This is something I found at Computex 2017 ... Personal Parking Space Protection system. It makes your parking space only available to you. You can unlock it using your smartphone.
Do you think there is an application for this in the US?
This is a weekly delivery service created and offered by Kobe Co-op in Japan.
You order using the mark sheet, When they deliver, they take that sheet for next week. My parents told me they spend about 4,000 to 5,000 yen every week and cut down the trip[ to markets at least two times a week saving time.
Who said brick and mortar cannot compete with online retailers? For senior citizens, paper and pen works better.
Interesting Fact
Co-op Kobe, officially known as Consumer Co-operative Kobe, is a consumers' cooperative based in Kobe, Japan. It was founded in 1921 by Toyohiko Kagawa, and was later merged with Nada Consumer Co-operative. Now, with over 1.2 million members, it is the largest consumers' cooperative in the world.
It is becoming more rate in the US and Japan to use campaign girls at the trade show booth. Well, that trend has not hot Taiwan yet and those girls clearly attracts more people to the booths.
Do they bring business???
That is an another question. But if they get posted on the social media, the purpose of their presence is paid off for the companies.
Chinese were so advanced, they has CD-ROM 2500 years ago. :0
I think I saw more gaming hardware here at OMPUTEX 2017 than any other single items. Even a big name hardware manufacturers like ASUS and Acer are displaying their latest gaming hardware.
I spent few hours yesterday at COMPUTEX. It really reminds me of good old COMDEX. I will spend today and tomorrow exploring COMPUTEX. I will report them when I get back to Seattle.
I am at largest IT exhibit Inc the world call COMPUTEX in Taiwan.
I will be meeting with several planned people, but I willl also be meeting with people who are exhibiting.
It is very interesting to see the sign in the toilet. I guess there are people who have never seen or used wester style toilet.
There must be over 100 small bars in one small block in Shinjyuiku, Tokyo. Non of the bar has more than 10 counter seating ... It has became a very popular tourist spot for visitors from other country.
Who would thought the slam like this would be booming. Business chance is everywhere.
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