- ハッシュタグ「#uchikuraco」の検索結果1992件
This is Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.'s Tag Line
Building Software Technology to Help Your Business Online!!!
Tag Line is a catchphrase or slogan, especially as used in advertising, or the punchline of a joke. What is your Tag Line???
If you do not want Kiroboto to sell it for you, you can use Kiroboto to advertise. There is no cost. Consider it as one more way to expose your company and products.
I have updated the products you see above to http://www.kiroboto.com
Check them out.
Check out some of the great deal at Kiroboto.
Are you interested in selling online at kiroboto?
We will take care of billing, collection for you at very low introductory cost of 5%.
Here is how it works.
(1) You post a product at Kiroboto.
(2) People buys ... We collect money.
(3) You send product and customer receives it.
(4) We will send you money less 5%.
That is it.
If you are interested, please let us know.
If cause you can use Kiroboto to promote your company, products ... even your Amazon and eBay sales site link for free.
When you post your business, you will be posted without wait.
There in no cost or obligation.
Sign up to Kiroboto for free and start promoting your business for free.
There is no obligation what so ever.
I have a trip to japan coming up at the end of this month. I have few schedules meetings abut I still have some time open. If you would like to meet in Japan, please let me know ASAP.
If you are selling exactly the same product as others, you can only differentiate yourself from the other in
(1) Price (Product, Shipping, Warranty ...)
(2) Service (Reputation or Relationship)
(3) Location (Convenience)
So long as you can differentiate yourself from the other in positive way, you can still create USP. But it will be easier if you have a product that is unique to your company even if it is based on the perception only.
This is one of the best views of Seattle.
It was relaxing Sunday.
Let's make it a good start of October.
Three months to go to 2019.
When we build something ... we make sure we review every step to make sure we are moving in the right direction. If we don't jump ahead, it does not hurt that much to step back and adjust the course.
Did you know Ben Hogan golf clubs are exclusively available online?
Because there is no middle man, prices are about 30% cheaper.
I like their club 30 years ago ... When I buy next set, I might choose Ben Hogan.
I have setup Affiliate link to Ben Hogan. If you are buying Ben Hogan, please use following alleviate link.
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