- ハッシュタグ「#marketing」の検索結果601件
I spent entire afternoon talking about Ezell's Famous Chicken project for Japan. During this meeting, I think we came up with few points that needed to addressed.
I am skipping the PSP study today.
With is I know what kind of server environment my program is running.
It is sometime important to understand what kind of data you are dealing with. This is specially useful when you are trying to verify user input.
Array Sort.
When I was programming in the other language, I had to write a routine to do the sorting. But PHP provides a function to do the sorting.
The Source
(1) Creating Array.
(2) Imploding Array into a string.
(3) Exploding a string back to an array.
This function should be useful creating a CSV file or reading CSV file in an array.
Note: So far the most difficult thing about learning PHP is to create an environment where you can test your source code. Lucky for me, I have my domain and web environment that supports PHP.
If you want t learn PHP, I suggest you get your own learning environment in the cloud.
Array ... It is bit confusing.
Have you thought about web server programming?
Variables in PHP starts with $ sign.
My first source in PHP
My first Program ... "Hello World!"
This is one of the things help me understand Internet more.
Many popular fast food restaurants allows customers to choose what they want on their plate. Some of the example of those restaurants are...
- JUST POKE (Pictured)
They all seem to appeal to millenniums and the theme is "HEALTH" & "ORGANIC". It is a interesting trend.
This must be the most powerful desktop PC we have ever built for our client. We do not usually build PC but the customer's request was so specific, we can only build it ourselves.
I see this kind of PCs at COMPUTEX Taiwan earlier this year.
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