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Promote Your Business for FR...

Kiroboto I designed by Uchikura Co and developed by PSPinc. It is a cyber space where you can promote your business for absolutely free. It is free to register and it is free to post. Please try it.
#kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Replacing Hard Disk with SSD

I replaced 2 hard disks on m... I replaced 2 hard disks on my Mac to SSD today.
It is little complicated but still a DIY job.
The price of SSD (Solid State Disk) has came down so much that it is cheaper to replace your hard disk and make your computer super fast than buying the new computer.

The truth is that CPU has not gotten faster much last few years. All the advances on the computers are around the multiple-core cpu, SSD and graphics cards. So, if you have computer that is less than 5 years old, it might be cheaper to replace your hard disk with SSD and upgrade your RAM (4GB to 8GB or 8GB to 16GB).

Just replacing your hard disk to SSD, you computer will boots up 5 times faster.
#kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Kiroboto Phase 2 Released

Kiroboto Phase 2 Released
Phase 2 is now on production server. We have added:

  • Automatic post deletion (currently 14 days, you can change this)
  • Improved multiple keyword search
  • Search by region
  • Reduced header size
  • Removed categories and increased post image size
  • Dynamic transition images on posts
  • Linked In, Pintrest, Google+ sharing
  • Updated email templates
  • Updated post URLs
  • Multiple region posts for admin user


    It is 100% free to register and free to use.
  • #kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


    We are not selling coffee or gelato !!!

    HaHaHa ... They need better ... HaHaHa ... They need better webpage ... PSPinc can help!
    I met a statue coffeeshop today. It is a coffee shop selling coffee and gelato, donuts and sandwiches and wine. But the main concept has nothing to do with foos or drink. It is the environment and experience they are selling and people are coming in.

    Of cause drinks and foods must be better than average, but their target is to make sure every customer is treated like he or she owns the place. This is very inspiring and interesting. I have a lot to learn from that.

    #marketing #uchikuraco #valueproposition


    Email and Chat

    Email and Chat
    Chat and Email are two communication medias that were created along with the internet. The main difference between the two is with the speed that they occur.

    Chat is like having an actual conversation where one party says something and expects a reply in a couple of seconds. Email is more like sending ordinary snail mail where you write something and send it but expect a reply in anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

    Another difference is that most often all outgoing and incoming email are stored both that your mailer and server where Chat communications are not stored in servers.

    People are moving more toward chat now days than email. Does your company have chat system implemented?
    #kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #postinheaven #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


    Only the finest hand made products from Japan!

    Top View Top View Bottom View Bottom View 3.5" Size 3.5" Size
    I have introduced you to Japanese (Hinoki) Cypress Tree Wood Shavings from Japan last few blogs. They are packed in Japan by company called NISIMOKU. They are headed by young entrepreneur and employ handicapped people to package them.

    But they are not a wood shaving company. Wood shavings are the byproduct of some of the finest hand made wood products from Japan. Today, I would like to show you one of their products. It is a 3.5" coaster made our of KOEMATSU (肥松) ... Japanese Pine Tree. It naturally contains a lot of Pine Rosin. This product is left untreated so that it will age (turn darker) as you use.

    The precast is also available on request and Uchikura and Co. is looking for distributors or stores who want to carry them in the US and Canada. If you are interested, please contact ken@uchikura.co

    #HandMadeinJapan #marketing #uchikuraco #valueproposition


    Looking for Distributors

    Looking for Distributors
    Japanese (Hinoki) Cypress wood shavings has distinctive aroma. You can place it with cloths and put in the bath tab to give you a feeling of Japanese Hinoki Bath. This package is made by Japanese wood curving firm called NISIMOKU.


    NISIMOKU is a small Japanese company working with Uchikura Co to distribute their products to the US. We are looking for distributors in the US. If you are interested, please contact me.

    #kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #postinheaven #uchikuraco #valueproposition


    Study Time Logging Apps.

    Study Time Logging Apps.
    I just saw on NHK World TV, kinds in Japan are using App to keep track of study time. This is amazing and great idea. I think young people are encouraged by the apps rather than other people.

    This is something to think about.
    #uchikuraco #valueproposition


    Retirement and Renewal

    Retirement and Renewal
    I am retiring my almost 6 year old Mac Mini Server.
    When I take this machine off, I will be replacing 2 x 1TB disks to 1 x 500GB SDD.
    This 6 year old Mac Mini has quad core 2.3 Ghz Intel i7 processor.
    That is faster than any current Mac Mini which only comes with dual-core i5.

    It will be a fun project.
    #kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #postinheaven #uchikuraco #valueproposition


    Kiroboto phase 2 will be released within two weeks!

    Kiroboto phase 2 will be relea...
    FREE MARKETPLACE Development Phase 2 will be realized within two weeks.
    Sign up for free to promo your business.
    #kiroboto #marketing #uchikuraco #valueproposition


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