


What did we, Washingtonian, do better than NY?

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Bellevue, Washington Bellevue, Washington
Population of NY State = 19.45Mil
Population of WA State = 7.62Mil

Area of NY State = 54,556 SQM
Area of WA State = 71,362 SQM

Population Density of NY State = 365 people / SQM
Population Density of WA State = 107 people / SQM

Par Capita Income of NY State = $37,156
Par Capita Income of WA State = $57,896

No. of Coronavirus Infections Reported in NY State = 200,000
No. of Coronavirus Infections Reported in WA State = 10,000

No. of Hospital Beds per 1000 in NY State = 2.7
No. of Hospital Beds per 1000 in WA State = 1.7


Just looking at those numbers ... why do you think we have so little Coronavirus Infections? Here are what I came up with.

(1) NY State gas more than 3 time the people density.
(2) Average income is 35% less in NY compared to WA.

Those two factors seem to contributed a lot to the outcome of this pandemic. Unfortunately, it always come down to the wealth. I do not know the number of infections based on the income level within the State. That will be something I would look at.

Surprisingly, NY State has more hospital beds per 1,000 than WA State. So it does not seems to be the medical system break down that caused explosive infections in NY State.

By no means the pandemic is over.
Let's keep up the good work. I think looking at those numbers, avoiding close contact with other people may be the key. There will be time to shake hands when it is over.

#COVID19 #Coronavirus #KenUchikura #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc


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