- ハッシュタグ「#uchikuraco」の検索結果1994件
As a giveaway, a high-quality wireless mouse with your company logo, how much would you pay?
If you say $5.00 ... That is a very good price you will find on the Internet. But IU did not pay pay that for the mouse you see above. If you are interested in a memorable gift that people will alway use, please contact me. I wil help you by directly from the manufacturer in China with no risk.
Super light and cute.
We have just received the shipment of 500 wireless mouse in red and white from my Alibaba purchase. The manufacturer did a good job. We are just verifying the items now.
IKEA is Booming
At least today.
Saying "All Brick and Mortar Stores are Dead!!!" is very stupid.
I went to IKEA today ... there were so many people (buying), I needed to wait about 5 minutes just get to the cashier. COSTO is also the same. Some of the malls are so packed, it is incredible.
So why are some of the big name brick and mortar stores are struggling?
Here are my theory.
(1) Price/Value Perception
(2) Product/Separation
(3) Atmosphere/Family Experience
(4) Access/Location/Parking/Convenience
(5) Fun/Brightness
I was at Sears few months ago. There was a sign for a coupon in the store which asked me to scan the QR code. When I took out my iPhone and start scanning the QR code, one of employees came over and ask me not to take picture. I told her, the sign ask me to take scan QR Code ... She looked at the sign and said, "That's fine then..."
Do you know why Sears is not doing well?
Dod you know when you go to a sports event or any public event, you are required to have clear bag. That is for security reason. In Japan, it is not implemented but with 2020 Olympics coming, I am sure changes will be made.
I used to love this club.
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
Abraham Lincoln
It is wise to use the latest and greatest equipment to help you do your job better. I own a driving iron ... I used to hit well with that ... Now I don't even think about putting it in my golf bag. Not because I don't think I hit bad ... because I do not want to take chance by using something that is more difficult than what I have in my bag.
We allow people to promote their businesses and sales at Kiroboto for free. The next step in the development of Kiroboto is for businesses to sell product at Kiroboto. Kiroboto can provide the transaction services many small businesses do not have at very low cost.
Most government projects came out of the needs of people, but grown into a money pit. To govern that, we need to spend more money.
I can give you two projects.
Drug treatment ... Government offers nor charge to the people who need treatment but pays providers ample amount pf money. It sounds like a good idea, but for providers, when those people get well, they will loose revenue. So, it is in their interest to keep them coming back.
Infrastructure Improvement ... When you look at road constructions, they seem to never end. They actually don't end. People/Companies work on those jobs are paid so lang as they keep working. It is not inter interest to finish project.
I just mentioned two of the money pits that government are facing. Tax money must be used to do the job but the people who work on those project have no incentive to finish the jobs.
That is the difference between the government job and private sector jobs.
If you do, you can promote your Amazon sales by posting it on Kiroboto. It is free to register and free to post.
We confirmed that the company mouse are being shipped out of China.
We should bet them in two weeks ... maybe more.
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