
Otto's blog


Postcard from Pyongyang

Postcard from Pyongyang
Former Teragoya teacher Andrew told us he would visit North Korea. I asked him to send us a postcard from there. He promised to try. Today one arrived, addressed to our school mascot, Tera-chan. Tera-chan was excited. He said he wants to live in North Korea because he read (読んだ) somewhere that Kim Jong-un is a puppet leader (人形のリーダー).

- Be careful: read (リーd = 読む) & read (レd = 読んだ) have the same spelling


Why Did the Teacher Cross the Road?

Why Did the Teacher Cross th...
Across from Gifu Teragoya is the Gifu City Culture Centre. I noticed these paintings in their street-side display windows, so I crossed the road to take a closer look. Actually, they look better from a distance (遠いから), so this is a photo from my classroom across the road.

The top two paintings remind me of a print by Kyokichi Tanaka.

- Be careful: `across` & `cross` are different: across = 向い cross = 渡る


Getting Ready for Iwato Festival

Getting Ready for Iwato Festival
Now my neighbours (ネイバー = 隣人) are getting ready for my town`s festival this Sunday. In this photo, they are getting one of three floats (山車) ready. If you are free this Sunday, please come to the Iwato festival (一宮市・石刀祭). If you bring kids, tell them to get ready to hold the ropes which pull the floats!

Info: http://www.rurubu.com/event/detail.aspx?ID=12038
Info: http://dashi-matsuri.com/dashikan/owari/iwato/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1iGW8S6yl0

- be ready = 準備が整う
- get ready = 揃える
- get ready for + 名詞 = 名詞の準備をする
- get ready to + 動詞 = 動詞を整える
- get + 名詞 + ready = 名詞を整える


Second Hand Bookstore

Second Hand Bookstore
Not far from my school in Gifu is this second-hand (= used) bookstore. I sometimes go there to look at art books. Second-hand art books in Japan are far cheaper (断然安い) than in Australia. These 5 large books cost only ¥1,800.

- "far" usually means 遠い, but "far + (形容詞)er" means "断然 __er".


Tetsumei Gallery, Gifu

Tetsumei Gallery, Gifu
This lovely old building is in Gifu City, near my school. It used to be a bank, but now it is a gallery.


The other day I popped out to buy lunch, and noticed that there was an exhibition there, so I popped in to take a look. It was interesting. The event organisers were friendly & kind.

If you pass that building & there is an exhibition on, please pop in. Also, if you pass Gifu Teragoya, please pop in & say hi to me!

- pop + 前置詞 e.g. pop in, pop out, pop up = do/happen/appear quickly, so 飛び出す絵本 = a pop-up book



Studio Teragoya

Studio Teragoya


Cool Cars In & Around Ichinomiya

Cool Cars In & Around Ic...
On Saturday night, after work, I went to a Thai restaurant* with some friends. It`s not far from central Gifu, & now it`s spring (春) it`s nice to walk at night, so we walked there. On the way, I saw this nice old car. It`s a 1960s Mazda Carol. What a cool little car!

I had a good time with my friends, but I didn`t stay out very late, so in the morning I felt fine.

- On Saturday... At night... On Saturday night...
- On Sunday... In the morning... On Sunday morning...

* http://tabelog.com/en/gifu/A2101/A210101/21011096/


Mihama Monkeys

Mihama Monkeys
On Sunday I went for a drive to Fukui Prefecture. I took a walk on the beach, but of course I didn`t go for a swim - it`s still too cold.

After taking a look around Mihama Beach, I noticed a big group of monkeys in a field, so I took some photos.

Did you know there are no wild (野生) monkeys in Australia?

- Sometimes, instead of just `____(動詞)`, we can use `go ___ing` or `take a ____` or `go for a _____` e.g. swim = go swimming = take a swim = go for a swim.
- Note: the meaning might change a little e.g. walk = 歩く, take a walk = 散歩する


Costco Meat Pies

Costco Meat Pies
Recently I went to the new Costco supermarket in Hashima. They sell things that Japanese supermarkets don`t usually sell, such as meat pies. Meat pies are not popular in Japan, but they`re popular in Australia. I like them - they`re convenient, pretty cheap, and tasty (usually...!).

Notice the brand - `Dad`s Pies`, so if you are a mum, or you are man without children, you can`t eat them. Sorry.

- `Dad` (UK & US)
- `Mum` (UK), `Mom` (US)


Music You Might Like - The Go-Betweens

Music You Might Like - The G...
Now I live in Japan, but originally (元々) I`m from Brisbane, in Australia. This group is from my hometown.

If you`ve been to Brisbane, you should* recognize some of the places in the first song`s video. If you`ve never been to Brisbane, you should** go - it`s nice!



- `Should` usually means `...した方がいいです` [**] but sometimes it means `probably can/will/be...` (恐らく) [*]


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