
Otto's blog


Teragoya Fan, by a Teragoya Fan

Teragoya Fan, by a Teragoya ...
Thank you Teragoya student & fan, Naoki, for designing our new 'uchiwa' fans. They look awesome (=great)! We will give them to current (今の) students & local (地元の) businesses. The design features fireworks (花火), Kinka Mountain, Gifu castle, Nagara Bridge, & the "The Bohme English Academy since 1998." Yes - we have been in business for 20 years!


The Case of the Crooked Display Case

The Case of the Crooked Displ...
I finished making this golf ball display case for our September craft event. Maybe you can notice that it`s not perfectly straight, but that`s not my fault (所為). It`s because the recycled wood I used for it wasn`t straight.

Do you believe me?

There is an English proverb (諺), 'A bad workman always blames his tools.' However, I don`t need to blame my tools when I use recycled wood, because I can blame the crooked (歪) wood instead. It`s a convenient excuse (言い訳).


Australia Failure

Australia Failure
I`m disappointed that Australia failed to reach the next round of the World Cup, but I`m sure German fans are even more disappointed by their national team`s failure. Wow - what a surprise!

Tonight I`ll watch Japan play Poland. I hope Japan wins.

- fail + 名詞 = 落ちる
- fail to + 動詞 = しそこなう
- failure = 失敗、故障、不成功


Australia v Peru Preview

Australia v Peru Preview
Tonight, Australia will play Peru in the World Cup. I hope Australia wins. I hope Tim Cahill plays, and of course I hope he scores. I just wish he were younger... he`s 38 now. I also wish Australia had some of the big-name players that countries like France have. Well, let`s see what happens.

- I wish + 過去形動詞 (about now or future, something NOT true/possible)
- I hope + 現在形動詞 (about now or future, something POSSIBLE)
- "I wish Australia wins/will win" - WRONG


Youtube Series Final Episode

Youtube Series Final Episode
Today we filmed the final episode of our current 'English Phrases' Youtube series. Thank you Minori for handling Tera, Miho for filming, & Yasue (in Tokyo) for editing. And thank YOU for watching them (you`ve been watching them, right...?). You can see the ones we`ve uploaded so far (これまで) here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNjA16foCpI&list=PLEL8h9GIzoeNLvfx0E6p1f7RzGMa9pbaU

If you want to buy the book that goes with the videos, please contact our school at www.teragoya.net

#ビデオ #本


Colombia v Japan

Colombia v Japan
I finished work at 10pm, then went straight to Marquee Australian Bar in Gifu. I got (= arrived) there just in time for the second half of the Colombia-Japan game. I got (= bought) a beer then talked about the first half with a customer. She said a Colombian player got shown (= was shown, 出された/見せられた) a red card. Of course when Japan scored their second goal, the bar got (= became) pretty noisy. At full time, I got (= received) a free glass of champagne. Thanks, Chris!

- As you can see, 'get' has many meanings.
#スポーツ #バー


Russia 2018 Football World Cup

Russia 2018 Football World Cup
The World Cup starts tonight! At midnight, Russia are playing Saudi Arabia. I`m not really interested in these two teams, but I think I`ll stay up to watch the game. I don`t have to get up early tomorrow morning, so I can sleep in. Or, if the game is boring, I might fall asleep during the game.

- wake up: 目覚める
- get up: 起きる
- stay up: 遅くまで起きる
- fall asleep: 寝入る
- sleep in: 遅く 寝る


Ink Painting Exhibition

Ink Painting Exhibition
During my lunch break, I popped outside to do a couple of things. While walking past じゅうろくてつめいギャラリー, (near ドンキホーテ) I noticed that an exhibition was being held, so I went inside to take a look. It was interesting & enjoyable. I laughed when I saw the fan design with English on it. Nice!

The gallery`s homepage: http://www.juroku.co.jp/aboutus/tetsumei_gallery/

- 'During + 名詞' e.g. my break, the night, the war
- 'While + 動詞ing' e.g. shopping, walking, driving OR 'While I was shopping... While he is driving...' etc.


Urinal Kinds of Trouble

Urinal Kinds of Trouble
When I was at Nagoya Chubu Airport, I went to the restrooms & noticed this spelling mistake. It should read "Urinal".

Natural English
urinal = 小便器, urine* = 小便, urinate* = 小便する.
* in casual English, words such as 'pee' (名詞 & 動詞) are often used


Zoo Trip

Zoo Trip
On Sunday, school staff & students visited Higashiyama zoo in Nagoya. It was a nice day - a little cloudy so not hot. The 6 girls in my group were well-behaved & enjoyed looking at the animals & hearing my interesting animal facts e.g. that hippos are the most dangerous African animal (did you know that?). The most popular animals seemed to be the koalas - it was a little crowded there.

Be careful: cloudy = 曇り crowded = 込んでいる
#動物 #旅行


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