

  • ハッシュタグ「#uchikuraco」の検索結果1992件

Ring Holder for Smartphones

Ring Holder for Smartphones
It makes a great gift for your company for very little cost.
If you are interested,please contact me at info@uchikura.co
#CorporateGifts #branding #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Sales or Marketing

Tinger Woods never sold a sin... Tinger Woods never sold a single thing.
So why would company pay millions to have him?
Sales and Marketing are not the same thing.
When we say we want to hire someone for Marketing ... We have tons of applicants. But when I say I want to hire someone for Sales ... We get nothing.

Does people know the different between sales and marketing?

Simply said ... Marketing is Liability ... Sales is Revenue.
So, which one do you think people want to hire?
#onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


What an interesting company!

First working model. First working model. What an interesting company! What an interesting company! What an interesting company! What an interesting company! What an interesting company! What an interesting company! Concept. Concept.
My friend sits on the board of Tilting Motor Works ... This company invented and perfecting the three well conversion kit for motorcycles. I would like to work with this company using my Japanese connections. I have attached the message in Japanese for my Japanese contacts.


なぜ世の中には前輪が2つになったバイクで、車体をコーナーでチルト(斜めに)することが出来るものがないのだろうか? そんな事を私は昔から考えていました。


日本でもこれに興味を持って問い合わせがあったようだが、話が進んいでいない。私としては日本への販売方法も考えたいのだが、実際は HONDA, SUZUKI, KAWASAKI, YAMAHA と言ったメーカーや、YOSHIMURA と言った会社に紹介ができれば嬉しい。よく完成した三輪コーバジョンキットだが、スタートアップの会社なので技術面や資金面、そしてマーケティング面で企業のタイアップを望んでいる。

誰か話をつなげてくれる人はおられませんか、もしご存知なら ken@uchikura.co まで連絡をお願いします。

#uchikuraco #valueproposition


What is the Value?

What is the Value?
When you buy a product, as a consumer you need to see the value in the product or service you are buying. So, many people ask "what is the value?" but the question should be "how do create value?"

If two companies are selling exactly the same product, how do you decide which company you buy the product from? Many answer "Price". If I am buying the same product, people want t pay as little as possible. Internet is a good place for that. People can search the net to find the best price.

But is best price enough? Of cause you need to set your price competitively but you need to offer something more. That "More" is what I think we call "Value". And the value is not so easy to create. That what I am learning from selling items online. But I am keep trying.

#onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


I want to create a marketplace!

I want to create a marketplace!
Uchikura and Co. is now creating a market place software to be released toward the end of this summer for people to list item for sales on the net for FREE! Yes, it is a free service and Uchikura and Co. is investing in it.

The system is called KIROBOTO. Please remember it.
#Kiroboto #branding #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Uchikura and Co welcomes new interns!

At this point, we have 4 new interns for this summer. 3 from Japan and 1 from Taiwan. Welcome to the team.
#uchikuraco #valueproposition


Name Recognition

Name Recognition
Selling products will be easier when people know who you are. But it takes money / effort to create a brand recognition. So, the brand recognition can only be bought by money?

Well ... Yes and No. If you want to create a brand recognition quickly, it take money. But because of the Internet, it is much easier but it still takes some effort and money.
#branding #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Interesting Strategy ... Bring Customers In to Your Store

Interesting Strategy ... Bring Cu... Interesting Strategy ... Bring Cu... Interesting Strategy ... Bring Cu...
Many of brick and motor stores are struggling to compete with cyber stores. Lately, I see more brick and motor stores are using Internet as a tool to bring customers in...

This is not anything new ... it is same as coupons you find in the Sunday Paper. You advertise something really good deal on the net and ask them to come in to the store to pick it up. Interesting strategy.

It is a good idea ... Using internet for advertising in the name of great sales. We will try this strategy.
#onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition


New Interns ... New Ideas

New Interns ... New Ideas
New interns are coming to Uchikura & Co. ... They need to bring new idea. They need to develop new business. That what you get when you do your internship at Uchikura & Co.
#japaneseonlinevideo #onlinesales #ringholder #uchikuraco #valueproposition



Fuji Heavy Industry changed their name to SUBARU on April 1, 2017. I saw SUBARU branded pressure washer at COSTCO today. Every know who made this ... if they have said it FHI (Fuji Heavy Industry), nobody would have know who that would be. That's is how important the brand recognition is.

Except, if this pressure washer breaks down, some people will take it to SUBARU car dealership.

富士重工が SUBARU に名前をかえたのが4月1日、COSTCO に SUBARU ブランドのプレッシャーワッシャーが並んでいた。やはりブランドは大切だ。ここで Fuji Heavy Industry と書いてあっても分かる人は少ないだろう。でもこのプレッシャーワッシャーが壊れたら、SUBARU の車のディーラーに持ってゆく人がいるだろ。
#Branding #uchikuraco #valueproposition


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