It has been over a year since I started this site. I started this site to pray for Pompom's health ... Now I use this site to send message to Pompom. This site has not function there than let me (or you) write and post message ... But this site has no function to save the message I (or you) write.
Inspired by "the telephone of the wind", I made and maintain this site.
All problems start small but they can easily grow out of control.
The most difficult part is for people to understand what you are saying ... They do not have to agree but hey need to understand you.
41 years ago, I arrived at Los Angeles International Airport to go study at English school in Downtown. This is how my life in the US started. When I came here, I did not speak English. I still have hard time with the language.
I do not know how much more I can go on ... but I will ry my best to build something to the next generation.
We are currently testing Kiroboto purchase option.
Yes, you soon will be able to sell products at Kiroboto.
Kiroboto will take care of the credit card transaction for your.