
Sushi Seki A sushi restaurant that never stops evolving “Sushi Seki”, in Times Square

Sushi Seki A su... Sushi Seki A su... Sushi Seki A su... Sushi Seki A su... Sushi Seki A su... Sushi Seki A su...
By Aya Ota

The very Japanese-looking façade of a restaurant that stands out on a busy street called the “Restaurant Row” in Times Square’s Theater District, catches your eyes. It is “Sushi Seki”, which is well known for its high-quality fresh seafood that they serve, and creative sushi, full of seasonal ingredients that you can enjoy.

Seki Shi, the owner/chef, is from the Fujian Province of China. He went to Tokyo to study at the age of 17. There, he opened his eyes to cooking, and distinguished himself. He went to New York in 1991, and worked at various notable restaurants including “Sushi of Gari” before he became independent, and opened “Sushi Seki” in the Upper East Side District.

Then, he opened two more restaurants 2 years in a row, the second one in Chelsea in January of 2014, and the third one in Times Square in October of 2015. Opening of another in Brooklyn is also in the works. People usually believe that the more authentic the sushi restaurant is, the harder it would be to expand the business to multiply, because in order to have such success, it heavily relies on the capabilities of artisans. I wonder what kind of dynamic power has been supporting this unstoppable advance.

“The Times Square restaurant is hugely different from the other two. It is positioned as the flagship, which represents integrated forms of various styles,” says Yasuyuki Suzuki, the General Manager.

Inside of this restaurant is a luxurious space with 80 seats on the first floor, and 70 on the second floor. Once you step inside, a spacious counter and tables open up in front of you. There is a space called the“Kappo Room” in the back, where a counter, tables, and a communal table are situated facing the open kitchen. On the second floor, there is a bar, where you enjoy mostly Japanese whiskey drinks, terrace tables by the windows, a private Japanese room, and a hide-out-like space where you enjoy omakase-style sushi. This place can accommodate every situation; business meetings, family get-togethers, large groups, couples on a date, or a single customer.

The menu, which used to contain mostly sushi, has been largely evolved. The Kappo cuisine aspect was launched due to Chef Seki’s strong hope and intention to take “restaurant cooking” as a whole, seriously. They serve a wide variety of seasonal a-la-carte dishes. Among them, the “Special Kappo Counter Menu” (from $85), full of both land and ocean ingredients of each season, changes the contents monthly. There are also dishes from which you can feel the changes of Japanese seasons, which you can rarely find in the US such as “Ayu ‘Sweet Fish’ Sansho-Ni”, and “Kogomi ‘Fiddlehead Fern’ with Sesame Sauce”.

There is a menu item, which is unique due to the condition, which is that the restaurant is located in the Theater District. The “Mini Omakase” ($55) is a popular item, which cleverly satisfies both the needs of theater-goers who don’t have much time to eat before shows start, and also the smooth running of the restaurant.

“It is not easy to fill this many seats in this location. To try a vast variety of styles means that it is required to accommodate every customer’s need,” tells Mr. Suzuki about the difficulty of realizing it. He met Seki Shi at “Sushi of Gari” in 2000, when he started his career as a manager. He joined the launch and the operation of the first “Sushi Seki”, but left them for a while between 2005 and 2012, building his career by working for various famous restaurants including “Megu”, “15 East”, and “Sakamai”. When Seki Shi was preparing to open the second Sushi Seki, he was asked to join the project again.

Mr. Suzuki is in charge of managing everything for all the restaurants in the chain except cooking. He acquires customers, hires staff members, teaches them how to serve, and even creates the ambience of each restaurant. By being a leading sake sommelier of New York, he put his strong efforts into creating their drink menus, and contributed to help them win the fabulous “NYC50” award in the “Wine and Spirits Magazine” 2 years in a row. It is very rare that a dink menu from a Japanese restaurant gets selected. In 2017, they were the only Japanese restaurant winner. I was so impressed with not only the good balance they show in every field, the great variety, and the depth, but also the contents which skillfully offer customers the ease of selection, and for the staff to make recommendations.

Mr. Suzuki is supporting the restaurant’s super success by being the other wheel of Seki, by creating drink menus to enhance Seki’s cooking, and handling the management, etc. With his principle, “there is no manual for hospitality”, he produces a superbly comfortable space which possesses both a home-like atmosphere and sophistication.

I would really like you to try “Sushi Seki”, which continue to evolve all the time.


タイムズスクエアの劇場街、“レストラン通り” と呼ばれる賑やかな通りに、忽然と現れる純和風の店構えに目を奪われるーここ『すし石』は、高品質で鮮度の高い魚介類を使い、季節感あふれる創作寿司を楽しめることでよく知られる店だ。

 オーナー・シェフの石氏は中国福建省出身。17歳で東京へ留学、そこで料理に目覚め頭角を現した。1991 年にニューヨークに渡り、『Sushi of Gari』をはじめとする名店で活躍後、2002 年に独立。アッパーイースト地区に『すし石』を開店した。

 そして、2014年1月に2店舗目となるチェルシー店、2015 年10 月には3 店舗目となるタイムズスクエア店を立て続けに開店。近々、ブルックリンでの開店計画も進行中だ。本格的な寿司店ほど、職人個人の技量に頼るところが大きく、多店舗展開が難しいと思われがちだが、この快進撃を支える原動力とは一体何だろうか。


 1階に80席、2階に70席という贅沢な空間。一歩足を踏み入れると、広々としたカウンター席とテーブル席が続く。奥には「Kappo Room」と呼ぶ空間があり、そこにはオープンキッチンに面したカウンター席、テーブル席、コミューナル・テーブルが配置されている。2階に上がると、日本産ウィスキーを中心に楽しめるウィスキー・バー、窓際のテラス席、座敷の個室、おまかせ寿司を楽しめる隠れ家風の空間が存在する。商談、家族連れ、団体、デート、一人など、あらゆるシチュエーションに対応できる仕様だ。

寿司が中心だったメニューも大きく進化。「レストランとして真剣に“料理” に取り組みたい」という石氏の強い意向で割烹料理を開始した。月替わりで、四季折々の山海の恵みが満載の「割烹おまかせ(85ドル〜) 」のほか、バラエティ豊かなアラカルトを提供。稚鮎の山椒煮やこごみの胡麻和えなど、米国ではなかなか味わえない日本の季節感だ。

 また、劇場街という特殊な立地ならではの試み「ミニおまかせ(55 ドル)」も提供。観劇前で食事時間が十分取れない客からの要望と、店側の運営円滑化を見事に両立させた内容で、好評を博している。

 「この立地でこの席数を埋めるのは簡単ではない。さまざまな形態に取り組むということは、あらゆる客のニーズに応える必要があるということ」と、その難しさを語る鈴木氏。同氏は、マネジメントとしてのキャリアを開始した2000年に『Sushi of Gari』で石氏と出会った。その後、『すし石』1 号店の開店・運営に携わった後、いったん離れ、2005 〜12年は『Megu』『15 East』『Sakamai』など、数々の名店で実績を重ねた。そして、石氏が2 号店の開店準備を進めている時、「再び一緒にやってほしい」と請われた。

 鈴木氏は、全店で、集客、スタッフ採用・教育、接客、店の雰囲気作りに至るまで、料理以外のマネジメントを統括する。さらに、ニューヨークを代表する酒ソムリエでもある同氏は、飲料メニューにも力を注ぎ、『Wine and Spirits Magazine』で2 年連続「NYC50」に選ばれるという快挙を成し遂げた。日本食店の飲料メニューが選出されるのは非常に稀で、2017 年は同店のみだ。それぞれの分野でのバランスの良さ、種類の多さや奥深さに驚かされるだけでなく、客にとっての選びやすさとスタッフにとっての勧めやすさを両立させた内容は、「さすが」の一言に尽きる。



Sushi Seki
(Flagship-Times Square)
365 West 46th Street
New York, NY 10036
Tel: (212) 262-8880

Mon. 5:00pm-11:00pm
Tues.-Sat. 5:00pm-12:00am
#NY #SushiSeki #alljapannews #restaurant #sushi


Hachioji Craft Ramen One who sparked the ramen boom replicates his hometown taste of Hachioji

Hachioji Craft Ramen One who... Hachioji Craft Ramen One who... Hachioji Craft Ramen One who... Hachioji Craft Ramen One who...
By Keiko Fukuda

Little Tokyo, the long-lived Japanese community, located in the east of downtown Los Angeles, is flourishing like never before. Up to 15 years or so ago, one rarely saw non-Japanese people walking in the area. However, now, not only Japanese Americans, but also many other Americans who are into Japanese culture, hang out in the area.

One thing which started this trend is Daikokuya on First Street. It is an old fashioned ramen restaurant which serves tonkotsu ramen as their signature dish.

Their interior space gives you a feel of the good-old Showa era ambience. The phenomenon in which many customers form a long line in front of this restaurant has triggered continuous openings of more and more talked-about restaurants in Little Tokyo, one after another. Daikokuya keeps the position as the initiator of the area’s recovery.

And then, in May of 2018, 16 years after the opening of Daikokuya, another ramen restaurant called “Hachioji Craft Ramen”, representing Tokyo Hachioji Shoyu Ramen in full force, opened its doors on the same First Street. Moreover, the owner of Hachioji Ramen is Mr. Takaaki Kohyama, CEO of Bishamon Group, under which Daikokuya resides.

Mr. Kohyama’s first restaurant is a Japanese restaurant called Bishamon, which is located in Covina, about half an hour east of downtown. After opening Daikokuya, he expanded the business widely, which includes the Japanese restaurant in the Miyako Hotel, Los Angeles, karaoke lounges, izakaya restaurants, and a bento shop business.

There are several Daikokuya restaurants around LA. I heard that among all of the Bishamon Group establishments, Mr. Kohyama puts his heart particularly heavily into this Hachioji Ramen. “I am from Hachioji, Tokyo. The torigara base shoyu soup with minced onion on top is my favorite taste I have replicated. Tonkotsu ramen has been very popular among Americans so far, but I want them to recognize the goodness of shoyu ramen now,” says Mr. Kohyama.

However, they do not serve just only the shoyu ramen alone. In addition to Hachioji Shoyu Ramen ($11), there are Hachioji Shio Ramen ($11), Hachioji Dry Ramen ($12) no soup, Red Ramen ($11), White Ramen ($11), and 2 kinds of Vegan Ramen in the menu. You can also order the Spicy Miso Bomb ($1.50) to add to the soup as a taste enhancer, and the Yuzu Kosho
($7) to take home.

Besides ramen, there is the Smoked Duck Bowl, the Smoked Salmon & Ikura Bowl, the Mentai Takana Bowl, the Soboro Tamago Bowl, and the Keema Curry Bowl, which are all $8.95, and can be ordered with a salad as a set. There are also a few appetizers in the simply structured menu.

However, they are particular about the Japanese sake that they carry. Mr. Kohyama himself prepares it in Niigata Then, a simple question came out of me.

Not to mention Daikokuya, but also Hachioji Ramen as well, did Mr. Kohyama ever have hardship during the process of completing the established taste? Mr. Kohyama answered to the question as follows. “I was also making hand-made soba noodles in Japan. Of course, I studied ramen, and tried several different ways to make it. However, I didn’t take too much time to complete it, and even after 16 years since the opening, I cannot quite say that it is perfected. Since then, many ramen restaurants have opened here in the Los Angeles area. We need to keep making Daikokuya ramen constantly better because when other tasty ramen restaurants open, we will be defeated. Therefore, even now, I always try and discuss with my employees, to see what we should do to make it better.” every year. It is aged for 7 months there, and the completed Junmai Ginjo is served as Bishamon’s original brand at the Group’s restaurants. They sell 5,000 bottles of small 300ml and 720ml large combined yearly.

After Daikokuya had gained popularity, Little Tokyo became a highly competitive district for the ramen business. Mr. Kohyama was worried about the possible sales decline, but it did not happen. It must be because, even as the number of ramen restaurants grew, ramen was acknowledged more, and the demand for it increased, and people started to swarm to Little Tokyo. This Hachioji Ramen opened a few doors down the street from Daikokuya.

I wonder if this restaurant’s true shoyu ramen could seize Americans’ appetites. Mr. Kohyama says that he wants to set a goal at the synergic effect which can be expected from the concentration of ramen restaurants.

ラーメンブームの火付け人 故郷、八王子の味を再現

サンゼルス・ダウンタウンの東に位置する古くからの日本人街、リトルトーキョーがこれまでにない賑わいを見せている。15 年以上前は非日系の人が街を行く姿はほとんど見られなかった。しかし、今や、日系はもとより、日本のカルチャーに魅せられた多くのアメリカ人が街を行き交うようになった。


 そして、その大黒家がオープンして16 年経った2018 年5 月、東京は八王子の醤油ラーメンを前面に押し出した、その名もHachioji Craft Ramen( 以下、八王子ラーメン)が、同じファースト・ストリート沿いに開店した。しかも、その八王子ラーメンのオーナーは、大黒家も傘下に収める毘沙門グループのCEO、甲山貴明さん。

甲山さんの第1号店は、ダウンタウンから東に車で30 分ほどのコビナにある毘沙門という日本食レストラン。大黒家を開けてからは、都ホテル内の日本食レストランから、カラオケラウンジ、居酒屋、そして弁当屋まで幅広く手がけるようになった。大黒家はLA 周辺に数店舗ある。そんな毘沙門グループの飲食店の中でも、今回の八王子ラーメンに甲山さんは格別の思い入れを抱いているという。


ただし、醤油ラーメン1本というわけではなく、八王子醤油ラーメン($11)以外にも、八王子塩ラーメン($11)、汁なしの八王子ドライラーメン($12)、そしてレッドラーメン($11)とホワイトラーメン($11) の2種のビーガンラーメンがメニューに並ぶ。さらに、ラーメンスープに加えるTaste Enhancer としてのスパイシー味噌ボム($1.50)と持ち帰りできる瓶入りの柚子胡椒($7)もオーダーできる。

ラーメン以外にスモークダックボウル、スモークサーモン&イクラボウル、明太高菜ボウル、そぼろ卵ボウル、さらにキーマカレーボウルと、$8.95 均一の丼もサラダとセットで選べる。他には数品のアペタイザーと、メニュー構成は非常にシンプルだ。

日本酒に関してはこだわりがある。新潟で毎年、甲山さん自身が仕込み、現地で7カ月寝かせた純米吟醸酒を「毘沙門」のオリジナルブランドでグループの店に、出しているのだ。300mlと720mlの大小合わせた年間の販売数は5000 本。

そして、ここで素朴な疑問が浮かんだ。甲山さんは大黒家しかり、八王子ラーメンについても味を完成させるまでに苦労はなかったのだろうか? その質問には、「日本では手打ちの蕎麦もやっていました。もちろん、ラーメンについて勉強し、自分なりに考えて試作しながら作りました。しかし、完成までに時間をかけたわけでもなければ、開店して16 年経った今の段階でも完成とは言えません。


大黒家が人気を集めた後、リトルトーキョーはラーメン激戦区となった。甲山さんも店の売り上げが減るのではと心配をしたそうだが、実際、売り上げが落ちることはなかったという。店が増えても、それだけラーメンが認知され、需要が増し、リトルトーキョーに人々が押し寄せるようになったからに違いない。大黒家から数件隣にオープンした今回の八王子ラーメン。この店の本場の醤油ラーメンがアメリカ人の胃袋を掴むことができるのか? ラーメン店集中で期待される、さらなる相乗効果を目指したいと甲山さんは語った。

Hachioji Craft Ramen
313 E. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 265-7799
7days Open
#HachiojiCraftRamen #LA #alljapannews #ramen


The Annual Japan Sake Awards’ “Double Gold Medal”

By Kosuke Kuji

The Annual Japan Sake Awards announced their winners: Nambu Bijin Brewery, and Nambu Bijin Brewery – Basenkyo that simultaneously won the Gold Medal two consecutive years. The Nambu Bijin Brewery won the Gold Medal 12 times in the last 13 years, while Nambu Bijin Brewery – Basenkyo was newly awarded a refined sake production license and won 3 Gold Medals in 4 years.

I recently attended the Production Technology Research Society’s Sake Tasting Event held in Higashi-Hiroshima, attended by Brewery Masters, Master Sake Brewers, and sake production-related professionals to sample the sake entries for this national tasting event. While the necks of some of the various sake bottles were labeled with the Gold Medal mark, while others were not, all of the sake brands were high in quality, indicating the sake production technology is truly advancing nationwide.

This year was more challenging than usual in producing the Yamadanishiki. It’s been a while since sake production was this challenging, and for this reason, the Master Sake Brewers were more jovial than usual when the production season ended.

The number of submissions recognized with the Gold Award and other prizes were high overall across Iwate prefecture. As a Technical Vice Chairman, I was glad to have contributed to this achievement in what small way I could.

Breweries have since switched gears, preparing for the next sake production season. While greater production challenges than this past season may wait, we look forward to overcoming these challenges together to produce sake that our consumers will smile upon tasting. We look forward to your continued support for Nambu Bijin!!






#TheAnnualJapanSakeAwards #alljapannews #sake


Authentic sushi by Tsukiji-acquired skills enjoyed in a hideout with limited seating of 7

Authentic sushi by Tsukiji-acqu... Authentic sushi by Tsukiji-acqu... Authentic sushi by Tsukiji-acqu... Authentic sushi by Tsukiji-acqu... Authentic sushi by Tsukiji-acqu...
By Elli Sekine

“Yume Sushi”, a famous popular sushi restaurant located in the Alameda District, which is on the east side of the bay across the Bay Bridge of San Francisco, closed its doors last fall and is still being missed by many people. Yume’s owner entrusted the next phase of his dream to Chikara Ono, who now runs some hot restaurants in the East Bay such as Delage and As B-Dama, which are really on a roll. The restaurant which opened only less than half a year after the closing of Yume Sushi is “Utzutzu”, which offers new concept kaiseki cuisine. Their menu uses the word, “Okimari”, instead of “Omakase”, which exhibits the strong will of this young manager. “Utzutzu (reality in Japanese)” that succeeded “Yume (dream in Japanese)” has been filled up with customers every day despite the fact that they opened only a short time ago.

The restaurant is located on a major street, but no sigh is displayed on the street, and you need to go upstairs to enter, which gives this place a hideout-like ambience. The interior decoration has a combined theme of antique Taisho-era romantic and Showa-era modern. By removing the wall to the next room which was an office space, the sushi counter was made, and a cool royal blue- colored couch was added to create a lounge. They take only 5:30 and 8:30 reservations, and the two reservations do not overlap. Customers are to wait in the lounge, enjoying drinks until everybody in the party arrives. The drink menu contains 2 to 3 kinds of each Daiginjo, Ginjo, and Junmai sake brands, plus beer is domestic beer and two kinds of Japanese craft beer. Nicely cooled sake is served in an antique glass. The chef who serves sushi at the counter is Joji Nonaka, who has experience working at Tsukiji selling wholesale fresh seafood, and at Ichi Sushi, a popular sushi restaurant in San Francisco. He determines the contents of the menu with Chef Asuka Uchida, who is in charge of other items besides sushi.

Nonaka was making sushi side by side with Ono behind the counter of Delage, long before the opening of Utzutzu came up. Ono then decided to entrust Utzutzu to Nonaka by witnessing Ono always offering customers sushi at the best possible condition. As for Chef Uchida, she has a background of working at French restaurants, and has worked in Japan, Australia, and New York before.

Chef Uchida has worked under Ono for nearly 5 years since the B- Dama days, and her keen sense in cooking is highly trusted.

There is only one menu item, which is the $100 Okimari course. The course consists of 15 to 16 pieces of sushi, and seasonal vegetable dishes are served in-between while sushi is served. To finalize the course, temaki (hand-rolled) sushi, and miso soup, and a dessert are served. In America, a course with pre-fixed price and menu can be called “Omakase”; however in Japan, it is called “Okimari”. “Omakase” in Japan, on the other hand, means neither the price nor the contents of the course is pre-fixed. It is an ultimate choice, in which the crafty chef makes sushi, etc., depending on the customer’s preference, and serves whatever the good ingredients they have for the day.

Nonaka says that he would also like to offer an “Omakase” menu in the future. At Utzutzu, they are particular about serving authentic Japanese style sushi. The fish is directly shipped mainly from Tsukiji and Kyushu, and for nigiri, they are particular about bringing out each fish’s natural flavor, rather than accentuating the taste with unique sauces or toppings. Depending on the ingredients, some preparation is involved such as light-salting or konbu-jime (kelp-sandwiching), but it is done to remove excess water or unwanted taste rather than accentuating the taste of the ingredient.

During my visit, black porgy konbu-jime was served first, followed by fire-grilled skin of the same fish. Excess water was removed from the tender meat by konbu-jime treatment, and the fish was light-tasting, but was full of umami.

Fatty skin adds flavor, and its texture becomes so tender, which melts in your mouth. The same fish can be enjoyed in totally different ways depending on the parts. The course always includes about 2 pieces of vegetable sushi. It is because they want the course to have variations with a seasonal flare that is uniquely California.

Different blends of soy sauces are used to accentuate light-tasting ingredients and rich-tasting ingredients. Another example of particularity they exhibit is that raw wasabi directly shipped from Japan is grated in front of customers.

Rich-colored vinegared rice is made with mildly sweet red vinegar. Nonaka says that he would like to keep the old sushi traditions, but at the same time, bring any good things in to grow further. He is assertive about taking any interesting ingredients in. For example, a vegetable called seabean, which grows by the sea is combined with fatty tuna for the course’s last item, a hand-roll, taking advantage of its natural saltiness and crunchy texture. It’s the Nonaka version of the standard hand-roll, “Toro-Taku”, arranged his way.

For the dishes other than sushi, they use vegetables procured from the local farmer’s markets, which are cooked in robust flavor, which also matches Japanese sake well.

French cuisine-influenced good sense is shown in the techniques and presentations by the chef of that background. For instance, the base of octopus in vinegar sauce has certainly a Japanese dashi-based taste, but it is presented so gorgeously in a cocktail glass, which looks like a modern French dish. Their desserts also taste so good, and are beyond the level of a sushi place, and their beautiful appearance will surely satisfy customers.

This restaurant is full of customers every day. Foodies come from not only the local Alameda District, but also San Francisco, and fill this restaurant. While the high-end Omakase sushi boom seems to have settled, there are more customers now, who understand sushi culture well, and this must be the reason for the popularity of this place.

Both Chef Nonaka and Chef Uchida hope to evolve the Japan-like sushi style further, while conveying it to American people. I would like to keep close eyes on Utzutzu’s future development.


サンフランシスコからベイブリッジを渡った東側の湾、アラメダ地区に寿司の名店として人気を博していた「Yume Sushi」が昨年秋、周囲に惜しまれつつ閉店した。Yumeのオーナーがその夢の続きを託した人物が、今イーストベイでノリに乗っている人気店、DelageやAs B-damaの経営者である小野力氏だ。クローズからたった半年余りでオープンしたのが、新しいコンセプトの寿司懐石を提案する「Utzutzu」だ。メニューには「おまかせ」ならぬ「おきまり」と明記し、若き経営者の本気度を感じさせられる。「夢 Yume」の後を引き継いた「現(うつつ) Utzutzu」はまだ開店したばかりにも関わらず連日満席の人気ぶりだ。

店はメインストリートに位置するが、看板もなく階段を上がった二階にある隠れ家的存在だ。内装は大正ロマン/昭和モダンを取り入れたアンティークなイメージで統一されている。元事務所スペースとの壁を取り壊し、寿司カウンターに加え、鮮やかなロイヤルブルーのソファーを配したラウンジを作った。予約は5時半と8時半の完全入れ替え制。客は全員が揃うのを待つ間、このラウンジでドリンクを楽しむ。ドリンクは日本酒が大吟醸、吟醸、純米酒が2〜3種ずつ、ビールはローカルと日本のクラフトビール2種。適温に冷やされた酒はアンティークのグラスで提供される。カウンターで寿司を握るのは、築地での鮮魚卸やサンフランシスコの人気寿司店ICHI Sushiでの経験もある野中城治シェフ。メニュー内容は寿司以外の料理を担当する内田明日香シェフと相談して決めている。野中氏はUtzutzu開店の話が出る以前からDelageで小野氏と並びカウンターで寿司を握っていた。小野氏は常に最高の状態で客に寿司を提供しようとする野中氏を見て、Utzutzuを任せようと決めたという。一方の内田シェフはフレンチレストラン出身で、日本、オーストラリア、ニューヨークでの経験を経て現在がある。小野氏の元ではB-dama時代から5年近く仕事をし、その料理センスには全幅の信頼がある。





1428 Park St, Alameda, CA 94501
Tel: (510) 263-8122
Business Hours Tue-Sun 5:30-,8:30 - (replacement system)
Monday closed
Reservation: Through Resy
#CA #Utzutzu #alljapannews #sake #sushi


Sake Tasting

Experience and knowledge are indispensable for sake tasting, but doing many tastings absent-mindedly does not help.

Many tend to think that a person must have an excellent sense of judging taste (to have people think that way is very flattering), but that isn’t necessarily so. Also, those who wish to become a sake sommelier seem to think that one must keep on trying different types of sake.

To be able to taste sake, the most importing to do is to identify and set your own tasting criteria. The criteria are not based on one’s preferences, so one must find the foundation that become the basis for judging various sake. One must have that foundation in place to be able to recognize aroma, acidity, body and umami, that different types of sake have. Knowledge and information that you gather would supplement that to help correctly and fairly assess sake products.

So how can one establish that foundation for establishing your own tasting criteria? Here is the quickest and least expensive way of doing it, based on my own experience.

First, buy low-priced sake at a store. Try it every day for 15 days, even if you don’t like it or it’s simply horrible (some people may need 20 days). Do not drink it until it makes you drunk. It’s most important that you drink a certain amount every day, even if it’s just enough to fill an ochoko (tiny sake cup). Do not try other sake while you’re trying one.

Stop for two to three days to rest your liver, then do a tasting of a different sake. You will probably realize that you can profile the sake to surprising details. The differences in acidity, the body, aroma, and umami, as well as aftertaste intensity – you should be able to clearly tell those differences.

Once you have that understanding, all you need to do is study on which step of the process makes those differences. Also, deepen your understanding on raw ingredients and water, and study how to express them as well as food pairings. This way, you will become a great sake sommelier.







#alljapannews #sake #saketesting #sommelier


Perfect unification of seemingly completely opposite concepts - take-out and omakase

Perfect unification of seemingly... Perfect unification of seemingly... Perfect unification of seemingly... Perfect unification of seemingly... Perfect unification of seemingly... Perfect unification of seemingly...
By Aya Ota

“Blue Ribbon Restaurant Group” has developed 20 restaurants nationwide so far, mainly in New York, plus LA, Las Vegas, Miami, etc. Since they first opened a small French Brasserie in the SOHO district of Manhattan in 1992, they have been expanding business types and genres of cuisine one after another, which include bakeries, bars, bowling alleys, and take-out fried chicken stores, and has established a position which people regard as the “Empire of the restaurant industry”.

The sushi business department among all is the core of this group. Starting with the first “Blue Ribbon Sushi” which opened in the SOHO district in 1993, they kept adding, and so far established 7 sushi restaurants including “Blue Ribbon Sushi Izakaya”, in which the izakaya style serving is combined, and “Blue Ribbon Sushi Bar & Grill”, in which the grilling style cooking is brought in. All of those restaurants offer a casual and friendly ambiance, and stay open until late.

The “Blue Ribbon Sushi Bar” is an innovative type of business which the company’s sushi department has been specifically working on diligently in the recent years. In this business, two concepts, easy take-out sushi, donburi bowls and very authentic sushi served and eaten at the counter, which are seemingly totally opposite serving styles, have been splendidly unified. They opened the first Blue Ribbon Sushi Bar in the food court, Hudson Eats, in the Financial District’s business facility called Brookfield Place in 2014, and opened the second restaurant in the basement concourse of the Rockefeller Center on the confidence of the success with the first one.

“You can enjoy take-out sushi that is as good as restaurant-quality sushi reasonably,” says Kazutaka Iimori, who has been supervising Blue Ribbon Sushi restaurant chain including the original “Blue Ribbon Sushi” in SOHO, as the executive chef.

Mr. Iimori is a person with a unique career, who knows deeply not only about cooking, but also everything about the restaurant businesses which includes architecture of restaurants and customer service. In 1989, when he was 9 years old, he came to the US due to his father’s job transfer. His father was also a chef. He started to work in a Japanese restaurant at the age of 16 on the side, and experienced all types of restaurant jobs from dish-washing, serving, to food preparation. He studied architecture in college, and once thought about pursuing a career as an architect; however, he was strongly drawn to the dynamics of the restaurant business, and chose to become a chef. After working well for some notable restaurants such as “Nobu”, “Ushiwakamaru”, and “Shinbashi”, he started to work for “Blue Ribbon Group” in 2008, and has been demonstrating his powerful skills ever since.

Mr. Iimori’s sushi-making values tradition, and at the same time, is full of creativity. He must have inherited his talents in cooking from his chef father, and also benefitted from the exposure to the Japanese cuisine environment which he grew up in. Moreover, living in the US since the young age of 9 must have helped him understand American customers’ preferences in taste naturally. Their take-out menu containing sushi, donburi, bento, salads, etc., is varied and well-balanced, and has excellent selections. The poké bowl is now a popular standard menu item everywhere, but they were the first that started to serve it, and made it popular in New York. For the base, you choose either rice or noodles, and then 2 toppings of your choice out of 8 different kinds.
You can also add furikake. When they first started to serve the poké bowl, it was not that well received because seafood toppings turn to unfavorable colors after being marinated. However, it gained popularity gradually because of its good taste, and also the fun part in which you are allowed to choose and create your own bowl.

If you sit at the counter, you can enjoy various types of sushi, from modern types such as the avocado roll, to the more authentic edomae style sushi. Mr. Iimori recommends that at each of their restaurants, the best thing is to sit at the counter, and order omakase from the chef in front of you across the counter. He gets a lot of omakase requests as well. He said, “I don’t stay at one place, and am usually running around among those multiple restaurants all the time, but if you see me, please don’t hesitate to say hello!”

Another unique characteristic of this restaurant is that they sell some products at the restaurant that are carefully selected by themselves. They sell cup noodles, bags of snacks, soy sauce bottles, wasabi oil, one cup sake, etc. Their privately-labeled soy sauce, and originally-developed wasabi honey sauce are very popular.

“Blue Ribbon Sushi Bar” can accommodate all situations - take-out, retail, and restaurants, by combining various business types. I am sure that they will satisfy your needs every time you visit.




『ブルーリボン寿司バー』は、同グループ寿司部門の中でも、近年力を入れて取りくんでいる革新的な業態だ。テイクアウトの寿司や丼と、カウンターに着席して食べる本格的な寿司という、一見、真逆のふたつのコンセプトを見事に融合させている。一店舗目に金融街の 商業施設『ブルックフィールド・プレイス』内のフードコート『ハドソン・イーツ』 に2014年開店、その成功を受け、2店舗目をロックフェラーセンターの地下コンコースに、約1年前に開店した。

「寿司レストランと変わらないクオリティを、テイクアウトでもリーズナブルに楽しめる」と語るのは、飯盛一貴氏。SOHO地区にある『ブルーリボン寿司』のオリジナル店から、ブルーリボン寿司全店舗の総料理長(Executive Chef)を務めている。






Blue Ribbon Sushi Bar
30 Rockefeller Plaza
Concourse Level
New York, NY 10112
Tel: 212-937-0204
#BlueRibbonSushiBar #NY #alljapannews #omakase


Teppan cooking enjoyed by ears, eyes, and tongue

Teppan cooking enjoyed by ear... Teppan cooking enjoyed by ear... Teppan cooking enjoyed by ear... Teppan cooking enjoyed by ear...
By Keiko Fukuda

The city of Irvine, a suburban residential, and also a student campus town is located about a 40-minute drive south of downtown Los Angeles. There, there is a shopping mall, where as many Asian restaurants gather as they do in the Sawtelle District of West Los Angeles. It is the Diamond Jamboree Shopping Center. There are plenty of good restaurants other than just some Korean restaurants, which includes Kula Revolving Sushi Bar, Coco Ichiban, and Tokyo Table where all the standard Japanese food menu items are covered.

“Pepper Lunch” was added to this shopping center’s restaurant lineup in January of 2018. It is a sister restaurant of a Japanese steak specialty restaurant chain, “IKINARI STEAK”. Within merely half a year since its opening, Pepper Lunch has already reached the top 4 position in “Diamond Jamboree Shopping Center’s top 10 restaurant list” on Yelp.

I have had a Pepper Lunch experience in Japan. You could have a steak which makes a sizzling sound on an iron plate with only 1000 yen. Not only the fact that it was so tasty, but that reasonable pricing left a strong impression on me.
The first Pepper Lunch in the US was opened in Irvine. The restaurant is run by Oishii Group Holdings, LLC. With this Irvine location as the kick-off, they are planning to add multiple restaurants within the state of California.

I personally regarded Pepper Lunch as a “steak restaurant”, but I heard that it is officially positioned as a teppan-cooking specialty restaurant. Not only steaks, but all types of cooking including pepper rice, which reminds me of ishiyaki-bibimbap, curry, teriyaki hamburg, salmon, etc. are served sizzling hot on iron plates.

The ambiance of the restaurant is casual as that of Japan. Customers place orders at the counter just like at a fast food place, not at the table. There have been similar style steak restaurants in the US as well for a long time such as Sizzler, so this serving style should provide no sense of unfamiliarity.

This style of ordering must be used to keep the cost down, and offer reasonable pricing. For your information, the 6oz Rib Eye Steak is $18.50, Double Hamburg Combo Deluxe, which consists of 2 hamburgs and side vegetables, is $10.90, and Single Meat Sizzling Curry is $9.90.

I asked Mr. Adrian Mahendrata, business development manager of Oishii Group Holdings, the reason for their success in becoming one of the top restaurants only within 6 months from its opening. He answered as follows:
“It’s the kind of dining experience you cannot have anywhere else. Customers of Pepper Lunch can enjoy the sizzling sound on the iron plates with their ears, the cooked food with their eyes, and the good taste with their tongues.”

Moreover, according to Adrian, Pepper Lunch in the US has just started by opening the first restaurant, but everywhere in Asia, the name, Pepper Lunch, is already an established brand. In fact, since the first Pepper Lunch was born in Ofuna, Kanagawa Prefecture of Japan in1994, they kept adding overseas restaurants one after another; in Seoul, Korea in 2003, in Taipei, Taiwan, Singapore, and Beijing, China in 2005, and in Indonesia and Australia in 2006. However, from the South Bay area where I live, it takes 45 minutes to drive to Irvine. Despite the good taste and reasonable pricing, a 45-minute drive is still a bit too much. I honestly hope that they would increase the number of restaurants here in California so I can enjoy their food conveniently more close by.





そのペッパーランチのアメリカ1号店がアーバインに出店。手がけるのはカリフォルニアでエリアフランチャイズを展開しているOishii Group Holding LLC。このアーバイン店を皮切りに、州内で多店舗展開を推進していく予定とのことだ。



Oishii Group Holding社のビジネスディベロップメントマネジャーのエイドリアン・マヘンドラータ(Adrian Mahendrata)さんに、開店半年で人気レストランに上り詰めた理由は何だと思うか、と改めて聞いたところ、次のように答えた。



Pepper Lunch
Diamond Jamboree Shopping Center
2750 Alton Parkway, STE101
Irvine, CA 92606
7days Open
#CA #Japanese #PepperLunch #alljapannews #cooking #hamburg #teppan


“Dawn of Japanese Sake” in Myanmar: Part 2

By Kosuke Kuji

This February, sake from ten member breweries of the Japanese Sake Export Association arrived in containers at a port in Myanmar to be sold in restaurants. To commemorate this event, a Japanese Sake Sampling Event was held with JETRO’s cooperation at a hotel in Yangon. Eight breweries participated from Japan, and two breweries exhibited their products. Sake-sampling events targeting Japanese consumers were held on the first day, and another targeting Burmese professionals in the Japanese restaurant industry was held on the second day. Many consumers participated, which brought us a feeling of relief that “we can finally provide stable supplies of Japanese sake products.”

On the third day, a meeting to study Japanese sake was held to communicate the appealing points of Japanese sake to Burmese influencers.

Our project took two years to deliver Japanese sake to Myanmar. The Japanese Sake Export Association created a pathway to distribute Japanese sake in Myanmar, where no laws pertaining to the import of Japanese sake existed previously. Our efforts opened the door for many sake breweries to expand hereafter into Myanmar, known as the last Asian frontier. With many sake breweries following suit into Myanmar, the original narrow path will gradually expand!

This year, 2018, became “the dawn of Japanese sake” for Myanmar! We cannot express our sense of accomplishment and satisfaction from witnessing this historic moment. We look forward to working even harder to deliver delicious Japanese sake to our consumers in Myanmar!

ミャンマーの「日本酒の夜明け」 その2



#Myanmar #alljapannews #sake


A “Japan-quality” matcha café opens in San Francisco

A “Japan-qualit... A “Japan-qualit... A “Japan-qualit... A “Japan-qualit... A “Japan-qualit... A “Japan-qualit... A “Japan-qualit... A “Japan-qualit...
By Elli Sekine

In the Mission District of San Francisco, which is known as the base of cutting-edge food and beverages, start-up entrepreneurs and invested money of Silicon Valley always link together, and new restaurants and cafes have been opening one after another. This is also the place where much-talked-about food and beverages such as the third wave of coffee, the third wave of chocolate, and Tartine Bakery started. One day, this May, the “Stonemill Matcha” cafe opened for the first time ever in the world by a Japanese entrepreneur.

There, a brand-new type of highest quality matcha and Japan-originated dessert-making techniques are united.

This café is the succession of a restaurant bar, “Bar Tartine”, which was the second establishment of “Tartine”, the very popular bakery in SF. Ever since its opening was announced, this cafe has attracted a great deal of attention from the food and drink industry. Many people had huge expectations due to the brand-image left from the former popular place. However, its opening reception day turned out to be the day everybody had to admit its excellent quality which was beyond expectations. In the past year, matcha serving cafes have become a big hit in San Francisco. But, most of those cafes specialize in sweets such as ice cream. On the other hand, a store that specializes in serving infused matcha called “Samovar Tea Bar” which opened 3 years ago in the same Mission District, has also become hugely popular. Yet, the Japanese tea has only been a small part of the tea culture scene along with other teas such as Chinese tea and Western tea. “Stonemill Matcha”, however, is a matcha specialty store by Japanese.

Mr. Eijiro Tsukada, Founder/CEO of “Stonemill Matcha Inc.” is the mastermind behind it. He mastered in the study of tea in Kyoto, studied international businesses in both Japan and the US, and then founded this company. He said about its opening: “I aimed for an ultimate matcha business that no one in this world has accomplished yet.” A matcha business, which can be called the compilation of such idea, opened stately in the Mission District, invested by multiple corporations including Japanese companies. “Matcha has been recognized in the US, but mainly in the form of soft serve ice cream, etc., and people might have thought that it would be difficult to infuse and serve properly at home. I am hoping that this café will be the trigger for Americans to know more variations of matcha, and enjoy it easily at home,” Mr. Tsukada said. He also said that he wants to keep informing the nutrients and health benefits of matcha intently. Looking at the attractive and unique menus makes you want to try everything on them.

The spacious interior space, where tradition and modernism unite, is decorated with Japanese old house–themed decorations throughout, which provide warm tones using high quality wooden materials, and bring out a classy and relaxing ambience. The ceramic dishes used are hand-made originals by a local artist, and are effective in providing stylish tea time experiences. In the back, a real stone mill, symbolic to “Stonemill Matcha”, is displayed, and represents the deep Japanese food culture.

The tea menu includes only the Japanese tea using tea leaves from Kyoto’s tea farmers/producers. The menu consists of a wide variety of tea. Besides matcha, it includes sencha, hoji-cha, etc. The most popular drinks are Matcha Latte ($5), Ginger Matcha Latte ($5.50), and Cold Brew ($4.50). You can have latte drinks either hot or cold. There is even a unique drink called “Matcha Spritzer”, in which matcha and carbonated water are mixed together. You can also get advice from knowledgeable staff members as to how to infuse Japanese tea correctly, and the installed cutting-edge tea infusion machine produces tea with the best possible temperature and in the best possible steamed state for serving. The desserts and light meals menus are also richly varied, and contain pastries, cream puffs, and Japan-quality original cakes that are made by a collaboration with Tartine. Among them, matcha croissants and roll cakes are especially popular. On the light meals menu, there are cutlet sandwiches ($14), chicken okayu (rice gruel) ($13), matcha chazuke ($16), etc., and the cutlet sandwiches seem to have captured the American appetite particularly among them.

Knowledge and spirit of matcha have been thrown in throughout this place, in the menus, the way the place has been constructed, and even in the services. There is also even an authentic tea ceremony room, where they plan to have regular workshops and tea ceremonies in the future. Mr. Tsukada expressed his desire passionately to spread this business model from San Francisco to all over the US. “Stonemill Matcha” is already well supported by the Mission District foodies, and branding has been successfull. The “Matcha life” looks very much likely to permeate into their lifestyle soon.


先端の飲食発信基地として知られるミッション地区では、飲食起業家のアイディアと投資マネーが連携し、次々と新しいレストランやカフェを創出している。サードウェーブコーヒーやスモールバッチチョコレート、オーガニックべーカリーなどの話題の飲食もここが発祥の地。先日5 月、日本人起業家による福寿園の抹茶を使った最先端の抹茶カフェ、「Stonemill Matcha」がオープンした。

 SFで一番人気のべーカリー、「Tartine」系列のレストラン、「BarTartine」 の後継となる同店は、オープンの告知がされて以来、飲食業界から多大な注目を集めていた。元人気店に残されたブランドイメージに期待する声は多い。しかしその期待以上に、先日行われたオープニングレセプションでは、誰もがその品質の高さを認めた日となった。

SF ではこの一年、「抹茶」カフェが大流行中。しかしそのほとんどはアイスクーム店などのスイーツが中心となっている。一方、抹茶を煎じて飲ませる店として3 年前に同じくミッション地区にオープンしたお茶専門店の「Samovar TeaBar」が大人気店となったが、日本茶の存在は中国茶や西洋茶と並ぶ一部としてでしかなかった。「Stonemill Matcha」は、“ジャパンクオリティー”の抹茶専門店だ。

仕掛け人は、Stonemill Matcha Inc.の創業者でCEO の塚田英次郎氏。同氏は 京都で茶学を習得し、某大手企業に勤めながら京都で茶学を習得し、国際ビジネスを日本とアメリカで学び、この度同社を立上げた。今回のオープンについて、「世界でまだ誰もがやってない究極の抹茶ビジネスを目指しました」と同氏。その集大成といえる抹茶ビジネスは、日本企業を含む複数の企業からの投資を受け、ミッション地区に堂々のオープンを果たした。「抹茶は今までアメリカで認知されていましたが主にソフトクリームなどで、家庭で煎じるのは難しいという先入観があったと思います。カフェのオープンが、もっとアメリカ人が抹茶のバリエーションを知り、気軽に家庭で楽めるきっかけになれば良いと思います」と塚田氏は、抹茶に含まれる栄養素や健康的な面も強調していきたいと語る。そのメニューを見れば誰もが試してみたくなるユニークで魅力的な内容だ。

伝統とモダンが融合する広い店内は、上質な木材を使った暖かいトーンに京都の古民家をイメージした和テイストの装飾が散りばめられ、上品で落ち着いた雰囲気を醸し出している。使用する陶器は、地元作家による手作り感溢れるオリジナルで、おしゃれなティータイムが楽しめる。奥には「Stonemill Matcha」のシンボルとなる石臼の展示が奥深い日本の食文化をアピールしている。

お茶メニューは、福寿園の茶葉を使用。抹茶の他に煎茶、ほうじ茶などバリエーション豊富。人気ドリンクは抹茶ラテ($5.00)、ジンジャー抹茶ラテ($5.50)、コールドブリュー($4.50)で、ラテはホット、アイスを選べる。中には「抹茶スピリッツア」など抹茶と炭酸をミクスしたユニークなドリンクも揃う。また、十分な知識を持ったスタッフが日本茶の正しい煎れ方と美味しい飲み方などのアドバイスをくれたり、先端の茶抽出機を導入し、温度調整や蒸しもベストな状態で出てくる。また、ペストリーとデザートメニューは、Tartine とのコラボしたペストリー、クリームパフ、オリジナルケーキ類など種類豊富で、特に抹茶クロワッサン、ロールケーキが人気。軽食メニューには、カツサンド($14)、チキンおかゆ($13)、抹茶茶漬け($16)などが揃い、その中でもカツサンドはすでにアメリカ人の胃袋を掴んでいるようだ。

同店は、店づくりからサービスに至るまで抹茶の知識とスピリットが投入されている。さらには本格的なお茶室も完備し、定期的にワークショップやティーセレモニーも行う予定だ。今後の展開について塚田氏は、このビジネスモデルSF から全米へ、やがて世界へと発信していきたいと意気込みを表した。すでに「Stonemill Matcha」は、フーディーなミッションの地元客に支持され、抹茶がライフスタイルに溶け込みそうな勢いだ。

Stonemill Matcha
561 Valencia St.
San Francisco, CA 94110
7days open
#Japan #SF #StonemillMatcha #alljapannews #cafe #dessert #matcha #okayu #quality


Purposeful sake-making

By Yuji Matsumoto

I often see breweries and wholesale dealers recommending their sake to local American diners at sampling events, saying, “This sake goes with any food,” “We use 100% Yamadanishiki rice,” “This is Junmai Daiginjo,” and “This is a traditional kimoto sake,” etc. However, most people (including myself) don’t understand what those industry jargon means. In other words, “So what are the flavors of sake, and what foods does the sake go well with?” is my question.

While sake fully utilizes processing techniques to create differences in flavor as a product, wine is largely influenced by the flavor of the grapes themselves, more of an agricultural product. In other words, the flavor of sake can be designed to some extent and adjusted (through the selection of rice, grade of rice polishing, fermentation, temperature, storage method, etc.), while wine is largely dependent on the quality of grapes harvested that year. Of course, wine can be blended and processed to some extent through fermentation temperature, storage method, etc., but sake does not reflect the “flavor” of the original ingredient like wine does. If that’s the case, the best and quickest way to understand sake and to communicate the flavor is to understand the brewery’s objective for the particular brand (design objective). However, unfortunately many breweries (including importers) don’t understand this. Even if they understand, the breweries don’t know how to adequately express the sake flavors.

Making delicious sake, made in traditional ways, keeping to tradition, goes with any cuisine, utilizing Yamadanishiki, the king of sake rice; a gold-medal winner of xxx collection, sake YY made from rice produced in abundant nature, Junmai Daiginjo, etc., and various other advertising blurbs are used to recommend sake, while none of the words communicate the anticipated flavors, the flavors of homemade sake, nor describes what sake produced in abundant nature tastes like. Isn’t it most important to accurately communicate to consumers the brewery’s “philosophy and objective towards the brand’s flavor?” For example, the brewery’s benefits of hard water should be capitalized upon, and the use of XX rice to pursue the ultimate compatibility with meat dishes, how the sake is created using rice YYY to create a uniqueness that won’t be defeated by wine or shochu, etc., to suggest designing sake that proposes a more narrowed-down qualities to customers.



#alljapannews #sake #wine


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