- ハッシュタグ「#pspinc」の検索結果1621件
ST Mail Logo
This software has never been released to public.
This is an amazing software.
One of the reasons why PSPinc's hosting service is so successful is that we developed our own email server software. It was designed over 15 years ago and it has been evolving ever since.
We are currently developing the next version of the mail server software. Until now, it was called ST Mail named after Mr. Satoshi Takaki our lead developer. The new version's name is unknown at this point.
Did you have any good April Fool?
Well, it is EASTER too.
By the way did you know, the full moon yesterday was a second blue moon of 2018?
We will have no more blue moon this year.
Is your computer gotten slower?
Are you considering buying new computer?
You may want to try swapping your hard disk to SSD.
I found this great deal on SSD on Amazon.
480GB SSD for $110 with free shipping.
If you are Seattle Area, we can do the swap for you whether you have PC or Mac.
People spends thousands of dollars buying or making gaming PCs which often come with faster CPU, more and faster RAM, fast hard disk or SSD. super graphics card with massive cooling fans.
But when it comes to your office PC, you or company spend as little money as possible, usually just enough to run your Office software, mail and browser. It is true that most games will take more PC power than office use, but investing in the office/work PC will pay your company off bigger.
Here are something you should consider.
- Faster CPU
- Faster Hard Disk or SSD
- Faster Networking
- Faster Internet
- Dual Monitors or Bigger monitors
- Full size keyboard ... for laptop users.
Those items will improve your people's productivities and worth an investment. Those items are cheaper than gaming PCs.
Don't you wonder sometime why new version of the products come out every year? Are they necessary? This is very true for following products.
- Cellular Phones
- Software and Operating System
PSPinc provides server based solution for Domain, Web and Email. Un like packaged products, we consistently update and upgrades our services. But there are somethings we are not able to upgrade. For instance the Database Versions, Server Operating, Programming Environments.
When we upgrade and update those, some of the pages and programs that our customer wrote will stay working. We are always facing the problem whether we upgrade or not.
This is what we are making. Do you want it?
Please contact PSPinc ... Oh it may help if you are a PSPinc customer.
ISDN Public Phone
I don't see them any more in Japan.
Every technology you see, however obsolete, once was the leading edge technology. So, if we do not keep inviting and improving, what you have right now will be obsolete sooner than you think.
Chat and Email are two communication medias that were created along with the internet. The main difference between the two is with the speed that they occur.
Chat is like having an actual conversation where one party says something and expects a reply in a couple of seconds. Email is more like sending ordinary snail mail where you write something and send it but expect a reply in anywhere from a few hours to a few days.
Another difference is that most often all outgoing and incoming email are stored both that your mailer and server where Chat communications are not stored in servers.
People are moving more toward chat now days than email. Does your company have chat system implemented?
A lot of companies are claiming they have some AI technology behind their products. In many cases, they do not have AI. They may have a very complex and sophisticated computer program, but that is nit AI.
If you give certain question or request to a human, a human does react to it but not 100% same ways. So, you can say if so called AI does only what you expect it too do 100% of the time, it is an intelligent program but not an AI.
AI is simulating human ...that means it must be irrational.
Designing a software is little like Clay Target Shooting". You need to aim for where the target will be instead of where the target is. The only difference is that flat target shooting, the target moves in the predictable direction and predictable speed.
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