
Otto's blog


Cleaned & Greened

Cleaned & Greened
My second son needs a new bicycle. Instead of (代わりに) buying a new one, I repaired & repainted an old bike which we already had. Of course I chose his favourite colour, bright green for the frame. I removed the basket, which was faded, and replaced the brake cable, which was stuck (つかえていた). Finally, it was finished. He said he really liked it, & wanted to ride it straight away (= right away = immediately = 直ちに) so I`m happy.

When talking about the parts or features of an item (e.g. bicycle, car, computer, etc) use 'the' for each part.
e.g. The lens on my camera is dirty. While parking my car, I damaged the rear bumper.


Pentax Spotmatic SP - First Roll of Photos

Pentax Spotmatic SP - First Ro...
A while ago I bought an old Pentax film camera on ヤフオク. https://en.bloguru.com/otto/415668/pentax-spotmatic-sp
Finally, I finished a roll of film & got it developed* (現像). Yay, my camera works (動く)!

I`m pretty happy with the results, but I think I have to clean inside the main lens. That`s difficult, but one of my students knows how to do it. I will get him to* help me.

* 'get + 目的語 + 過去分詞 (+誰かに)'
* 'get* + 誰か + to 動詞’ [*ask/tellもOKです]


Autumn Adventure: Day 4 - Final Float Frenzy

Autumn Adventure: Day 4 - Fin...
I spent the final* morning of my autumn adventure beachcombing. I had only found 2 old floats the previous day, so I was disappointed. However, finally**, I could find a lot of nice ones on Wakasa-Wada Beach. I will use them to update my display case collection: https://en.bloguru.com/otto/395057/new-fishing-float-display-case

After returning to my tent, I packed up, rode to the station, packed up my bike, and finally***, caught a train back home.

I enjoyed my 2021 autumn adventure.

* final = 最後の
** finally = やっと
*** finally = 最後に


Autumn Adventure: Day 3 - Trendy Tango Train

Autumn Adventure: Day 3 - Tr...
When I saw my single-carriage (ワンマン) train at Tango-Yuri Station, I thought, " Oh, it looks nice." Then I got on & I was even more impressed - inside it looked like a 5-star hotel lobby! I was surprised.

By the way, the cabinets contained samples of locally-produced goods & handicrafts.

- 'looks + 形容詞'
- 'looks like + 名詞'


Autumn Adventure: Day 3 - Carrying On

Autumn Adventure: Day 3 - Ca...
After riding along Shotenkyo Beach, I decided not to carry on along the long & difficult coast road. Instead, I went inland, & reached the coast again near Amanohashidate, a famous sightseeing spot. I wanted to buy souvenirs for my family, but I didn`t have space to carry them in my backpack. From there I carried on along the coast to a small town called Tango-Yuri, where I was surprised to see a 海上自衛隊 aircraft-carrier.

It was getting dark, so I caught the train from Tango-Yuri to Wakasa-Wada, where I camped.

carry: 運ぶ
carry on: continue, 続ける
aircraft carrier: 航空母艦


Autumn Adventure: Day 3 - Rise & Shine!

Autumn Adventure: Day 3 - Ri...
I rose* early & rode to Shotenkyo beach to watch the sun rise**. I found a sea-urchin (うに) shell, a colorful lure, and a float (釣り浮き). It was pretty cold, but as I rode east, the temperature rose** and it was comfortable cycling weather.

* rise, rose = 起きる, 起きった
** rise, rose = 上がる、上がった
"Rise and shine!" = 「起きってがんばって!」


Autumn Adventure: Day 2

Autumn Adventure: Day 2
I got up early, packed up my tent, and rode north, mostly using the footpath. Along the way, I saw a cage & thought, "What`s in there? An animal?" Yes - a wild boar (イノシシ). Wow.

I rode for several hours but then I got a flat tyre (= puncture = パンク). Oh no. I couldn`t fix it, so I caught a train from a nearby town called Hase, to Kumihama, where a kind bike-shop owner picked me up at the station, took me to his shop, & fixed my tyre. What a nice fellow. Thank you very much!

After that I found a nice camping spot next to a river, made a small fire, had dinner, and slept very well.

British versus American English:
- footpath (UK, Aus) = sidewalk, pavement (US)
- wild boar, wild pig, feral pig (UK, Aus, US), wild/feral hog (US)
- tyre (UK, Aus) = tire (US)


Autumn Adventure: Day 1

Autumn Adventure: Day 1
I went on a train & cycling & camping trip. First I went to Kobe by train to meet an old friend. After that I took the train north to a small station called Ao. From there I rode to a World War 2 airfield museum called Uzurano. However, the plane in the photo is actually an American-made SNJ-5 'Texan', which was not flown by Japan in WW2...
Finally I went to a campsite by bicycle (folding bicycle 折りたたみ自転車) & stayed there one night.

go to ___ by train/bus = take the train/bus to ____
go to ___ by bicycle = ride/drive to ____
go to ___ on foot = walk to ___
go to ___ plane = fly to ___


Bye-Bye, Big Bag

Bye-Bye, Big Bag
My previous sleeping bag was pretty big & heavy, so I got a new one. My current one is lighter, more compact, & more suitable for cycling-camping trips. It`s also clean; my old one was pretty dirty...

- my old/previous ____ = 私の前の____ ["my before ____" is WRONG]
- my new/current/present ____ = 私の今の ____ ["my now ____" is WRONG]


New Balance

New Balance
In addition to adding* small wheels to my folding bike, I also added* a DIY handle, which improves the balance when I pull it. An added** benefit is that it is more comfortable to hold. In addition, it can be moved to fit neatly (きちんと,すっきり) on the rack. I`ve made a few additions*** to my folding bike recently. I`m looking forward to going riding & testing them.

- In addition (to ___),... = とは別に
- * to add (動詞) = 付ける, 付け加える
- **added (形容詞) = 追加, おまけ
- *** addition (名詞) = 加算, 付加,追加


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