
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)

1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA

425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989


Afternoon Walk

Afternoon Walk
Today, I had no hospital appointments and no plans to go out, so I decided to take a short walk around my neighborhood. Initially, I only intended to walk about 500 steps, but I ended up getting carried away and, before I knew it, I had walked 2,000 steps. As a result, the scar from my surgery started to ache a little.
My doctor advised me to walk one mile (about 1.6 kilometers) per day, but since my stride has become shorter, even after walking 2,500 steps, I still don't reach a full mile.
As I walked, I noticed new buds sprouting on the trees in the gardens of the houses around me. It made me realize that spring is near. However, since it was still quite cold, I wore a long coat with a hood to keep warm.
I'm really happy that I'm able to walk this much again, but I can feel that my muscles have weakened significantly over the past month. Regaining my strength will be a challenge, but I’ll take it one step at a time.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
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PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


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Today's meal

Today's meal
It's been a month since my surgery today. My appetite is coming back. Though it's still less than before, I'm able to enjoy my meals again. I'm also able to eat without any stomach issues, which makes me really happy. My weight has also started to go up a little.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
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PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#AI #CustomWebDevelopment #CustomerSupport #EmailHosting #KidneyTranslplant #PSPINC #WebDevelopment #WebHosting #WebProgramming


A Month That Felt Both Short and Long

A Month That Felt Both Short a...
I had a kidney transplant on February 1st, and today is March 1st. Even though February is shorter than other months, the past month has flown by.
To make it easier to work from home, I’ve been converting part of my bedroom into a home office. Amidst this, the Brother document scanner I purchased two days ago arrived. I spent the morning setting it up, but it didn’t go well. There weren’t many detailed setup videos on YouTube, and the manual was difficult to understand—with text that was far too small to read. In the end, I decided to return it. Since I bought it on Amazon, the return process was relatively easy, and the designated return location was a nearby Amazon Fresh.
For the past month, I hadn’t driven at all, but today, for the first time, I drove myself to Amazon Fresh to return the item. Of course, I hadn’t forgotten how to drive, and everything felt natural. The entire round trip took less than 30 minutes, and I also stopped by the pharmacy to pick up my prescription.
My first solo outing—it felt really good.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#AI #CustomWebDevelopment #CustomerSupport #EmailHosting #KidneyTranslplant #PSPINC #WebDevelopment #WebHosting #WebProgramming


Second check up

Second check up
Second Checkup This Week
First, I went to the lab for a blood test and a urine test. After that, I had an appointment with a nurse at 9 AM. Since some of my medications were changed, they decided to do a kidney ultrasound for further evaluation. However, the ultrasound was scheduled for 1 PM, so even though my morning appointment ended at 10 AM, I spent the waiting time at the hospital cafeteria, having breakfast.
At 1 PM, I was called in for the ultrasound, which ended up taking a whole hour. I'm not sure if the technician was just slow or if it was supposed to take that long, but it felt like the same thing was being done over and over again. Just when I thought it was finally over, they asked me to go pee, and after that, they took another ultrasound of my bladder. By the time everything was finished, it was already 2:15 PM. It was a long session.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#AI #CustomWebDevelopment #CustomerSupport #EmailHosting #KidneyTranslplant #PSPINC #WebDevelopment #WebHosting #WebProgramming



Selling 1,000,000 of these—do you think that's even possible? But each one costs $5 million. If you think about it, a lot of wealthy Chinese buyers might jump on this opportunity, don’t you think?
They plan to sell 1,000,000 of these, which means a total revenue of $5 trillion flowing into the U.S. economy. Considering that Japan’s national budget is $770 billion, this is six times that amount coming in all at once. Isn’t this a genius idea? There are plenty of people who would love to buy a U.S. visa, right?
But here’s the key point—this is not about buying U.S. citizenship; it's about buying permanent residency. And permanent residency can be revoked at the airport upon entry. That means the only way to truly secure it is to actually move to the U.S.
Now, imagine 1,000,000 people who can afford a $5 million visa all moving to the U.S. Do you realize what kind of impact that would have?

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#AI #CustomWebDevelopment #CustomerSupport #EmailHosting #KidneyTranslplant #PSPINC #WebDevelopment #WebHosting #WebProgramming


US Stock Market

US Stock Market
Recent Decline in U.S. Stock Prices
Lately, U.S. stock prices have been frequently declining. What is the major reason behind this? I believe it is related to the unemployment rate. In particular, it seems that not only private sector jobs but also government jobs are being lost, with more people voluntarily leaving their positions.
I am not an expert, so I do not claim to understand everything. However, to be honest, I question whether this is really such a serious issue. Many of these government employees are getting paid without actually working. A reduction in government workers leads to lower government spending, ultimately contributing to increased efficiency. Especially when unnecessary personnel are being cut, it should not necessarily be seen as a negative development.
Currently, more than 90% of U.S. government employees claim to be working remotely from home. However, it remains uncertain how many of them are genuinely working. This situation cannot be considered acceptable.
If their unemployment is causing stock prices to drop, it would imply that corporate layoffs should also result in stock declines. This reasoning seems overly simplistic. Perhaps American investors need to think more logically.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#AI #CustomWebDevelopment #CustomerSupport #EmailHosting #KidneyTranslplant #PSPINC #WebDevelopment #WebHosting #WebProgramming


Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 326 Advances in Human and Human Technology

Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. ...

Advances in Human and Human Technology

Hello, this is Uchikura from PSPINC. How are you all doing? As I mentioned in my blog and social media pages, I’ve had a bad kidney for a long time, but I suddenly got a call from the hospital on January 31 that they had a kidney for me and that they needed to hospitalize me. On February 1, I was admitted to the hospital and left six days later. Many things happened, but I’ll tell you about those six days some other time.
Based on this experience, I will compare organs and human technology today. The kidneys clean the blood in the body and remove unwanted salt, potassium, potassium, potassium, and other unwanted substances from the body through urine. When the kidneys fail, dialysis can help supplement this function. The dialysis machine is about the size of a large photocopier and regulates the body's water and other substances that need to be eliminated. Patients who need dialysis generally go in to get it done two or three times a week for four to five hours.
The doctors showed us the actual kidney they were transplanting, which was about the size of a chicken breast. A kidney the size of a chicken breast naturally does what dialysis machines do over such a long period daily. I am truly grateful to the person who donated the kidney.
Although there have been remarkable technological advances in the medical field, they are only imitations of actual human organs and are therefore inferior to the actual organs. The human body is amazing, yet you can only use it once in a lifetime. Everyone, work is important, but please take care of your bodies and take good care of them for a long time. I, too, will be very careful from now on. I hope you all take good care of your health.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#AI #CustomWebDevelopment #CustomerSupport #EmailHosting #KidneyTranslplant #PSPINC #WebDevelopment #WebHosting #WebProgramming


Vlog on Bloguru

Vlog on Bloguru
Hello, this is Ken Uchikura, President of PSPINC.
Today is February 26, 2025, and it has been 26 days since my kidney transplant surgery.
I cannot say the recovery has been easy or pain-free. However, I have received so many kind messages on my blog and social media. The power of those messages has given me the strength and will to keep moving forward. The alternative is simply unthinkable.
I want to take this moment to personally thank each and every one of you.
First, I am deeply grateful to my family—my wife, my daughter, and my son-in-law. They recently welcomed their second child into the world. Due to my immune system’s condition, I have not yet been able to meet my grandchild, but I am looking forward to that special moment in about a month.
I also want to express my sincere gratitude to the incredible medical staff—the doctors, nurses, and everyone at Virginia Mason Medical Center—who took such great care of me.
Additionally, I want to thank everyone at Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. for their support.
I am not a particularly religious person, but I must thank God for giving me this incredible opportunity to receive a new kidney. And of course, I am deeply grateful to the donor who made this possible. Though I may not yet be well enough to express my thanks in person, I will be sure to do so through the kidney foundation when I am able.
My recovery journey is still long, but I wanted to take a moment to update you all—I am doing as well as I expected. Most importantly, I no longer need dialysis. That in itself is a miracle.
While I was undergoing dialysis, I had so many people to thank. I want to extend my appreciation to the Northwest Kidney Centers, as well as the dialysis centers in Japan, including the Shinbashi Clinic and St. Maria Clinic.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you all for your kindness and support.
Live long, take care of yourself, and prosper.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#AI #CustomWebDevelopment #CustomerSupport #EmailHosting #KidneyTranslplant #PSPINC #WebDevelopment #WebHosting #WebProgramming


Alien Registration

Alien Registration
If you are in the United States illegally, you need to register with United States government. Even if you did the register, you are not entitled to stay in the United States but you be sent home but legal way you'll be able to come back later time in the United States.
If you don't, and you are arrested and sent home, you, you will never be able to come to United States even for tourism. The homepage that you need to register is below.
When I was in college in the United States, I had to register on paper every year.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#AI #CustomWebDevelopment #CustomerSupport #EmailHosting #KidneyTranslplant #PSPINC #WebDevelopment #WebHosting #WebProgramming


Lunch a Panera Bread

Today's lunch was at a bakery chain called Panera Bread, where I bought a dozen freshly baked bagels. In the U.S., a dozen usually means 12, but at bakeries, a dozen actually means 13. Did you know that?
Among them, there were five freshly baked plain bagels, and I couldn’t resist eating one on the spot. It was so warm and delicious!
Although I bought 13 bagels, only these five plain ones were freshly baked. But they were by far the best. They were so good that I didn’t even need to put anything on them!

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#AI #CustomWebDevelopment #CustomerSupport #EmailHosting #KidneyTranslplant #PSPINC #WebDevelopment #WebHosting #WebProgramming


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