中小企業でこそ導入したい「1on1ミーティング」とは? Day3(第2章、1on1ミーティングとは)
by 「働くあなたを元気にする」コーチ
中小企業でこそ導入したい「1on1ミーティング」とは? Day2(第1章、中小企業の特長)
① 会社自体の数は多い
② 働く従業員が少ない
③ 売上規模が小さい
④ 家族経営が多い
⑤ 家族メンバーが代々会社を継いでいる
⑥ 住宅街の中に会社がある
⑦ 大企業の下請け役を担う
- 少額収益でも採算が合う(③売上規模が小さい)
- 会社存続のために一致団結する(④家族経営が多い)
- 経営者が交代しても引き継ぐことが容易(⑤家族メンバーが代々会社を継いでいる)
- 協業し合えるパートナーを見つけ易い(①会社自体の数は多い)
- 小回りが利く・機動力がある(②働く従業員が少ない)
- 社員は通勤が楽、職住近接(⑥住宅街の中に会社がある)
- 協業し合う機会が多い(⑦大企業の下請け役を担う)
- 少額収益でも採算が合う(③売上規模が小さい)
- 小回りが利く・機動力がある(②働く従業員が少ない)
- 社員は通勤が楽、職住近接(⑥住宅街の中に会社がある)
中小企業でこそ導入したい「1on1ミーティング」とは? Day1
by 「働くあなたを元気にする」コーチ
Learning how to Coach in English ("Brilliant Coaching", Day13, final), Coaching Path
I am an executive coach supporting and encouraging people who work in companies or organizations.
This is the FINAL day for the series of putting key points about coaching at work based on the book titled "Brilliant Coaching" by Julie Starr.
Today, I will cover "the Coaching Path" which is a simple structure in coaching conversation. This will help coaching manages navigate how to have an effective conversation in the workplace.
The Coaching Path
1. Structure of The Coaching Path
(1) Establish conversation
(2) Identify topic and goal
(3) Inquiry understanding / insight
(4) Shape conclusions / agreements
(5) Completion / close
While the Coaching Path has five stages, the first and last stage will already familiar to you.
2. Key elements of each stage
(1) Establish conversation
- Introduce session
- 'How are you?' etc.
- Create coaching climate and atmosphere
(2) Identify clear topic and goal
- 'What would you like to talk about?'
- 'What do you want to get from this?'
- 'What do we need to do in this conversation?'
(3) Inquiry understanding and insight
- 'Tell me about the situation.'
- 'What's been happening?'
- Summaries, refection, challenge, etc.
(4) Shape conclusions and agreements
- 'So, what are you thinking of doing?'
- 'What are your options?'
- 'What have you decided?'
(5) Completion and close
- 'Let's just confirm....'
- 'Has that been useful?'
- 'Are we complete?'
That's all for today and all the key points I have found useful in this book.
See you tomorrow!
Learning how to Coach in English ("Brilliant Coaching", Day12), Feedback (2)
I am an executive coach supporting and encouraging people who work in companies or organizations.
While reading the book titled "Brilliant Coaching" by Julie Starr, I am describing some key points about coaching at work.
Today I will continue talking about "feedback" and let me deal with Part 2 in 'Constructive Feedback'.
Part 1: What do you mean by 'feedback'?
Part 2: How do we use 'feedback'?
Part 2: How do we use 'feedback'?
1. Preparation
(1) WHY
- Make sure that you prepare and focus on a positive outcome.
- You should ask you 'why do you want to give feedback and what are the messages you want to give?7
(2) WHAT
- Your emotional balance influence the person you are talking to, and will support them to receive the messages you are offering.
- Constructive feedback is given with a positive intention for the person receiving it.
- Evidence-based:
Own your own message, speak your own truth
- Objective not subjective:
Objective statements tend to be more neutral and factual, as they are more accurate and so more easily accepted. Subjective statements rely more on personal judgement and can more easily be rejected or refused.
(3) HOW
- As a coaching manager, you operate from a position of equality with the people you manage. So, it's important that this is a conversation between two adults, rather than a parent-to-child reprimand.
- It's best if actions or next steps are agreed in collaborations, rather than you simply instructing them as their manager. Helping someone else to decide will allow them to engage with what they feel is a good way forward that works for them.
2. Tips
(1) Comment on behavior, not personality
(2) Balanced message:
The manager has balanced the negative point with a positive acknowledgement while not detracting from the main message. We aim to acknowledge positive attributes and behaviors where it's appropriate.
3. Follow-up
(1) Soon after giving your feedback, you need to make sure the person you are talking with understand and is engaged with your feedback.
(2) Simple way to do this is to just ask 'How does this sound to you?' or ' What are your thoughts about this?' Creating dialogue (rather than a lecture) is a good way to maintain rapport and help your messages to be effective.
That's all for today. See you tomorrow!
Learning how to Coach in English ("Brilliant Coaching", Day11), Feedback (1)
As an executive coach, I am always supporting and encouraging people who work in companies or organizations.
While reading the book titled "Brilliant Coaching" by Julie Starr, I will put some key points about coaching at work.
Today, I am going to shed the light on "feedback" which is one of the unique skills you can use in coaching conversation.
Let me divide it into two parts as shown below because "feedback" is sometimes found too tricky to utilize.
- "Constructive Feedback" supports us to learn, develop and succeed. So, the ability to give helpful, motivating feedback is a necessary tool for any effective manager.
- To do that, your challenge is to offer your messages in a balanced, natural style so that people can welcome and engage with them.
Part 1: What do we mean by 'feedback'?
Part 2: How do we do 'feedback'?
Part 1: What do we mean by feedback?
1. In the workplace, feedback refers to perspectives, information and opinion given to someone to support their performance, learning and development.
2. The term 'feedback' is used to disguise a piece of criticism, and has connotations of being criticized or dread in the workplace. It's a shame, because feedback can be the opposite of that.
3. Our mental preparation for things going badly actually increases the chances of their going badly. That's because our mind draws us toward what we think most about.
4. In order for the feedback to work properly and effectively, you focus on what you want.
That's all for today. See you tomorrow!
Learning how to Coach in English ("Brilliant Coaching", Day10), Flexible Style of Influence
I am an executive coach supporting and encouraging people who work in companies or organization.
While reading the book titled "Brilliant Coaching" by Julie Starr, I will go on describing the key points about coaching at work.
Today, I will cover a slight different viewpoint, "Flexible style of influence".
1. A flexible style of influence
(1) It's both unnatural and impractical for your coaching conversations to be merely a list of questions from you, where you allow other people to decide what to do and how to do it.
(2) As a manager, you need to be able to balance empowering people with a need to stay practical, within the rules, etc.
(3) This means that you need to develop the flexibility to use different methods of influence, both with different people and during the conversations themselves.
2. What do we mean by 'flexible style of influence'?
(1) There are the different ways you influence people during a coaching conversation, for example, directive and less directive.
(2) It's NOT a choice between the two; sometimes you can move between the tow or combine those styles.
(3) Why is flexibility important to develop?
- A coaching conversation is NOT just you asking lots of questions to someone else.
- The coaching conversation needs to feel natural for you and natural for the person you are with.
- To stay effective and retain your sense of comfort during conversations, you need to use other behaviors.
- This helps you move from being more directive when that feels right, then return to a less directive and encouraging style.
3. Two ends of a scale, behaviors from 'Directive' to 'Self-directive'
from 'self-directive' to 'directive'
(1) Say nothing
(2) Ask an open - neutrally worded - questions
(3) Summarize what you have been hearing
(4) Make an observation
(5) Give an opinion
(6) Give advice
(7) Give an instruction
That's all for today. See you tomorrow!
Learning how to Coach in English ("Brilliant Coaching", Day9), Questioning (2)
I am an executive coach supporting and encouraging people who work in companies or organizations.
I will continue putting some key points about coaching at work while reading the book titled "Brilliant Coaching" by Julie Starr.
As I covered Part 1 in "Questioning" yesterday, let me go on to Part 2 today.
Part 1: Good question in coaching conversation
Part 2: Questions with a clear sense of purpose
Effective Questioning, Part 2
Part 2: Questions with a clear sense of purpose
1. A clear sense of purpose or objectives
(1) You want your questions to help the other person progress in some way.
That's why your questions are clear with a sense of purpose or objectives.
(2) Examples of questions
- Specifically, what is it that you are unhappy about?
- Can you tell me what actually happened?
- Why is that important to you?
- Which option do you prefer?
- What could you do about that right now?
- What might stop you from doing that?
2. Closed questions or Open questions
(1) To coach effectively, you will want to develop an ability to ask consistently open questions.
(2) Open questions start with:
- what
- when
- where
- who
- how
3. Powerful questions
(1) When people get stuck, powerful questions are very useful tool as they encompass a statement of the problem and propel it towards a solution.
(2) Attributes of powerful questions include:
- they acknowledge the issue or challenge
- they assume that a positive outcome is possible
- they are open and provoke a creative response
(3) Example of powerful questions
- How can we get it done by this Friday?
- Getting back to the square 1, what originally would you like to accomplish?
- What can you do now to hit the balance of the two?
That's all for today. See you tomorrow!
Learning how to Coach in English ("Brilliant Coaching", Day8), Questioning (1)
I am an executive coach supporting and encouraging people who work in companies or organizations.
While reading the book titled "Brilliant Coaching" by Julie Starr, I will continue to put some key points about coaching at work.
The topic today is "Effective Questioning" and let me divide it into two parts as follows.
In essence, effective questions in coaching provoke valuable thoughts and reflection and help surface insight, clarity, or even a decision to act.
Part 1: Good question in coaching conversation
Part 2: Questions with a clear sense of purpose
Effective Questioning, Part 1
1. In coaching, a well-timed, simply worded question can turn keys, unlock doors and provoke insight for the person you are coaching.
2. A good question in coaching:
(1) is simple
(2) has a clear sense of purpose
(3) influence someone's thought and understanding - without being controlling
3. Coach the person, not the issue
- Remember that your focus during a coaching conversation is to help the person fix the issue - not for you to fix the issue.
- So, ask questions that help 'them' think about the situation, rather that help 'you' think about the situation.
4. Power of keeping things simple
(1) In order for people not to struggle to understand your questions, simplifying language and using shorter words and terms are helpful. Such as;
- What's caused this?
- How will doing that affect things?
- What does Bob/Tom think about this?
(2) Reasons why we use overly complex questions in the workplace
- We like to appear smart, clever and knowledgeable.
- We start talking before we have a clear version of our question.
- We do not ask what we really want to know.
Simple questions borne from a clear intention create effective progress, especially in coaching conversation.
That's all for today. See you tomorrow!
- 「掲げた目標を必ず達成するという強い意志」が必要。
- そして、それを「人を通じて成す」
- いくら人格者であっても、結果が伴わなければ良いリーダーとは言えない
- 良いリーダーとは「人を動かせる」人。そのために必要なことは、
- そのための「対話」
- 人の成長の可能性を信じる
- 部下の話をきちんと聴く。話す分量は部下が9,リーダーが1。
- 先が見えない時こそリーダーが一歩踏み出す勇気を示し、安心感を与えること
- 成果を出し続けるチームには緊張感の中にぬくもりがある
- 目標を掲げるだけではなくリーダーは「夢」を語り続けることが大切
- 部下の多様性も認めつつも、共通の価値観・考え方を見出すこと
by 「働くあなたを元気にする」コーチ