
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)

1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA

425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989


My New Home Office

My New Home Office
I've been setting up a home office over the past few days by purchasing various items from Amazon to create a productive work environment, making up for the time I can't be in the office. Today, the setup is finally complete with the arrival of a 28-inch Samsung monitor.
Here’s a picture of my new setup. The biggest change is switching from using my MacBook Air M4's built-in display to this larger external monitor, which has made navigating menus and working much more convenient. Instead of the built-in keyboard, I’m now using an Apple Bluetooth keyboard and a Bluetooth mouse, making the overall experience much more comfortable.
I've also adjusted the monitor settings to display eye-friendly colors, allowing for long working hours without strain. Once everything is properly set up, it naturally boosts my motivation. While I won’t be going to the office, I plan to do as much work as possible from home.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
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PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#AI #CustomWebDevelopment #CustomerSupport #PSPINC #WebDevelopment #WebProgramming


New Prescription ... New Like

New Prescription ... New Like New Prescription ... New Like
As a result of the organ transplant, my previous medications are no longer needed, and I have to switch to new ones. I was already taking a lot of medication, but it looks like I will be taking even more from now on.
Since the surgery, my urine production has increased significantly, forcing me to go to the bathroom multiple times during the night. However, it's not just a simple process—I struggle to urinate, and it takes time and effort, which makes me feel like my strength is gradually being drained. Additionally, as of this morning, my weight has dropped by 5.352 kg compared to before the surgery. I haven’t been dieting, but my appetite has decreased, which might be the cause. However, if this continues, I might lose muscle mass as well, so I need to consciously ensure that I consume enough protein.
The road to recovery seems long, but I am determined to push through so that one day, I can look back and say, "I remember those tough times." Please support me as I work toward that day.
Also, ever since the surgery, I’ve had a sore throat and lost my voice. I was told that it’s due to the breathing tube inserted into my airway during the two surgeries. This has been quite tough as well, but I believe I will recover little by little.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
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PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#AI #CustomWebDevelopment #CustomerSupport #PSPINC #WebDevelopment #WebProgramming


How to Make Your Website More Widely Known

How to Make Your Website M...
To make a website more widely known, it is essential to find a way to reach a large audience. When considering how to achieve this, what comes to mind? Advertising, perhaps?
There are various types of advertising, including traditional methods such as newspapers, TV, and radio, as well as modern online ads on platforms like Google, Yahoo!, YouTube, and Facebook. These online advertisements typically operate on a pay-per-click basis, where advertisers pay a fee for each click on their banner ads, directing users to their website. While this method incurs costs similar to traditional advertising, there is no guarantee that the results will directly translate into success.
The Shift Toward Organic Promotion
Recently, instead of spending money on advertisements, many businesses and individuals have taken a different approach—creating their own blogs, websites, social media accounts, or YouTube channels to promote their content. While this approach does not require direct advertising costs, it still demands significant time and effort.
In fact, some companies specialize in these services, offering content creation and promotion for a fee. However, outsourcing promotion may not always be the most exciting or cost-effective option.
Can You Do It All In-House?
I believe it is possible. My company is currently testing this approach. While the growth rate may not be as fast as paid advertising, it certainly delivers results. Since my company is not an advertising agency, I want to establish a system that enables us to offer this kind of support to our clients as well.
Are you interested in this topic? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#AI #CustomWebDevelopment #CustomerSupport #PSPINC #WebDevelopment #WebProgramming


How my Diabetes Started.

How my Diabetes Started.
Here is my photo from 20 years ago. Even now, I look at it and see how bloated I was. I was eating hamburgers, drinking Coca-Cola, drinking Gatorade, and working hard with love for what I did. Then one day, I started feeling extremely thirsty. My mouth was always dry, and I constantly needed something to drink. But water didn’t quench my thirst. I kept Coca-Cola and Gatorade next to my desk, drinking them frequently while working. On top of that, I could no longer eat spicy food at all.
I knew then—I had developed diabetes. So, I went to the hospital, and sure enough, the doctor confirmed it. My blood sugar level was over 350. I realized this was serious, but the doctor prescribed me Metformin, and once I started taking it, my thirst disappeared. It felt as if nothing had ever been wrong. As a result, I continued living the same unhealthy lifestyle while taking the medication. That was the beginning of my life with diabetes. Yet, at the time, I didn’t think of it as the beginning of a diabetic life.
If I had done something at this early stage, things might not have gotten progressively worse. But maybe that was my weakness. No, I don’t think it’s just me—when symptoms disappear, many people tend to believe everything is fine again. Looking back, I probably had other warning signs before reaching this point. But this was 20 years ago, and from here, it took another 15 years for the problems to reach my kidneys. This is the true danger of lifestyle diseases—you don’t feel the symptoms, yet they are silently damaging your body.
I don’t want anyone else to go through what I did. If you start experiencing even minor symptoms or if a doctor warns you that you are prediabetic, take it seriously. Control yourself, hold back, and do everything you can to avoid developing diabetes. But even if it seems difficult, it’s still not too late. Always keep it in mind—it’s a tough battle, but please do your best.
This is the story of how my life with diabetes began. I’m not a health advisor—in fact, I am the very definition of an unhealthy person. That’s why I am only sharing my own mistakes. I don’t want anyone else to make the same ones. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me anytime.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#AI #CustomWebDevelopment #CustomerSupport #PSPINC #WebDevelopment #WebProgramming


Be Healthy

Be Healthy Be Healthy Be Healthy
I visited Virginia Mason Hospital for the first time since being discharged. As soon as I arrived, I went to the lab for blood and urine tests, then waited about 30 minutes for my doctor's appointment. The first thing the doctor said to me was, "Congratulations on your new kidney!" I’m still in recovery and haven’t fully grasped the feeling of celebration yet, but it’s definitely something to be grateful for. My kidney is working well—perhaps too well, as I keep running to the bathroom! But even that makes me happy. I can feel excess fluids leaving my body, and my hands even seem a bit wrinkled. But that’s a good thing.
I had been on dialysis for nearly three years, waiting for this day to come. It was impossible to know when it would happen, but as soon as I was told, the very next day, I was in surgery. Because of this, I had to cancel my business trips to Japan in February and April. It was a big expense, but that doesn’t bother me at all.
There are many people like me who were once told they were prediabetic, later developed diabetes, and eventually suffered kidney failure, requiring dialysis and, ultimately, a transplant. Looking back, if I had put in even one-tenth of the effort when I was first diagnosed as prediabetic, I might not have ended up here. Many people today are either prediabetic or have mild diabetes. People often associate diabetes with the risk of limb amputation, but the truly frightening part is how it silently damages vital organs like the kidneys. I was lucky to be given a second chance through a kidney transplant, but this is not something everyone gets.
I am not a health expert, but in a way, I might be an expert in chronic illness. I have experienced diabetes, kidney disease, dialysis, and now a kidney transplant. I sincerely hope that none of you ever have to go through the same thing. That’s why, if there is anything you can do to prevent it, please do. If you can reduce your alcohol intake even slightly or cut back on smoking, please do so. Your future self will thank you.
I never drank alcohol, and I didn’t eat many sweets, yet I still developed diabetes. It was likely due to consuming too many carbohydrates. I truly wish you all good health. Please take care of yourselves. And if you ever want to hear from a health expert, feel free to reach out anytime.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#AI #CustomWebDevelopment #CustomerSupport #PSPINC #WebDevelopment #WebProgramming


Isn't human great!

Isn't human great!
During my recent kidney transplant, I had the opportunity to see my new kidney with my own eyes. It was about the size of a chicken breast. Looking at it, I thought, "This is a kidney, and it's about to become a part of my body." At that moment, I reflected on the dialysis treatments I had been undergoing due to my failing kidney.
Dialysis is a medical technology that partially replaces the kidney’s function by mechanically filtering the blood. Typically, it requires three sessions per week, each lasting four to five hours. The dialysis machine itself is about the size of two office copiers. Even with such a large device, it can only replicate a small fraction of what this tiny, chicken breast-sized kidney does naturally.
The human body is truly incredible. No matter how advanced AI or computer technology becomes, it still cannot fully replicate the complex functions of the human body. Nature’s power continues to amaze me.
I hope my new kidney functions well and keeps me healthy. Keep up the good work, kidney!

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#AI #CustomWebDevelopment #CustomerSupport #PSPINC #WebDevelopment #WebProgramming


Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 323 Pros and Cons of Using a Free Email Services for Business

Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. ...

Pros and Cons of Using a Free Email Services for Business


If you use free email services like Gmail or Yahoo Mail for your small business, it could leave the following impressions:

Positive Impressions

  • Convenience and Efficiency
    Free email services are widely recognized and easy to use. For small businesses, where speed and convenience often take priority, they can be seen as a practical choice.
  • Cost consciousness
    Using free email demonstrates efforts to minimize expenses, which is often understandable for startups and individual entrepreneurs.

Negative Impressions

  • Lack of Professionalism
    Free email accounts are commonly associated with personal use. When used for business, they may give the impression of lacking reliability or seriousness.
  • Weak Brand Presence
    An email address with a custom domain (e.g., info@yourcompany.com) represents your business or brand. In contrast, free email accounts might fail to convey your brand’s identity, leaving an impression that your business is small or not formally established.
  • Security Concerns
    Free email services are sometimes perceived as less secure. For businesses handling customer or confidential information, custom email accounts tend to inspire greater trust.
  • Risk of Being Flagged as Spam
    Emails sent from free email addresses are more likely to get caught in spam filters, increasing the risk of delivery failure.

Tips for Professional Email Practices

  • Use a Custom Domain Email
    Investing in a custom domain email address (e.g., contact@yourcompany.com) enhances your professional image. Although it involves a cost, it significantly improves trust and strengthens your brand identity.
  • Supplement Free Email Usage
    You can use free email as a backup or for personal communication while relying on a custom domain email as your primary business address.
  • Start Simple with Reliable Hosting Services
    By using hosting services like PSPINC, setting up a custom domain email becomes quick and easy. Our Dreamersi service is designed to be user-friendly and cost-effective, making it an excellent option for small businesses.
While free email services offer convenience, custom domain emails are preferable when it comes to business trustworthiness and professionalism. First impressions matter, especially when dealing with new clients, and a small investment in a professional email address can deliver significant returns.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#AI #CustomWebDevelopment #CustomerSupport #PSPINC #WebDevelopment #WebProgramming


Come to Work or Resign

Come to Work or Resign
The Trump administration has asked all federal workers (approximately 2,000,000 people) to stop working from home or remotely, or resign. The government expects about 10% (200,000 people) will choose to resign.
I am not a fan of remote work. Here are my reasons:
1. Job Fairness – Some jobs require employees to work outside the home. Why should certain job types allow some people to work remotely while others cannot?  
2. Security Concerns – Remote work increases exposure to security risks, making sensitive information more vulnerable.  
3. Improved Communication – Communication is more than just exchanging words; in-person interactions foster better understanding and collaboration.  
4. Fewer Distractions – The workplace has fewer home-related distractions, leading to increased productivity.  
5. Demonstration of Commitment – Being physically present at work shows dedication and engagement.  

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#AI #CustomWebDevelopment #CustomerSupport #PSPINC #WebDevelopment #WebProgramming


Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 322 Discover PSPINC’s Latest SaaS Lineup

Ken Uchikura Ne...

Discover PSPINC’s Latest SaaS Lineup

At PSPINC, we offer a diverse range of SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions designed to boost your business efficiency and growth. Each service is simple, user-friendly, and tailored to meet specific needs. We invite you to explore our offerings and utilize them for your business!

  • Dreamersi / Web & Email Hosting
    Essential hosting services for your website and email, backed by reliable support and robust data protection to keep your business running smoothly.
  • NewsMail / Newsletter & Email Marketing
    Achieve effective email marketing with ease. Create and send engaging newsletters effortlessly using this intuitive tool.
  • MegaMail / Large File Transfer System
    Send and receive large files seamlessly. Secure and fast file sharing is now at your fingertips.
  • Click It Audio / Embed Audio on Websites & Blogs
    Easily add audio content to your website or blog, enhancing engagement by appealing to both sight and sound.
  • Pass Wizard / Secure Password Management
    Safely store and manage your important passwords, minimizing security risks with this trusted tool.
  • Bloguru / Ad-Free, Free Blogging Platform
    Enjoy simple, ad-free blogging. Share your ideas and updates quickly and easily.
  • InforMakers / Create Web Forms in Minutes
    Build contact forms and surveys in no time. Easily integrate them into your website for streamlined user interactions.
  • WebdeXpress / Web Development Tool for Dreamersi Users
    A free website development tool for Dreamersi users, enabling the creation of professional websites without technical expertise.
  • WebdeReserve / Online Reservation System
    Manage events and reservations online, simplifying participant management with this efficient system.
  • C-Sagaseru / Coaching Service Search & Introduction Platform
    Connect with professional coaches or showcase your coaching services through detailed profile pages that expand your business opportunities.
  • WebdeMail / Web-Based Email Client
    Access and manage your emails from anywhere with this web-based email management tool.
  • Biznomos / Business Network Management Tool
    Organize and manage business network members and referrals effectively to enhance your operations and connections.
For more information or to get started with any of our services, please feel free to check our website. We look forward to helping you elevate your business to the next level!

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#CustomWebDevelopment #CustomerSupport #PSPINC #WebDevelopment #WebProgramming


 DeepSeek and Its Impact on Society

 DeepSeek and I...
 DeepSeek and Its Impact on Society
DeepSeek, an open-source AI platform, holds immense potential to revolutionize industries and improve daily life. By democratizing AI development, it lowers barriers to entry, fosters global collaboration, and encourages innovation. With its accessibility, DeepSeek enhances transparency, supports ethical practices, and opens new doors for education and research. However, its open-source nature also introduces risks of misuse, emphasizing the need for safeguards and regulations. By challenging proprietary AI models, DeepSeek could lead to more affordable and widely accessible AI solutions, accelerating its adoption to address global challenges. But responsible management is essential to mitigate potential risks.
Benefits for Ordinary People
For everyday users, DeepSeek promises to make technology more affordable and accessible. It has the potential to improve essential services such as healthcare, education, and customer support while enabling faster innovation and creating fairer, more transparent systems. However, it also brings challenges, such as risks of misinformation and harmful misuse, which require users to stay informed and cautious. Despite these challenges, DeepSeek offers the promise of better tools and services to enhance daily life.
What PSPINC Can Do
For a software development and SaaS company like PSPINC, embracing open-source AI like DeepSeek presents significant opportunities. PSPINC could:
- Enhance Existing Platforms: Integrate AI-powered features into products like Dreamersi or WebdeXpress to offer more value to clients.
- Develop Proprietary AI Tools: Build niche solutions for industries such as healthcare, education, or business networking.
- Create New SaaS Offerings: Focus on AI-driven tools for data analysis, marketing automation, or secure communication.
- Educate and Support Clients: Help businesses understand and adopt AI responsibly while ensuring ethical use.
- Contribute to Open-Source Development: Participate in the development of AI innovations to position PSPINC as a leader in this space.
By leveraging AI responsibly, PSPINC can expand its services, stay competitive.
DeepSeek represents a significant opportunity for innovation, accessibility, and societal progress. However, with great power comes great responsibility. It is crucial for companies, developers, and individuals to ensure ethical use, mitigate risks, and focus on leveraging AI to create solutions that benefit everyone. By embracing this responsibility.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#AI #CustomWebDevelopment #CustomerSupport #PSPINC #WebDevelopment #WebProgramming


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