
Otto's blog


The Scary But Convenient Tunnel

The Scary But Convenient Tunnel
After a cup of coffee for breakfast, I continued north along the east shore of Lake Biwa. Soon I came to a big, busy tunnel. There was a lot of traffic (交通量). I couldn`t see a footpath (歩道). It looked a bit scary for cycling. Fortunately I had my smart phone. I pressed a button & instantly I could check a map & find another road & tunnel. Isn`t technology great?

Anyway, I took this photo of the tunnel that I used. It also looks a little scary, right? But there was no traffic when I went through it, so I was happy. I worry about cycling through tunnels. I also worry about getting a flat tyre when I go cycling, so I always take a pump. Fortunately I didn`t need it this trip.

I wonder how old this tunnel is? It looks scary, but it was convenient.

- For some reason, In Japanese, the `U` in these words - cup, tunnel, button, pump - is pronounced `‘オ` but In English, it`s `ア`. So be careful:
- cup = " カップ", (NOT コップ) (Actually, `コップ` = `glass` in English)
- tunnel = "タネル", (NOT トンネル)
- button = "バトン", (NOT ボタン)
- pump = "パンプ", (NOT ポンプ)


Lake Biwa

Lake Biwa
Q: What did you get up to last week, Teragoya Otto?
T: I cycled from Ichinomiya to Tsuruga last Thursday.
Q: Oh - that`s a long way! Did you get up early?
T: Yes, I got up at 2am & left my house at 2:30. I got to Lake Biwa at about 8:30.
Q: What did you get up to there?
T: Nothing much. I just got coffee, relaxed a little, took this photo, then continued riding.
Q: Sounds tough.
T: Yes, pretty tough, especially as I`m not in good shape. I`ve got to improve my fitness.

- `get up to` = do
- `get up` = 起きる
- `get to` = reach, arrive, 着く
- `have got to` = must, ないと行けない


As I Cycled to Tsuruga...

As I Cycled to Tsuruga...
Last week I cycled to Tsuruga. As (= because) it was a long trip, I left Ichinomiya very early - 2:30am. As (= while) I was passing through a small town near Maibara, I stopped to take off my jacket, as (= because) I was getting hot. As (= while) I was taking off my jacket, I noticed a group of students going to school. As (= while) they crossed the bridge, I took this photo. As you know (知っての通り), I like taking photos.

- "As" has various meanings in English e.g. 乍ら、とき、から、のように、の通り


Cotton Plant

Cotton Plant
Earlier this year, I went with my family to The Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology in Nagoya:


We listened to a talk about cotton & we were given some free cotton seeds. When we got home, we planted (植えた) them. I watered (水をやった) them often. They grew quite well, & finally produced fluffy ( フワフワ ) white cotton. I was pleased & my kids were excited. What a cool plant!

Now I`m researching how to spin the cotton so I can use it.

- plant (名詞) = 植物 plant (動詞) = 植える
- water (名詞) = 水 water (動詞) = 水をやる
#園芸 #花



Recently my parents visited Japan. I took some time off work & took them to Takayama. We took the train there. It takes about 2 and a half hours from Nagoya.

We took a walk everyday. There are a lot of nice things to see in Takayama - temples, traditional buildings, mountain & river views, etc. I took this photo of a rickshaw (人力車), but we didn`t take a rickshaw anywhere.

It was lovely & sunny. Unfortunately I didn`t take a hat, so I got a little sunburnt.

- "take [took]" has a lot of meanings in English, e.g. 休む, 連れて行く, (時間が)かかる, 撮る, 乗る、持って行く, (薬を)飲む, and more...!


Made in Macau

Made in Macau
Before buying this toy car, I weighed up (considered & compared) the pros & cons (good & bad points):
Pro: only ¥50................................Con: My wife will still say, "a waste of money!"
Pro: My kids will play with it..........Con: My kids will probably break & lose it
Pro: Hatchback opens..................Con: Doors don`t open
Pro: Wheels in good condition......Con: Paint in bad condition

Finally, I looked at the bottom. It said "Made in Macau." That`s interesting! And `interesting` is a pro.

The pros outweighed the cons. I bought it.


Teragoya Kids Halloween Party

Teragoya Kids Halloween Party
There were more than 100 kids at our school`s kids halloween party on Sunday - great! There were a lot of cool costumes.

This year there has been a lot of Star Wars-related stuff (= things) on the Disney channel that my kids watch, but my kids didn`t understand what it was about. So I rented the DVDs of the original three movies. After that, of course they (& I!) wanted to wear Star Wars-related costumes to the halloween party.

There will be a new Star Wars movie in cinemas soon - do you plan to see it?

By the way, there`s going to be an adults halloween party at our Gifu school this Saturday - please come! http://jp.bloguru.com/teragoya-gifu/251404/2015-10-17

- Now: There is/are...
- Past: There was/were...
- Until now: There has/have been...
- Future: There will be.... / There`s going to be...


Tsuruga Camping

Tsuruga Camping
On the weekend I went camping with my family in Tsuruga, Fukui. I wanted to camp on Mihama Beach, but I noticed a sign which said `No Camping` so we went to this mountain campsite instead:


It was not far away, so I was happy. My kids saw a snake, so they were happy, and the campsite was free, so my wife was happy. I want to go there again, but not this year - the nights are getting cold now.

- "What does the sign say?" "It says there are snakes around here" = 「何て書いてある?」「蛇が出るって書いてあるよ」



On Monday my wife & I went to Ena. It`s famous for 栗きんとん (a kind of chestnut dessert) and Oi dam. The weather was good. We had a nice, relaxing time.

- Maybe you`ve heard people (e.g. in movies) say "Dam!" when they`re angry or surprised. But that`s a different word, spelt `damn`, not `dam`. It`s kind of rude, so be careful about using it yourself.



Yanagase Okinawan Restaurant

Yanagase Okinawan Restaurant
While looking at dinosaurs in Yanagase in Gifu (http://jp.bloguru.com/otto/249138/yanagase-dinosaur-display), I noticed (見かける) a new Okinawan-theme restaurant. We decided to have lunch there. I ordered Okinawan-style `souki soba` noodles. It was delicious. I decided not to drink Orion beer. I noticed they had root beer, so I ordered that instead (代わりに).

Sorry, I don`t remember the name of the restaurant, but if you look for it in Yanagase, or ask somebody there, I`m sure you can find it.

- decide [not] to 動詞 = 動詞[ない]ことにしました
#グルメ #バー #レストラン


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