If your video below look like this, your browser is not 360 degree ready.
I created a 360 degree roving video to introduce you to PSPinc. If your browser is 36 degree ready, you should be able to see this video in full 360 degree view.
I was really intrigued by this advertisement ... not the content but the way it was presented. What if I made this video with 360 degree camera and put it on the YouTube. People can watch this from every angle. Wouldn't that be cool?
So I have made first 360 degree movie. I think there is a potential for business here.
If you do what like to do, there will be plenty of other people like to do the same.
If you do what scares you, there will be plenty of other people scare of the same.
So in business, if you have a choice of doing what many others do or many others scare of. Where do you think the money is.
Have you ever wondered why auto manufacturers make limited production cars?
There are several reasons.
(1) Test their ability ... Improvement
(2) Learn from them ... Research and Development
(3) Publicity ... Marketing
(4) Make employees proud ... Loyalty
So, does your company have a limited production models?
Someone tried to use my Wells Fargo company credit card to purchase $400 boots. Wells Fargo caught it and canceled the card and gave me a call. They are sending the new card with new number.
Credit card fraud happened everyday and it is costing consumer and banks billions of dollars. With the credit card security paten 8167200, we can eliminate a lot of that.
Ring Holders with Your Company name and Logo are the most popular novelty gifts people love. Uchikura & Co. can design and create ring holders for less than $4.00 each. (Minimum order 500)
If you are interested. Please contact info@uchikura.co
Are you selling the same products to the same market 3 years from now?
Well, in three years, is the market you are seeing now still be there?
Are current products you have, current in 3 years?