have another federal election before too long.


Japanese hiking fashion

Japanese hiking fashion
I forgot to include this photo of 3 young guys we met at the top of Gozaisho Mountain. What do you think of their fashion? I think it`s pretty funny. Especially as I think they came up by the ropeway...

To be honest, when I was a teenager I sometimes dressed like this, but this is because:
1. I didn`t have any money
2. I didn`t have any friends
3. I didn`t have any fashion sense, &
4. it was the 80`s (NOBODY had any fashion sense)

But these guys all said hello to us as they passed. Japanese hikers are very polite.

If you`re feeling lonely, I recommend hiking in Japan; lots of people will say hello to you.



Gozaisho Mountain Hiking

Gozaisho Mountain Hiking
An Imaginary Conversation with Jack Bauer from the TV series `24`:

Jack: How`s it going Otto?
Me: Alright
J: You sure? You`re walking a bit strangely - do your legs hurt or something?
Me: Yeh, I went hiking with my wife`s brother-in-law on Saturday - a place called Gozaisho Mountain in Mie Prefecture.
J: A tough climb?
Me: Kind of. It`s 1212 metres high, and I`m not in very good shape (=condition) nowadays. And we`re no spring chickens (=young) anymore, you & me, Jack.
J: Haha, yeh, I know... Did you see any animals?
Me: Not really; just insects - butterflies, dragonflies... stuff like that. But I saw a lot of interesting plants, & the view from the top was pretty impressive.
J: Nice. Was it hot?
Me: Not so bad actually. And I had my fashionable but effective TERAGOYA FAN to keep me cool.
J: Oh! I want one of them! They`re sweet!
Me: Well, Jack, just leave a comment on my website, & you could win one for free.
J: Okay - I`ll do that! Hey - did you say 1212 metres?
Me: Yeh, why?
J: 12 plus 12 equals... 24!
Me: Oh yeh - hahaha!
J: Hahaha!

The end


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