

  • ハッシュタグ「#onlinesales」の検索結果567件

Creating a selling platform.

Every business wants to sell something.
How do you sell depended on who you are but every business is looking for effective sales tool.
But what method do you use to promote ands sell your product?
Everything costs money and you do not know if you can get any return on investment.
That is the million dollar question.

That is why Uchikura and Co. is developing Kiroboto.
#onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Seattle Weekly Promotion

Seattle Weekly Promotion Seattle Weekly Promotion Seattle Weekly Promotion
Uchikura and Co. is running a bluetooth headphone special through Seattle weekly.


Ask us about PROMO CODE to save 20%.
#bluetoothheadphone #bluetoothheadphones #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Best Price Ever

Best Price Ever
If you buy more than one unit of bluetooth headphone, we are giving special discount. Take a look at the website ... also, free whipping anywhere in the US.

#bluetoothheadphones #bluetoothheadset #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Selling Online

Selling Online
Selling products online for many companies are extremely difficult and costly. At least that is what I am learning. I always consult people about selling products online but I really have never done that.

Good Product, Good Service and Good Price are not enough!

Did you know that? How do you sell your products then?

Everybody wants t help you sell your products ... for fee, that is. That is not right. There must be a way to sell your products or at least test the water before you jump in. I am learning. I will let you know when I figure this out.

#onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Promotion at Seattle Weekly

Special Promotion for Seattle ... Special Promotion for Seattle Weekly Readers!!!
#bluetoothheadphones #bluetoothheadset #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Working With Seattle Weekly

Working With Seattle Weekly
We are working with Seattle Weekly to advertise Bluetooth Headphones ... This is the first time we are working with companies like Seattle Weekly to promote our products. We are learning something everyday.


#bluetoothheadphone #bluetoothheadphones #bluetoothheadset #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Sales or Marketing

Tinger Woods never sold a sin... Tinger Woods never sold a single thing.
So why would company pay millions to have him?
Sales and Marketing are not the same thing.
When we say we want to hire someone for Marketing ... We have tons of applicants. But when I say I want to hire someone for Sales ... We get nothing.

Does people know the different between sales and marketing?

Simply said ... Marketing is Liability ... Sales is Revenue.
So, which one do you think people want to hire?
#onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


What is the Value?

What is the Value?
When you buy a product, as a consumer you need to see the value in the product or service you are buying. So, many people ask "what is the value?" but the question should be "how do create value?"

If two companies are selling exactly the same product, how do you decide which company you buy the product from? Many answer "Price". If I am buying the same product, people want t pay as little as possible. Internet is a good place for that. People can search the net to find the best price.

But is best price enough? Of cause you need to set your price competitively but you need to offer something more. That "More" is what I think we call "Value". And the value is not so easy to create. That what I am learning from selling items online. But I am keep trying.

#onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


I want to create a marketplace!

I want to create a marketplace!
Uchikura and Co. is now creating a market place software to be released toward the end of this summer for people to list item for sales on the net for FREE! Yes, it is a free service and Uchikura and Co. is investing in it.

The system is called KIROBOTO. Please remember it.
#Kiroboto #branding #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Interesting Strategy ... Bring Customers In to Your Store

Interesting Strategy ... Bring Cu... Interesting Strategy ... Bring Cu... Interesting Strategy ... Bring Cu...
Many of brick and motor stores are struggling to compete with cyber stores. Lately, I see more brick and motor stores are using Internet as a tool to bring customers in...

This is not anything new ... it is same as coupons you find in the Sunday Paper. You advertise something really good deal on the net and ask them to come in to the store to pick it up. Interesting strategy.

It is a good idea ... Using internet for advertising in the name of great sales. We will try this strategy.
#onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


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