
Otto's blog


Australia v Japan Quarterfinal

Australia v Japan Quarterfinal
It`s on! Japan & Australia will meet this Sunday morning!

I can`t decide which team to support. Whoever wins, I will be both happy & disappointed...

Kick off is 5am. I`ve been recording games & watching them later, but I think I will get up early to watch this game live. Anyway, whenever I watch it, & whichever team wins, I`m sure it will be a great match.

Whoever = だれでも Whenever= いつでも Whichever= どちでも Wherever= どこでも


Youtube Business Phrases Update

Youtube Business Phrases Update
This week we uploaded the 23rd and final video in our business phrase series to Youtube. Now you can see them all! One after the other ( どしどし )! All in a row (続けて)!

I enjoyed making them. I hope you enjoy watching them.

- ...enjoy + 動詞ing/名詞
- Be careful: ...enjoy + 動詞 WRONG ...enjoy + to 動詞 WRONG
#ビデオ #本


2015 FIFA Women`s World Cup

2015 FIFA Women`s World Cup
Australia & Japan have both made it (made it = successfully reach) to the knock-out stages of the current world cup in Canada. Great!

Unfortunately, Australia will meet Brazil next...

Japan are luckier - they will play Holland, who have not been playing so well.

Anyway, fingers crossed!

- Saying "fingers crossed" means to hope for good luck. You might see people actually cross two fingers (making an `x` shape) at places like casinos, horse races etc.


FC Gifu v Consadole Sapporo

FC Gifu v Consadole Sapporo
What a big crowd! Such a disappointing score...

On Sunday I watched F.C.Gifu lose 0-1 to Consadole Sapporo. It`s not so bad - I`d expected worse; Consadole Sapporo are pretty strong - currently (= now) 4th in J2 league. Unfortunately the referee ignored (見逃した) two PK appeals by Gifu players. How annoying!

Anyway, it was such nice weather, and so nice to sit outside drinking, eating & screaming abuse (罵る) at the referee, that I didn`t mind the score. I enjoyed myself.

- What/such + (形容詞) 名詞 e.g. What a stadium! Such beautiful grass.
- How/so + 形容詞 e.g. How nice! You`re so kind.
- Be careful: "What a nice!" - WRONG. "So nice stadium" - WRONG.


Suzuka Circuit Theme Park

Suzuka Circuit Theme Park
I: What did you get up to on the weekend, Teragoya Otto?
T: I went to a theme park called Suzuka Circuit. Do you know it?
I: Yes. They have lots of rides (乗り物) for small kids, right? Could you go on many rides?
T: Yes, but there were long lines (列) for popular rides like (様な) the roller coaster & boat ride. Fortunately the lines for simple rides like the police bumper cars & aeroplane ride were short, so my kids went on them a few times.
I: Did you go on the aeroplane ride, Teragoya Otto?
T: Er... maybe. Why do you ask?
I: Pffft... No reason (何となく)!
T: Hey! Don`t laugh - it`s a cool ride!

- 日本語では`theme` (テーマ)は`gamer`と同じ韻になります。でも、英語の発音になると`theme`は`dream`と同韻語なのです。


Pele`s Up Diner, Ginan

Pele`s Up Diner, Ginan
Upstairs from our Teragoya Ginan school is a restaurant called `Pele`s Up Diner`. I went there for the first time on Monday & tried one of their American-style hamburgers. It was really tasty. Yum!

The decor is great too. There`s even a `bobber`-style bike inside. If you have a chance, I recommend checking it out.


- In Japanese, `bike` = バイク = motorbike
- In English, `bike` = motorbike OR bicycle, so:
I ride my bike to school = 自転車で学校に行きます
Do you have a bike license? = バイクの免許はありますか?
#グルメ #バイク #バー #レストラン


Higashiyama Zoo Trip

Higashiyama Zoo Trip
On Sunday, Teragoya took about 80 kids to Higashiyama zoo in Nagoya. I think the kids` favourite animals were the tiger, the elephants, & the penguins. I like penguins, but their enclosure (囲壁 ?) is really smelly.

After looking at animals, we had a tasty lunch, took photos, then went home. The weather was good & everyone had a good time.

- "It`s tasty" = It tastes GOOD, but "It`s smelly" = It smells BAD


Business English Phrases on Youtube

Business English Phrases on Y...
You know about my Youtube videos, don`t you? You`ve watched them, haven`t you? They`re good, aren`t they?

If your answer to those questions wasn`t "Yes!!! Of course!!!" then please check out my Youtube videos:


Now there are 16, and we are continuing to add a new one each week. They are short, interesting & great for learning English. And everyone wants to improve their English, right?

- "...don`t you? ...haven`t you? ... isn`t he?" etc = "...ですね?"
- An easier, casual way: "...right?" = "...ですね / だよね?"

#ビデオ #本


Tsukuhae Art Exhibition

Tsukuhae Art Exhibition
On Sunday I went to a couple of art exhibitions in Aichi Prefectural Art Museum ( http://www-art.aac.pref.aichi.jp/eng/exhibition.html ). One was by a woodblock (版画) artist called Tsukuhae. Well, I thought it was by an artist called Tsukuhae, but actually it was a magazine called Tsukuhae. It was begun by three students at the Tokyo School of Fine Arts in 1914. The next year, one of the members died, so they stopped producing it.

Looking at their prints, I was inspired to make my own. When I read about the dead member, I was inspired to do it quickly...

- a magazine/city/restaurant called ___ = ___ というの雑誌/町/ レストラン
#アート #伝統 #文化 #芸術


Toyota Automobile Museum

Toyota Automobile Museum
When I went to The Toyota Automobile Museum ( http://www.toyota.co.jp/Museum/english/ ) a couple of weeks ago, I was amazed by the variety of cars. I had expected just Toyota cars, but there were also cars by Honda, Ford, MG etc. They were all in excellent condition. I was really impressed.

Which was my favourite? I can`t say - it`s impossible to choose.

When I see old cars, I really want to have one. Maybe when I retire I`ll get an old car and try to restore it. Unfortunately, I don`t know anything about car restoration. When I have time, I`ll study!

- When... 動詞... 動詞... (about always)
- When... 過去形動詞... 過去形動詞... (about the past)
- When... 動詞... will 動詞... (about the future)
- When... 動詞... 過去形動詞... etc. WRONG
- When... will 動詞... will 動詞... WRONG


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