- ハッシュタグ「#uchikuraco」の検索結果1997件
I am retiring my almost 6 year old Mac Mini Server.
When I take this machine off, I will be replacing 2 x 1TB disks to 1 x 500GB SDD.
This 6 year old Mac Mini has quad core 2.3 Ghz Intel i7 processor.
That is faster than any current Mac Mini which only comes with dual-core i5.
It will be a fun project.
FREE MARKETPLACE Development Phase 2 will be realized within two weeks.
Sign up for free to promo your business.
A lot of companies are claiming they have some AI technology behind their products. In many cases, they do not have AI. They may have a very complex and sophisticated computer program, but that is nit AI.
If you give certain question or request to a human, a human does react to it but not 100% same ways. So, you can say if so called AI does only what you expect it too do 100% of the time, it is an intelligent program but not an AI.
AI is simulating human ...that means it must be irrational.
Designing a software is little like Clay Target Shooting". You need to aim for where the target will be instead of where the target is. The only difference is that flat target shooting, the target moves in the predictable direction and predictable speed.
We had an Open House at KusaK Cut Glass Works. Check out the website and if you see something you like, let me know. We will source them for you from KusaK.
The trend now is to have no office nor assigned desk at your workplace. You show up with your Laptop PC and find the seat and start working. I like that idea.
Do you know what company or store uses this coffee cup?
Use Kiroboto to promote your sale!!!
In Osaka, I saw many fast food stands people were lining up. That is amazing. They are not foreigners, they are Japanese people lining up. Do you think people would like Takoyaki?
Macy's Online
I cannot find 32 x 36 Levi's in the US either.
I saw a large advertisement for LEVI'S in Japan ... Look closely ... the wait is 32 and length 36 ... Who wears that size in Japan. Is this a joke or making fun of people?
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