今日YouTubeを見て、2013年のMacを最新のMacOS 14までアップグレードできるハッキングを見つけました。それをやって午前中に macOS 14のアップグレードが完了したのですが、使い始めて色々と細かいところで動作がおかしいことに気がつきました。そこでそれまで使っていたMacOS 12に戻そうと言うことになりました。
Today, I found a hack on YouTube that allows upgrading a 2013 Mac to the latest macOS 14. I did the upgrade this morning, but after using it for a while, I noticed several minor issues with its performance. So, I decided to revert back to macOS 12, which I had been using previously.
Upgrading to 14 was straightforward with the Installer, but reverting to 12 required creating an installer from a USB boot disk. It took until the evening to complete the clean installation. After that, I began migrating the files, but it isn't finished yet, so I decided to go home and leave the migration running. I hope my Mac will be back to its original state by tomorrow morning.

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