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How do you target younger audiences?

How do you target younger au... How do you target younger au... How do you target younger au...
There are many brands and one of the most successful brand for closing chains are ZARA. You may have seen them in the shopping malls all over the world. They are targeting younger audiences and are very successful. You may think they are young company but they were sounded back in 1975.

I think their success is due to many things but (1) Store Locations (2) Lower Pricing (3) Large Selections. So that means, younger audiences are looking for (1) Convenience (2) Save Money (3) Choices ... We really have to think about how we can provide all those.


PS: Looking at their website ... there is nothing for people ver 40.
#branding #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition



Logistics Logistics Logistics
In the era of Internet and online sales ... the companies that sure t make money are the companies deliver products. This may be the reason why Amazon is really working hard to become logistics company.

I traded-in my old golf club for the new ones. I had to ship the trade-in back. They sent me a UPS chipping card which I attached to the box. This was not free, they charge me $4.99 for shipping label. But that was a good deal.
#onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Point Missed!!!

Point Missed!!!
Here are some of the things most online marketing companies promise you.

Do they sound good?

"Not Really." If you know why, read on.

Keywords Analysis & Research
Manually Directory Submissions
Article Submissions
Press Release Distributions
Blog postings
Social Bookmarking Submissions
Classified Submissions
Unique Article Writing
Press Release Writing
Keywords Mapping
New Pages Suggestions
Keywords Research
Competitor Analysis
Title Tags Changes Suggestions
Meta Tags Changes Suggestions
Alt Tag Changes Suggestions
HTML Site Map
XML Site Map Setup
Anchor text optimization
Google webmaster setup
Google analytics setup
Weekly Work Report

Marketing companies are missing the point. They make it sound like to be successful, you need to do all that. WRONG!!!

This is assuming people visited your site, you will have more sales. Not going to happen. Your web site must be ready for sales. Can people buy product on your website? If not, WHY NOT? If they cannot buy or you are not willing sell product, why are you promoting your website?

Before you think about marketing, make sure your website is ready for the people. And make sure you have products people want to buy.
#kiroboto #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition



This is not an actual logo ... I... This is not an actual logo ... It was created by a designer for fun.
Kiroboto means Flea in Swahili
What is Kiroboto?

Kiroboto is a market place designed provide B2B, B2C, C2C a place to promote and sell anything online without any cost to the seller. It is being developed and will be on line by the end of this summer.

Kiroboto will not track user behavior like other sales site. Kiroboto will not have any advertisement. And like I said, it will be 100% free to use.
#Kiroboto #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Delivery Service ... No Internet Required

Delivery Service ... No Internet... Delivery Service ... No Internet... Delivery Service ... No Internet... Delivery Service ... No Internet... Delivery Service ... No Internet... Delivery Service ... No Internet...
This is a weekly delivery service created and offered by Kobe Co-op in Japan.
You order using the mark sheet, When they deliver, they take that sheet for next week. My parents told me they spend about 4,000 to 5,000 yen every week and cut down the trip[ to markets at least two times a week saving time.

Who said brick and mortar cannot compete with online retailers? For senior citizens, paper and pen works better.

Interesting Fact
Co-op Kobe, officially known as Consumer Co-operative Kobe, is a consumers' cooperative based in Kobe, Japan. It was founded in 1921 by Toyohiko Kagawa, and was later merged with Nada Consumer Co-operative. Now, with over 1.2 million members, it is the largest consumers' cooperative in the world.
#branding #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Brand Recognition

Brand Recognition
When everyone knows who you are, it is easy to sell things. But it does cost a lott to crate the brand people recognize. What do you do if you are a small business? How do you sell things online if you are not known?
#onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Marketing and Sales

Marketing and Sales
Tell me when was the last time your marketing resulted in better than expected sales? It is a typical catch 22. You need to spend money marketing your brand and products to make money. But there is not guarantee that you make more money than you spend.

This is the concept behind KIROBOTO which is being created.
#branding #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Internet Checklist

Internet Checklist
Here is the checklist I created for you to think about when you want to utilize Internet for you business. I am sure there are more things you can do with Internet but those are things you should be doing right now.
#onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Chinese Market in The US ... Do not ignore!

Chinese Market in The US ... ...
I went to a company that is owned and operated by non-Chinese people (This is my guess) but decided to have their company name displayed in Chinese. This is a real estate related company but this trend is very strong. Soon you need to consider supporting Chinese in the US.
#branding #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Japan Fair 2017 July 8-9, 2017

Japan Fair 2017 July 8-9, 2017
#JapanFaie2017 #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


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