
Otto's blog


Akemi Doyle

Akemi Doyle
I`m sad to report that Teragoya founder, owner & manager, Akemi Doyle, passed away last week from cancer.

Thanks to her, I joined Teragoya 11 years ago, and thanks to her, I stayed. Actually, I have lots of things to thank her for - too many to list here. She was a good boss & a good person.

From Teragoya Otto to Teragoya Akemi, thank you & rest in peace.


Shin-Godzilla Killer 'Copter

Shin-Godzilla Killer 'Copter
The night before going to the annual Gifu Kakamigahara airshow, my family watched the movie 'Shin Godzilla' on TV. In the movie, helicopters attack Shin Godzilla. The next day, my kids were really excited to see a real version of that type of helicopter. I hope they don`t think Godzilla is real too...

- real = 真の,
- really + 形容詞 =本当に、まさか、実のところ ("real + 形容詞" と言う人が少しあるけど普通では使わないです)


Onwards & Upwards from Otsu

Onwards & Upwards fro...
The final leg of my cycling trip around Biwa Lake was up the left side, from Otsu to Makino. It`s quite a long way, but fortunately there were good bike paths & wide footpaths most of the way. There was also a lot of nice scenery. I enjoyed myself.

My destination was a scenic tree-lined road called Metasequoia Namiki (メタセコイヤ並木), which my wife recommended seeing. Have you ever been there? I reached it just before sunset. After that I caught a train to Tsuruga, on the Japan Sea coast, camped there one night, & returned to Ichinomiya by train the next day.

- footpath* (イギリス英語) = sidewalk** (アメリカ英語)
- *foot 足 + path 道/林道 **side 側 + walk 歩く


Lake Biwa Cars

Lake Biwa Cars
While cycling around Lake Biwa, I took photos of any unusual cars that I saw. I saw German cars e.g. the dark green Volkswagen Karmann, French cars e.g. the Citroen 2CV, British cars e.g. the Mini Coopers, and of course Japanese cars such as the white Mitsubishi Galant GTO - I think out of all of them, that`s my favourite. How about you?

- Germany (国) --> German (形容詞) ['ドイツ'はドイツ語です]
- France (国) --> French (形容詞)
- Britain (国) --> British (形容詞)


Biwa Lake Sunrise

Biwa Lake Sunrise
I camped by Biwa Lake again. Although it was cold, I hardly noticed because I was so tired after riding all day. However, I got up before dawn the next morning. I hardly ever get up so early, so I hardly ever see the sun rise. I took this photo with my phone. Actually, I took a bunch of photos - when I`d finished, I had hardly any power left in my phone battery - oops!

- 'hardly' = almost zero, so 'hardly ever' = almost never, 'hardly noticed' = only noticed a little, 'hardly any __' = almost no ___, 'hardly anybody' = almost nobody


Kiyomizu Temple

Kiyomizu Temple
I rode my bicycle across Lake Biwa & over the hills to Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto. It was raining, & I wasn`t wearing* weather-proof clothes, so I bought a cheap raincoat at a convenience store (my old raincoat was worn out**).

When I arrived at Kiyomizu Temple, I saw a lot of people wearing* kimonos. Actually, most of them were Chinese, not Japanese, but they looked nice. I took some photos then went to Kyoto Station to catch a train back to Lake Biwa. I didn`t want to ride my bicycle back over the mountains. After riding all day I was pretty worn out***.

*wear = 着る
**wear out = 使い古す, worn out = 使い古した
*** wear out = 疲らす, worn out = 疲れ


Sagawa Art Museum

Sagawa Art Museum
A student recommended visiting Sagawa Art Museum in Moriyama City, & I`m glad I followed his advice. Their permanent exhibition (常設展示) is good - I especially liked the bronze statues (銅像) by Sato Churyo, and Hirayama Ukio`s watercolours. There was also a temporary exhibition (一時的な展示会) of famous Japanese 'Ukiyo-e' woodblock prints. I was lucky.

Like my student, I recommend you visit this museum, but if you want to catch the Ukiyo-e exhibition, I suggest you hurry - it finishes this Sunday.


- recommend/suggest + 動詞ing
- recommend/suggest + 誰か + 動詞 (NOT 'to 動詞' & NOT '動詞ing')
- recommend/suggest + 名詞 [+ to 誰か] (NOT 'recommend to 誰か')


Chat with Cat & Kayak Chap

Chat with Cat & Kayak Chap
After leaving Hikone, I cycled south for a couple of hours, then stopped at a convenience store to buy food. I hadn`t talked to many people that day, but I talked to a cat outside the convenience store:

"Hello, cat! What`s up? Are you hungry? Nice cat, can I take a photo? Oh, thank you... Say Mee-ow...!" [I took a photo] "Okay, get lost (=失せろ)."

I don`t like cats.

Next I rode a couple of kilometres to a campsite, set up my tent, made a fire, & cooked my dinner. After dinner I went down to the lake to fish & drink beer. About 11pm, a car approached (近寄る).

I thought, "Maybe it`s security."

A man got out & asked, "What are you doing?"

Yes - must be security. I said, "I`m fishing."

He asked, "Where are you staying?"

Yep - definitely security. I said, "I`m camping over there."

He asked me a few more questions, & we chatted a little. Finally he said, "I`m here to go night kayaking."

Haha - he wasn`t security after all (結局). Indeed, he then went back to his car, got a kayak from his car, & went kayaking on the lake ...at 11pm ...in late autumn. What a strange chap (=man)!

Soon after that, I gave up trying to catch a giant Lake Biwa catfish (ビワコオオナマズ) and went back to my tent in the empty campsite to sleep.

I slept well.

- go fishing = 釣りに行く, fish (動詞) = 釣りする
- go camping = キャンプに行く, camp (動詞) = キャンプする
- go shopping = 買い物に行く, shop (動詞) = 買い物する


Hikone Castle

Hikone Castle
After arriving in Hikone from Nagahama, I had lunch and fixed my loose bicycle seat, then went to look at Hikone Castle. It was larger than I expected. The autumn leaves hadn`t reached their peak yet, but the grounds & views were nice. I was impressed. After I looked around & took photos, I returned to my bicycle. Before leaving, I checked my bike seat one more time. It was okay, so I left Hikone & continued cycling down the east side of Lake Biwa. I wanted to find a campsite before dark.

- After/Before + 名詞: OK
- After/Before + 動詞ing: OK
- After/Before + 主語 + 動詞 (NOT 動詞ing): OK
- After/Before + 主語 + 動詞ing: WRONG


My Silver Lining

My Silver Lining
In my last blog post, I used the idiom, 'every cloud has a silver lining' (すべての雲は銀の裏地を持っています = 不幸中にも幸いあり). This is a song by a band (band? They are 2 sisters) called First Aid Kit. The song is called My Silver Lining, & it`s about wanting good luck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKL4X0PZz7M

And a couple more songs of theirs:
The Lion`s Roar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gekHV9DIjHc
Emmylou: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PC57z-oDPLs

- a band/restaurant/town called ___ = ___ というバンド / レストラン / 町


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