
Otto's blog


Removing Rust with Vinegar

Removing Rust with Vinegar
I heard that vinegar (酢) can remove rust (錆), so I put this rusty pair of thread scissors in a jar of vinegar for a couple of days. Voilà (フランス語 = Look!) ! As you can see, it was very effective.

- To correctly pronounce "V" in English, don`t let your top lip touch your bottom lip - that will make a "B" sound. Only your top teeth should (almost) touch your bottom lip. "V" を正しく発音するためには、上唇と下唇が触れてはいけないのです。触れると "B"の音が出ます。 "V"は上の前歯を少しだけ、下唇に触れるだけでOKです。.
- Remember that `of` is pronounced "OV", not "OFF."


Wakasa-wada Camping & Beachcombing

Wakasa-wada Camping &...
I went camping at Wakasa-wada beach in Fukui. It`s late autumn now, so the campsite was empty. There were no campsite staff, so I didn`t have to pay. Nice.

I didn`t go swimming, but I enjoyed beachcombing (= looking for stuff on the beach). I found these colourful fishing floats, and some other stuff, which I kept.

- stuff ("スタッフ") = 物
- staff ("スターフ") = 部員, 使用人 etc.


Mini Apples

Mini Apples
I got these small apples from a friend. He said they were for making candy apples, so I thought I would try making candy apples with them, but my son has already eaten one. He told me it tasted like a normal apple. I should hurry up & make candy apples before he eats the other two...

- "They are..." --> He said they were...
- "I think I will..." --> I thought I would...
- "It tastes like..." ---> He told me it tasted like...


Kakamigahara Air Show

Kakamigahara Air Show
On Sunday I took my kids to the airshow at Gifu Air Base in Kakamigahara. First we looked at the planes parked in the hangars & on the runway. Then we watched some of them flying past & overhead. Next we had lunch, and finally we looked at the souvenir (土産) stalls (屋台). My kids wanted to pick up & play with all the toys in the stalls. I had to watch them carefully.

- look at + 動いていない物 (photo, map, house etc.)
- watch + 動いている物 (movie, football, kids playing, etc.)


Datsun 510 Bluebird

Datsun 510 Bluebird
While walking around my neighbourhood, I noticed this car parked in someone`s carport. It`s a Datsun Bluebird from around 1970. It`s nice, isn`t it? I especially like the colour. What`s your favourite car? favourite colour? favourite ice-cream flavour?

Some words spelt 'our' in British English are spelt 'or' in American English:
- UK: neighbour, colour, favourite, flavour
- US: neighbor, color, favorite, flavor


Kids Halloween Party

Kids Halloween Party
About 100 kids came to our Halloween party. Teragoya teachers & staff prepared various games & activities for them. For my activity, kids had to stick black felt mouth, nose, eyes, & plastic insects on an orange felt pumpkin face. Then we took a photo together. It was fun & interesting - each face was different & original.

It was a warm day, so I was getting a bit sticky in my Donald Trump costume, but fortunately the fake (偽物) hair & eyebrows I`d stuck on didn`t fall off.

- stick 動詞 (stuck 過去動詞 ) = 貼る / 付く
- sticky 形容詞 = べたべた
- sticker = シール (Be careful: In English, 'seal' = 封 / 印, so, "The teacher gave each student a sticker (NOT seal)."


YouTube Complete Travel English Series

YouTube Complete Travel Engli...
You can now enjoy all 31 videos in our 'Living & Traveling Abroad' series on YouTube. Have you watched all of them? Some of them? Any of them...?!

We had fun making them. I hope you enjoy watching them.

- have fun + 動詞ing
- enjoy + 動詞ing / 名詞 (Be careful: 'enjoy' needs an object 目的語, so e.g. "Did you enjoy?" or "I really enjoyed!" are WRONG. "Did you enjoy yourself/the party/camping/etc?" & "I really enjoyed it/myself/talking to you." are OKAY.
#ビデオ #映画 #本


(Early) Adults Halloween Party

(Early) Adults Halloween Party
A week ago we held our adults Halloween party at our Gifu school. There were lots of scary, funny, & interesting costumes. I dressed as Donald Trump. It was a lot of fun.

Be careful: funny = 笑える, fun = 楽しい, so: "The party was fun" but "This cartoon is funny."



Australia v Japan Soccer

Australia v Japan Soccer
Did you watch the game last night? My wife recorded it (cheers!) & I watched it when I got home from work. I was cheering for Australia, but I think the 1-1 result was fair.

- In the above examples, "Cheers!" = ありがとう (not かんぱい)
- In the above example "Cheer for" (動詞) = 応援する


Gifu Nobunaga Parade

Gifu Nobunaga Parade
On Sunday the 2nd of October there was a parade in Gifu to celebrate Oda Nobunaga, a famous lord in the 16th century. This parade is held every year, but this was the first time I`d been to it. For me, the highlight (見所) of the parade was when participants in samurai costumes fired guns. What a noise! But for many kids, the highlight was the Disney characters on two cars; Mickey & Minnie were on the first one, and Donald, Daisy, etc were on the second one.

- It`s usual to use `the` before ordinal numbers (順序数) e.g. "on the third (3rd) of April", "on the fourth (4th) floor", "The first time I went there...", "at the eleventh hour (= 土壇場に)"


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