
Building a new era of sushi culture in the capital, Washington DC

Building a new era of sushi cu... Building a new era of sushi cu... Building a new era of sushi cu... Building a new era of sushi cu... Building a new era of sushi cu... Building a new era of sushi cu...
By Aya Ota

Washington DC is the nation’s capital, and the center of international politics. In such a city where top-ranked people from all over the world gather, there is a restaurant which offers traditional Edomae style sushi, and wows gourmet customers. It is “Sushi Ogawa”, which is highly appraised by numerous media outlets since its opening in February of 2016, as a place where you can have top-class sushi of not only DC, but of the whole US.

Minoru Ogawa, the owner/chef, was born and raised in a sushi artisan family where his father and older brother were both sushi chefs. He is a veteran of a 40-year career as a sushi chef. He went to Washington DC in 1986 to open a branch of a prominent high-end Japanese restaurant in Hirakawa—cho (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo). The time was in the middle of bubble economy era, and he was demonstrating his great skills daily in front of Japanese politicians and government officials who were visiting DC. After that, he went back to Japan, and went back to the US in 2006 as a master sushi chef of Mandarin Oriental Group. While managing their sushi division of the entire US, he entertained their customers with his creative and gorgeous presentations of sushi.

After that, after returning home for the second time, independence in 2013. "Sushi Capitol" opened in Capitol Hill district of Washington DC.

In Sushi Capitol, in addition to an Omakase-style sushi menu, many a-la-carte items such as sushi rolls, karaage, and tempura are also served.

 There is no mistake in regarding Mr. Ogawa as one of the history-making pioneers in the past transition of Japanese cuisine popularization in the US. I cannot help but noticing the arrival of a new era of Japanese cuisine in the US, seeing the opening of this long-awaited authentic Edomae style sushi restaurant in DC by such a pioneer, Ogawa, named under his own. He explains the reason for the decision to open this restaurant this time as follows: “I was convinced that American customers had grown to appreciate authenticity more.”

In this restaurant, only Omakase-style dishes are served. Chef Ogawa wants customers to enjoy just sushi to the fullest. The typical course consists of 3 appetizers, sashimi, 10 pieces of Nigiri, soup and a dessert. No other typical Japanese dishes such as California rolls, Karaage, Udon, etc. are served. The seafood ingredients are Japan-caught, and air-transported daily. He is very particular about the quality and freshness of the ingredients, and uses 3 different distributors. Each ingredient is prepared in the most appropriate way. He makes sushi rice with the utmost care, generously using high-quality rice, vinegar, and salt. He also serves sushi with freshly-ground wasabi and house-made Nikiri-shoyuwith perfect timing.

Chef Ogawa’s thoughts are represented also in the restaurant location and interior designs. It is built in a quiet residential area where many foreign ambassadors reside, but is not considered to be very convenient. People gather purely just to taste good sushi. The approach to the entrance from the street, the corridor that stretches straight from the entrance door, the counter seats that are divided from other spaces, etc. are hidden from outside, and appear somewhat mysterious. The sushi eating experience at “Sushi Ogawa” feels like a series of sacred rituals.

Ungreedy Ogawa says, “I just keep making tasty sushi seriously and diligently” It is surprising that they can offer this authentic quality sushi omakase starting as low as less than $100. It is easy to understand that 50% of their customers are repeaters. They collect customers only by word of mouth, but no advertisement. When “Sushi Capitol” opened in 2013, it took half a year to get on the right direction. However, “Sushi Ogawa” took only 3 weeks to start filling the restaurant with reservations.

Due to Sushi Ogawa’s success, the coming of a few more authentic Edomae sushi restaurants in Washington DC are in progress. Their second restaurant is also in progress by request. I would like you to please visit “Sushi Ogawa” that will likely keep making histories in the Capital, Washington DC.


アメリカの首都で国際政治の中心地、ワシントンDC。世界各国から政財界の大物が集まるこの場所で、正統派の江戸前鮨を提供し、食通の客をうならせる店がある。『鮨 小川』——2016年2月に開店以来、数々のメディアから、“ワシントンDC内のみならず全米トップクラスの鮨を食べられる”と、賞賛を浴びている。

オーナー兼料理長の小川稔氏は、父親も兄も鮨職人という家系に生まれ育ち、鮨職人歴も40年以上という大ベテランだ。鮨職人として最初にワシントンDCへやってきたのが1986年、平河町にある屈指の高級料亭の出店に伴ってのこと。当時はバブル経済の真っ只中で、日本からワシントンDCを訪れる政治家や官庁関係者を相手に、日々腕を振るった。いったん帰国後、マンダリン・オリエンタル・グループのマスター鮨シェフとして2006年に再渡米、全米の鮨部門を統括。創意工夫にあふれた華やかな鮨で客を楽しませた。その後、二度目の帰国を経て、2013年に独立、ワシントンDCのキャピトルヒル地区に『Sushi Capitol』を開店。ここでは、おまかせ鮨を提供しつつも、巻物や唐揚げ・天ぷらなどの前菜も数多く用意している。


小川氏の想いは、店の立地や内装にも現れている。店は、各国大使が多く住む閑静な住宅街にひっそりと佇み、決して便利とは言えない立地。純粋に、同店で鮨を食べたいという目的のためだけに客がやってくる。歩道から入口までのアプローチ、扉を開けてからまっすぐ伸びる廊下、他の空間とは仕切られたカウンター席……店内の様子は外から伺い知ることはできず、どこか秘密めいた印象がある。『鮨 小川』で鮨を食べる体験は、まるで一連の神聖な儀式のようにすら感じられる。

「美味しい鮨をまじめにコツコツ作っているだけ」と小川氏は欲がない。これだけ本格的な内容にも関わらず、100ドルという値段設定にも驚かされる。客の50%がリピーターということも納得だ。一切宣伝をせず、集客は口コミだけ。2013年に『Sushi Capitol』開店したときには、火が付くまでに半年かかったという。『鮨 小川』開店時は、3週間足らずで予約客で埋まるようになったという。
同店の成功を受け、今後、ワシントンDCには、正統派江戸前店の出店がいくつか進行しているという。同店もまた、2号店の開店を依頼され準備中という。今後も、首都ワシントンDCで新しい歴史を刻んでいくであろう『鮨 小川』、ぜひ足を運んでみてほしい。

Sushi Ogawa
2100 Connecticut Avenue NW #100
Washington, DC 20008
Tel: 202-813-9715

Lunch Monday-Friday  12-2:30PM
Monday-Saturday  5 – 10:30PM
Closed on Sunday
#alljapannews #ogawa #sushi #washingtonDC


Ramen and sushi by a Sri Lankan chef

Ramen and sushi by a Sri Lan... Ramen and sushi by a Sri Lan... Ramen and sushi by a Sri Lan... Ramen and sushi by a Sri Lan... Ramen and sushi by a Sri Lan...
By Keiko Fukuda

“I have a recent favorite ramen restaurant. You can have sushi with fresh ingredients there too,” said a friend of mine. It is Ramen Spott in Torrance. My friend continued, “I heard that their owner/chef is not Japanese, but the taste is authentic.” I got interested even more.

I checked their website. Surprisingly, there are 18 different kinds of ramen dishes. The fabulous lineup that contains tonkotsu, yuzu-shio, veggie, and nira-moyashi makes you hungry. I got an appointment to interview the owner/chef, Duke Sanji on a later day. He said, “There were only 10 (kinds of ramen dishes) when I opened the restaurant 2 years ago. The current number has been reached after receiving requests from the customers. New items were developed and added to the menu one by one.” Mr. Sanji is from Sri Lanka. After graduating from college, he got a diploma from a cooking school. He then worked at the Hilton Hotel in Colombo, Sri Lanka as a sushi chef. Then, he gained authentic Japanese cuisine experience for 3 years, and then worked at various hotels as a chef in Kuwait, Dubai, etc.

After working as a head chef at a Japanese restaurant in Los Angeles, he opened Sushi Duke in 2006 in Hermosa Beach, and then in Redondo Beach. He made his restaurants grow to be popular places filled with many regular customers with his skills in cooking that reflect his long experience. However, the Redondo Beach restaurant was forced to close due to a fire in the neighborhood. After that, he opened a ramen specialty restaurant called Ramen Spott in Torrance near the beach. He then decided to run only this one restaurant, Ramen Spott, and added a sushi menu. When you think of it, it seems like there are some, but there are actually not really any Japanese restaurants where you can enjoy both ramen and sushi at the same place.

As introduced earlier in this article, there are 18 different ramen dishes on the menu. Sanji says, “Yuzu Shio and Nira Moyashi are particularly popular among Japanese customers, and Tonkotsu Black Garlic is also popular. I also want to recommend Seafood Shio, Spicy Miso, and Coconut ramen.” So many recommendations make it difficult to choose, but their lunch time special can be a happy solution. A set that includes a ramen of your choice with salad and fried rice is $7.50. You may be able to find your favorite ramen by trying a different ramen in the set each time you visit for lunch. There is an even better deal, which is $5 ramen as a lunch time special. However, for this deal, you can choose only one kind of ramen set as the weekly special.

On a later day, I visited again during lunch time. I ordered a lunch time special that consisted of basic shoyu ramen. It was a set menu that came with very satisfying fried rice and salad with original dressing. The ramen noodles matched perfectly with the soup. The tasty cooked egg topping gave a good impression.

Ramen is not everything here. You should really try their sushi. As mentioned earlier, Sanji started as a sushi chef. He created the sushi menu with his own eyes and tastes. He serves a wide variety of sushi dishes with fresh ingredients. The signature rolls with names like Sanji Beach, Sanji Special, etc. are also receiving good reviews.

I asked Sanji what his motto is. He said, “I want to serve the kind of Japanese food that is not easy to get here in the US. I also want to cook things that I want to eat myself.” I must say that with such a case in which you can enjoy delicious Japanese cuisine by a non-Japanese chef, you can really say that Japanese cuisine has truly become global.










Ramen Spot
25412 Crenshaw Blvd., Torrance CA 90505

Closed on Wednesday
#LA #RamenSpot #SriLankan #alljapannews #ramen #sushi


De-omakase style community-based sushi restaurant opens

De-omakase style community-b... De-omakase style community-b... De-omakase style community-b... De-omakase style community-b... De-omakase style community-b...
By Elli Sekine / Eri Shimizu

New Japanese cuisine projects have been more and more diversified each year, and the trend of the sushi business of the last few years has been high-end omakase style. However, in the Polk Street area where the rent is relatively cheap, there are many restaurants and bars with unique concepts run by young owners and entrepreneurs, which can be enjoyed casually thanks to the reasonably pricing. In this highly hopeful-prospect area, “Kuma Sushi and Sake” recently opened by a collaboration of a Japanese chef and an American chef. They declare “De-omakase style”, which is a rapidly increasing trend, and aim for creating a locally-loved casual dining place. In only 2 months from the opening, they already have earned regular customers.

The co-owners/chefs, Ryo Sakai and Cory Jackson, hit it off with each other while being trained under the same chef, and have worked together in a few other local area restaurants such as “Blow Fish”. After that, the experience in a project they planned together, a popup called “Pink Zebra” made a huge impact on deciding to open this restaurant. Ryo has been living in the Bay Area since his parents moved there from Japan when he was 4 years old. While he was working part-time in a Japanese restaurant during his school years, he was promoted to the kitchen staff, and it opened his eyes to the joy of making sushi. On the other hand, Cory was influenced by his father who loved to cook, and hoped to become a chef at a young age. He was trained in a local Japanese restaurant, and then moved to the Bay Area. He continued his training there in the kitchens of Aqua and Zuni Café.

Once stepped into the restaurant, a natural and modern space opens up, and gray walls and white wood interior under a high ceiling especially attract your attention. Behind the sushi counter on the right are various bottles of famous brand sakes. The interior artwork, murals by a local artist, and the logo by a friend, etc., show their concept of connecting to the local community and crafsmanship. Their “Getas (sushi plate/stand) are hand-made using California wine barrels, with which Ryo fell in love with, and specially custom-ordered them. The Geta’s adequately curved shape and naturally stained color gives a special feeling.

Their particularity about the menu is to offer the freshest, seasonal fish at reasonable prices. In San Francisco, where many sushi restaurants already exist and new restaurants keep opening, it is not easy to survive without being distinctively different from others. In order to be different, they came up with the idea of limiting the numbers of menu items and tables, but increasing the local repeat customers. In order to achieve that, many ingenious ideas are used in choosing the distributors, menu items, and even the operation system. For the fish, multiple distributors are used, depending on whether the fish is local or from Japan. For the drinks, whether sake or wine, each category is narrowed down to only 1 or 2 brands. There are no small bottles of sake, and sake is served by a carafe or by a glass poured from big bottles. It is cost-effective not to carry small bottles which take up a lot of storage space. The reason for carrying both sake and wine is for better paring with different sushi. They recommend “Tojikan” made of 100% Yamada-nishiki. The “Sake Flight” with 3 kinds of sake ($14) is also popular. They plan to change the brands periodically. In order to make good rotations by eliminating empty tables, they do not take reservations. You have to wait at the waiting bar area until your table becomes available while drinking and snacking.

Besides the main a-la-carte dishes, there are popular items such as the chef’s special which is the “5 kinds of sashimi plate” ($32), “4-piece nigiri sushi” ($16), and “8-piece nigiri sushi” ($32). The average cost per person with a drink is about $60, which is pretty reasonable. Daily special sushi/sashimi menu items include traditional Edo-mae style sushi ingredients such as tai (Japanese sea bream) with konbu seaweed, marinated tuna, ocean eel, etc. They use red tuna, not fatty tuna, and use its center for sashimi or sushi, and flavorful outside for marinades.

In order to please people who are not familiar with raw fish, they have many original sushi rolls. The most popular roll is the “Hey Girl” ($14), which has tempura shrimp inside, and is topped with tuna and avocado. The secret of its popularity is to show the live shrimp to the customer right before tempura-frying it. They also offer items like vegetable sushi for vegetarians, to accommodate many customers of different preferences.

Both Ryo and Cory disclose that in the future, they would like to see the restaurant become a friendly neighborhood place which cherishes not only their customers, but also other nearby restaurants and businesses. I would like to continue to keep an eye on the future activities of this restaurant which should turn out to be a sustainable business model that raises community values.


新しい日本食プロジェクトは年々多様化し、寿司はハイエンドな「オマカセ」がこの何年かの潮流となっている。ポークストリート界隈では、家賃が比較的安いこともあり、若いオーナーや起業家がチャレンジするユニークなコンセプトで手軽な価格で楽しめるレストランやバーが多いエリアだ。今後さらに注目を集めそうなこの地域に、日米の寿司シェフがタッグを組んだ寿司レストラン、Kuma Sushi and Sake が新しくオープンした。近年急増中の“脱、高級オマカセ寿司”を宣言、カジュアルで地元に愛される店作りを目指し、オープン2 ヶ月で早くも常連客を獲得している。

オーナーシェフのリョウ・サカイ氏とコーリー・ジャクソン氏は、同じシェフの元で修行をしていたことから意気投合し、その後市内の「Blow Fish」など数件の寿司店で共に働いてきた。特に今年まで協働していたポップアップ、「Pink Zebra」 での経験が今回の店のオープンに大きな影響を与えた。リョウ氏は両親とも日本からの移住で、4歳からベイエリア在住。学生の時、日本食レストランでアルバイトをしていた際、キッチンスタッフに抜粋され、寿司を握ることの楽しさに目覚めたという。一方ジャクソン氏は、料理好きな父の影響で幼い頃よりシェフを目指し、地元の日本食店で修行。その後ベイエリアに移りAquaやZuniCafe のキッチンでも修行を重ねた。



料理はアラカルトが基本だが、シェフおすすめの刺身5種盛り合わせ($32) や寿司4 貫($16) または8 貫($32) のセットも人気。価格は平均ドリンクを含んでも$60程度と手頃な価格設定だ。日替わりの寿司・刺身メニューには鯛の昆布締めやマグロの漬け、穴子など伝統的な江戸前ネタもある。マグロはあえてトロは置かず赤身のみだが、芯の部分はそのまま、外側は旨味が強いので漬けになど素材を活かす工夫をしている。生魚に抵抗のある客も楽しめるようにと、オリジナルのロール寿司の種類も多い。一番人気はエビの天ぷらを巻きマグロとアボカドをトッピングした「Hey Girl」($14)。揚げる前に客に生きたエビを見せるパフォーマンスも人気の秘密だ。またベジタリアン向きにも野菜寿司があり、様々な嗜好の客をターゲットにしている。


Kuma Sushi and sake
1040 Polk St. at Post
San Francisco, CA 94109
(415) 962-7400

Tues – Thurs 11:30am to 2pm, 5:30pm to 10pm
Friday 11:30am to 2pm, 5:30pm to 11pm
Saturday 5:30pm to 11pm
Sunday 5:30pm to 10pm
Closed on Monday
#SF #alljapannews #kumasushiandsake #sashimi #sushi


Expanding consumption areas for Japanese sake and shochu

By Yuji Matsumoto

Recently in the U.S., wine discount stores like BevMo and Total Wine and More, etc., are prosperous. Also, rural areas have local large liquor stores that sell various alcoholic beverages (tequila, ji-beer (local craft beers), champagne, whiskey, etc.) in addition to wine. When I went to Las Vegas last week, I stopped by the largest local liquor chain store, where I was surprised to see the very limited selections of Japanese sake. With various foreign tequilas, wines, and ji-beer lining the shelves, why were there so little selections of Japanese sake offered? Also, the few selections available were without tages and lost in the “Asian” alcoholic section.

With the current Sake Tour indicating high public interest in Japanese sake and shochu, it’s disappointing to see so few outlets offering the products. The question I’m most often asked is, “This sake is delicious. Where can I buy it?” However, as of yet, the only answer I can provide is our restaurant. I’m also surprised to see customers who wish to purchase by the bottle.

Over ninety-percent of Japanese sake and shochu consumption takes place at Japanese restaurants. However, as long as this is the case, the market will not expand. Japan-affiliated markets are available only in some major cities. To have Americans consume sake and shochu “at home,” it is necessary for these products to be distributed more and more to specialty liquor stores and their staff trained.

The other day, I participated in a wine sampling held at a liquor store in Pasadena, Calif. I paid five dollars at the front, then enjoyed various red wines and cheese with various customers in a small crowded corner no more than 107 ft2. I thought for a second, “This would be fun to try with Japanese sake.”


最近米国ではBevmoやTotal Wine and Moreなどのワインディスカウント店が繁盛している。また地方に行くと地元の大型リカーショップ店があり、これらの店にはワイン以外にありとあらゆるアルコール飲料(テキーラ、地ビール、シャンペン、ウィスキー等)が陳列されている。先週ラスベガスに行った際にも地元最大のリカーチェーン店に足を運んでみたが、日本酒の種類の乏しさに唖然とした。海外産のテキーラやワイン、地ビールがこんなにあるのになぜ日本酒がこんなに少ないのか、また、何もタグがなく、ただ「Asian」のアルコールの中に埋もれていた。

現在行っているSake Tourでこれだけ日本酒や焼酎に興味を持っている人がいるのに、購入する場所がないのはとても残念なことだ。一番多く受ける質問は、「この酒美味しいですね、どこで買えるのか?」である。しかし、現状としては当店のレストランのみ、ということしか言えない。ボトルで購入したい、という顧客の多さには驚くばかりだ。


#alljapannews #sake #shochu


“Best in the World! International Wine Challenge (IWC) Champion” Part 2

By Kosuke Kuji

Nanbu Bijin Tokubetsu Junmai uses Iwate prefecture original sake rice “Ginotome” produced by Ninohe city, Iwate. This “Ginotome” was developed by the agricultural team headed by Mr. Ryouichi Itsukaichi of Kindaichi, Ninohe from the period of experimental growing. Then we did experimental brewing at our company, had the rice certified as the original sake rice of Iwate prefecture, and have worked hard hand-in-hand together with the farmers. For the Tokubetsu Junmai that takes pride of the ultimate ‘terroir’ (meaning ‘land’ in French) to surely shine as the champion sake using the rice of Ninohe, clear water of Orizumebasenkyo in Ninohe, and brewed by a brewery in Ninohe has to be a miracle created by a small town of little over 28,000 people. It has been proved that …made in Iwate … made in Ninohe … is the world’s best.

We have achieved this wonderful prize, but this is not the end of our goal for Nanbu Bijin, this will be the start to polish our family precept of “Quality First” and achieve further development. We are placed in the responsible position of future Japanese sake and will work even harder than before to build an age for all Japan to try Japanese sake. We will not stop improving and work harder than ever to do better. I want to thank all the people that have been supporting us and report our victory of receiving the IWC Champion Sake Award.

“Cheers with Japanese Sake Around the World”





#Ginotome #IWC #alljapannews #winechallenge


Bringing peace of mind to New Yorkers by spreading the practice of Japanese tea ceremony

Bringing peace of mind to New... Bringing peace of mind to New... Bringing peace of mind to New... Bringing peace of mind to New... Bringing peace of mind to New... Bringing peace of mind to New... Bringing peace of mind to New...
By Aya Ota

“I need to spread the practice of Japanese Tea Ceremony in New York!” Soheki Mori, tea master, thought intuitively when she visited New York 22 years ago.

“Such a busy city should seek spiritual consolation which the tea ceremony can bring.” Since then, Soheki visited New York every year for 15 years in a row while seriously mastering the tea ceremony in Japan.

In 2011, she moved to the US with her husband, Junya Mori, who is also her business partner. Shortly after their move, the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred, which made them feel even more determined about spreading the practice of Japanese tea ceremony. While they were looking for something to do to support Japan’s disaster areas, the language school they were attending made a suggestion, that was to submit the tea ceremony experience as a charity auction. Since then, they held charity tea ceremony events frequently, and in 2015, they finally found a company to spread such activities more widely. Then, in April of 2017, they opened a long-awaited tea house, “Setsugekka”.

The word, “Setsugekka” in Japanese, consists of 3 Chinese characters, Setsu (snow), Getsu (moon), and Ka (flowers), which expresses Japanese seasonal beauty. As the name suggests, once you step into the shop, the chaos of the East Village vanishes instantly, and you feel as if you stepped into a different world. A space of tatami mats imported from Japan is set up near the entrance, and there is counter space in the back. It is a beautiful and sophisticated looking place.

In order for the customers to fully enjoy matcha, the main item, they offer many ways to serve it. You can choose your favorite type of container (ceramic bowl, paper cup, or glass), temperature (warm, cold, or room temperature), thickness, straight or with milk, etc.

There are 3 different grades of matcha choices too, and overall, there are more than 30 different ways of customization. Soheki makes tea in front of each customer, and gives a detailed explanation as to how to drink it. It is such a special treat to be able to enjoy freshly stone-ground matcha. After trying many different types of milk for “Matcha Latte”, “Matcha-ppuchino”, etc., Soheki adopted non-dairy almond milk as the best match to matcha. The “Matcha Affogato”, which is milk gelato served with thick matcha poured onto it, is one of customers’ favorites. The reason for choosing milk gelato instead of vanilla ice cream was to avoid the vanilla flavor to work against the matcha flavor. The pricing differs depending on the kind of matcha, but is set reasonably to attract more regular customers. For the confectionary to match the matcha drinks, they sell rice flour-based baked items imported from Japanese patisseries in their original packages, and for weekends, they serve Japanese style mochi confectionary made by a patisserie who resides in New York.

While running the tea house, they hold tea ceremony classes and meetings regularly at Setsugekka. The attendees are made up of various genders, ages, nationalities, and occupations. Also, once a month, they hold another type of event or exhibition in collaboration with pottery artists, confectionary artisans, calligraphers, etc. All these added ventures create a synergy effect, and bring in more customers. It is not easy to accumulate customers on weekdays in the East Village, so they use SNS such as Facebook and Instagram, and e-newsletters to advertise. The sales of matcha and tea bowls are doing well, too. Their matcha is all made in Japan. The selection includes organically-grown “Ishikawa” (Ishikawa Seicha/Toyota, Aichi), “Hosinotsuyu”, “Seiju” (Hoshino-Seichaen /Yame, Fukuoka), “Joubetsugi”, “Senjunomukashi” (Honey&Sons), “PANATEA”. Mr. and Mrs. Mori visited all the producers, and carefully selected these matcha, checking not only the taste, but also learning the background of each tea manufacturer.

They also visited creators of tea ceremony bowls and utensils, and hand-selected authentic and high-quality items.

They are already so busy handling such a wide variety of businesses by themselves, but there are still a lot more activities that they want to materialize.

They often get requests for lectures and demonstrations from universities and community colleges, and want to do more workshops to familiarize matcha in the everyday lives of people in the community. They also want to open a shop in the Midtown district to achieve their original goal of providing peace of mind to busy people. Furthermore, they are also looking passionately into the future for expanding the business to the West Coast, Paris, and Japan.




主役である抹茶を存分に楽しんでもらうために、提供方法は細かく分類されている。容器(茶碗・カップ・グラス)、好みの温度(温・冷・常温)、抹茶の濃さ、ストレートなのかミルクを加えるのか…。さらに抹茶を常時3種類から選ぶことができ、実に30種類以上ものカスタマイズができる仕組みだ。一人一人の客に対し丁寧に飲み方を説明し、宗碧氏が目の前で一杯ずつ入れてくれる。店内に設置された石臼で碾き立ての抹茶を楽しめるのも格別の体験だ。「抹茶ラテ)」や「抹茶プチーノ」には、さまざまなミルクを試した結果、抹茶との相性を考え、植物性のアーモンドミルクを採用した。濃茶をミルク・ジェラートにかける「抹茶アフォガート」は人気メニューのひとつ。バニラ・アイスクリームではなく、ミルク・ジェラートを選んだのは、バニラの香りが抹茶の風味を妨げるという理由からだ。価格は、抹茶の種類によって異なるが「定期的に来てほしい」という考えから、リーズナブルに設定している。抹茶に合わせる菓子は、日本のパティスリーより取り寄せた米粉の焼き菓子をオリジナルのパッケージで販売しているほか、週末には ニューヨーク在住のパティシエが作るお餅を使った和菓子を提供している。



Setsugekka East Village
74 E 7th Street
New York, NY 10003
Tel: 646-895-9586

Mon, Wed – Fri 10:30am - 6pm
Sat, Sun 10:30am - 7pm
Tuesday Closed
*Changes depending on the tea ceremony class or the event
#NY #Setsugekkaeastvillage #alljapannews #ceremony #matcha #tea


A restaurant with concentrated hopes for “Succession of Sushi Culture”

A restaurant wi... A restaurant wi... A restaurant wi... A restaurant wi... A restaurant wi...
By Keiko Fukuda

I still remember that I almost always ended up choosing “Koto” near the airport for the place to have lunch when I was in Orange County. This Koto has moved from the old location near John Wayne Airport to Fountain Valley now, and is still doing well under the operation of the owner/ chef Yasuo Matsuki who used to be in charge of the old Koto.

The original Koto was operated by a Japanese sushi restaurant “Tsukiji Tama Sushi”. Mr. Matsuki was assigned to run their first American development, and came to the US in January of 1991. “Koto” then made its grand opening in February of 1992. The restaurant was a dignified-looking structure with a Japanese garden, and gradually became more and more known as a place where you could enjoy authentic Japanese cuisine and sushi.

“Back then, there were many Japanese companies nearby, and many people including those from the nearby businesses used to come. The first 3 years were a series of trial and error periods. However, the restaurant was gradually becoming known, and the condition of the operation was improving,” Mr. Matsuki reminisces. The business continued to pick up after that as well. However, the 2001 terrorist attacks in New York changed the scene drastically.

“Foreign tourists stopped coming to the US, and domestic people stopped traveling as well. The restaurant business was also suffering.” Despite all that, Tsukiji Tama Sushi continued to run Koto until 2004.

When they finally decided to withdraw from America, it was expected that Mr. Matsuki was ordered to go back to Japan. However, Matsuki chose to remain in the US. “I was ordered to go back to Japan, but I decided to quit, and started a small restaurant by myself. I had been working on the succession of Japanese cuisine in America, and I wanted to continue it to expand further rather than quitting in the middle. I really wanted more people to enjoy sushi here.”

In 2005, he started a restaurant under the name, “Mimi”. After he got permission from Tsukiji Tama Sushi for using the name “Koto” in 2008, the restaurant was restarted as the newly reborn “Koto”.

I asked Mr. Matsuki what has changed since he started to run the business. He answered, “I feel the same way as the time when I first came to the US in 1991. I just want to offer customers safe and delicious food. I cook and run my business with this one and only purpose.”

Mr. Matsuki has a 46-year career in this business. He used to be a pitcher in a corporation- supported amateur baseball team. He injured his elbow when he was 22 years old, and gave up playing baseball. Through a recommendation of an acquaintance, he started to train to change his career to become a sushi chef. With the phrase in mind, “Train in Ginza if you want to become a topnotch artisan!”, he was hired in Tama Sushi, and eventually became the manager in charge of their Ginza branch. He said, “When I was at the Ginza branch, Japan was in the bubble economy period. The sales of the Ginza restaurant was rising rapidly, and the restaurant was open late, welcoming customers until after midnight.” He was then singled out to be assigned to manage the US development.

The secret to Koto’s popularity is Mr. Matsuki’s continuous efforts to offer the best quality cooking by utilizing his long career as a sushi chef. Their Sunday brunch with a discount for seniors over 65 years of age (adults: $32, seniors: $28, 12 or younger: $20, and free for 3 or younger) is very popular. Various seafood bowls and chirashi- sushi are beautiful to look at, taste delicious, and reasonably priced.

Many ingredients come directly from Tsukiji Market, which cost 3 times more than locally bought ingredients, but they never compromise with the quality of the food ingredients. Koto’s cuisine is surely the concentration of the sincere attitude of Mr. Matsuki who decided to remain in the US to continue his purpose that is the succession of Japanese cuisine in the US.



最初の古都は、日本の寿司店、築地玉寿司の経営だった。アメリカ出店に伴い、経営を任された松木さんは1991 年1 月に渡米。古都は1992年2月にはグランドオープンを迎えた。日本庭園を備えた堂々とした店構え。本格的な和食と寿司が楽しめる店として徐々に知られるようになった。

「当時は周辺に日系企業もたくさんあったので、企業の方も含めてたくさんのお客様に来ていただきました。しかし、それでも最初の3 年間は試行錯誤の連続。少しずつ認知度を高めて経営状態が良くなってきました」と松木さんは振り返る。経営はその後も上向いていったが、大きな転機となったのは、2001 年のニューヨークで起こった同時多発テロだった。

「旅行の方が一気にアメリカに来なくなったり、人が動かなくなったりして、店は低迷しました」 それでも2004 年まで、築地玉寿司は古都の経営を続けた。撤退が決まった時に、当然、松木さんにも帰国辞令が出た。しかし、松木さんはアメリカに留まる道を選択した。

「帰ってこい、と言われましたが退職願を出して、自分で小さな店を始めることにしました。アメリカの地で日本食を継承していくために取り組んできたのですから、それを途中で止めることなく、さらに広めていきたいと思ったからでした。寿司をより多くの人に食べていただきたい、その気持ちがありました」 2005 年にはミミという名前で店を始めたが、その後、築地玉寿司から「古都」の店名の使用許可を得て、2008 年に新生「古都」として再スタートを切った。

経営者になってから何が変わったかを聞くと、松木さんは「今も1991 年にやって来た時と同じ気持ちです。お客さんに安全で美味しいものを食べていただきたい、その一心で料理と店の運営に取り組んでいます」と答えた。松木さんはこの道46 年。もともとは社会人野球の選手でピッチャーだった。22歳で肘を故障して野球人生を断念。寿司職人への転身を知り合いに勧められ、修行を始めた。


古都の人気の秘密は松木さんの長年の寿司職人の経験を生かして、最高品質の料理を出し続けていることだ。日曜には65 歳以上のシニアには割引料金が適用されるサンデーブランチ($32.00、シニア$28.00、12 歳以下$20、3歳以下無料)も人気を集めている。各種の海鮮丼やちらし寿司は見て美しく、食べて美味しく、さらに非常にリーズナブルな料金に抑えられている点が良心的。築地から直接仕入れている食材が多く、ローカルで調達するよりも3倍のコストがかかっているそうだ。それでも食材に妥協することはない。古都の料理には、日本食継承のために渡米し、そしてアメリカに留まった松木オーナーの真摯な姿勢が凝縮されている。

18120 Brookhurst St. Unit 25
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
(714) 964-0988

Mon.- Thu. 11:30am-14:00pm

Fri. 11:30am-2:15pm

Sat. 11:30am-2:45pm

Sun. 11:30am-2:45pm
7 days open
#CA #Japanese #alljapannews #cuisine #koto #sushi


SF Ramen Trend, 2017

SF Ramen Trend, 2017 SF Ramen Trend, 2017 SF Ramen Trend, 2017 SF Ramen Trend, 2017 SF Ramen Trend, 2017 Hidenoya Hidenoya Hidenoya Hidenoya Marufuku Marufuku Marufuku Marufuku Nojyo Nojyo Nojyo Nojyo Orenchi Orenchi Orenchi Orenchi Yoroshiku Yoroshiku Yoroshiku Yoroshiku
By Elli Sekine

The ramen boom of San Francisco sees no end in sight, and continues to enchant local ramen fans. During the past 10-year history of this SF ramen boom, those who took the lead of the first-phase must have been “Izakaya Sozai”, “Katanaya-Ramen”, etc. Among them, the signature dish of “Sozai”, the tonkotsu ramen, was voted as “the meal that you wish to have at least once before you die”, which drove ramen fans to rush in night after night. The truth was that this menu item was something the owner created in his spare time just for fun, but ended up as an item on the menu to finish a meal with. After that, the word “tonkotsu” spread quickly.

In the meantime, in Silicon Valley, “Orenchi” that opened 7 years ago in Santa Clara, had a major impact on the ramen boom by being so popular that people waited as long as 2 hours to get in. Since the “Orenchi” brand had pretty much been established, the second restaurant, stylish, and named “Orenchi Beyond” opened in 2015 in San Francisco, and is attracting a younger generation of people in San Francisco. Some of the restaurants which gathered a lot of attention for their openings in 2016 are “Nojo Ramen Tavern”, the first overseas development of AP Company known for “Tsukada Nojo”, specializing in jidori chicken cooking, “Iza Ramen”, the ramen department of a local popular sushi restaurant called “Blowfish”, and “Mensho Tokyo”, also the first overseas development from Tokyo which is currently breaking through. In Japan Town where the competition is very high, “Waraku” and “Yamadaya” started in LA, and Suzu” used to be the top 3; however, popularity is transitioning to newer restaurants like “Marufuku Ramen” that opened this year, and “Hinodeya Ramen”, also a new overseas development from Japan launched at the end of last year. “Marufuku Ramen” is especially popular; so much so that people form a long line every day. The restaurant that is attracting attention the most among the newly opened ones is “Ippudo”, the Hakata style ramen sanctuary, which is known worldwide, and finally opened in Berkley after a long preparation period.

As a new trend, there is an increase in the number of izakaya-style ramen restaurants which have developed from ramen specialty restaurants by adding a-la-carte dishes and various drinks on the menu. You could spend as much as 40 to 50 dollars per person in such a restaurant. Americans are getting more particular about tastes, and trends are moving toward “local gourmet foods” that offer traditional regional tastes. San Francisco’s ramen business industry is getting more diversified, and competition on a higher level continues to grow.

J-POP Ramen Summit
The “J-POP Summit”, the US’s largest festival of Japanese pop culture, was held on September 9th and 10th at Fort Maison Center. This event was produced by Yoshiyuki Maruyama who triggered the Bay Area ramen culture. The “Ramen Summit” that brought together 5 ramen restaurants, 4 from SF and 1 from Seattle, was a big success, and was very busy throughout with many visitors until the end. People formed a long line in front of every booth, and truly enjoyed comparing bowls of ramen of different popular restaurants, etc., which they can experience only at a festival like this. http://www.j-pop.com/

/////// Introduction of the restaurants ///////

1. Nojo Ramen Tavern
Their signature dish is gorgeous Chicken Paitan ($18.50 at the restaurant), in which a whole chicken leg is in the bowl. The rich thick broth accentuated with ginger and yuzu is profoundly tasty and volumerous. Medium thick curly noodles made of whole wheat flour are custom-made.

It is a popular restaurant in Seattle, and the first time exhibitor of the Ramen Summit. Thier signature dish, made by the owner/chef from Hokkaido, is Spicy Miso ($14 at the restaurant). The broth is an excellent combination of white and red miso with added spicy chilli, and is very well received among Americans.

3. Orenchi Beyond
Their signature dish is “Beyond Ramen” ($13.50). Its rich tonkotsu shoyu base with added fish stock and garlic is full of originality, and rich in taste and creates a good balance with medium-thick bouncy curly noodles. As new additions to the menu, they have miso-tamatoe base vegan ramen, tantanmen, etc.
4. Marufuku Ramen
Traditional Hakata-style tonkotsu base broth cooked for 20 hours is a good match to its custom-made flavorful straight thin noodles. Their signature dish is Hakata Tonkotsu ($10.99). This restaurant is breaking through by offering the right richness, adjustable spiciness, various topping choices and a rich-variery of a-la-carte dishes.

5. Hinodeya Ramen & Bar
This restaurant came to the US for the first time to try to introduce authentic dashi culture. Its delicate flavorful dashi of bonito and konbu coats the medium-thick curly noodles well, and bring out the good taste. Its sophisticated, light-flavored dashi ramen and kappo-style a-la-carte dishes are differentiated from other restaurants, and has established a good reputation.


サンフランシスコのラーメンブームは止まる所を知らない。次から次へと新しいコンセプトの店が登場し、地元のラーメンファンを魅了している。この10 年のSF ラーメンブームの歴史を振り返ってみると、第1次ブームを牽引したのは、「Izakaya Sozai」や「Katanaya-ramen」だろう。そのうち「Sozai」の名物、「豚骨ラーメン」は、ローカル誌の「死ぬ前に一度食べたい一品」に抜擢され、夜な夜なラーメンファンが駆けつけた。しかしこのメニュー、実はオーナーが趣味で作ったシメのメニューだった。それから「tonkotsu」のキーワードは一気に広まった。

一方、シリコンバレー、Santa Claraに7年前に登場した 「Orenchi」は、最長2時間待ちという盛況ぶりでラーメンブームに拍車をかけた。その“Orenchi”ブランドが確立した事もあり2015年、サンフランシスコにお洒落な2号店、「Orenchi Beyond」を開店し、SF の若年層を惹きつけた。2016 年のオープンで注目を浴びたのが、地鶏料理の「塚田農場」で知られるAP カンパニー初の米国進出になる「Nojo Ramen avern」、地元人気寿司店「Blowfish」のラーメンバージョン、「Iza ramen」と、東京から初米国進出でブレーク中の「MenshoTokyo」だ。そしてラーメン店の激戦区、日本街にはそれまで「Waraku」、LA 発祥の「Yamada-ya」、「Suzu」の3強だったが、今年オープンした新店舗「Marufuku Ramen」と去年暮れにオープンした日本からの初進出店、「Hinodeya Ramen」に人気は移行し、中でも「Marufuku」は、連日長蛇の列を成している。新規オープンで最も注目されているのが、長年の準備期間を経てバークレーに新オープンした、世界にその名を轟かす博多ラーメンの殿堂、「Ippudo」だ。

最近の傾向としては、ラーメン専門店から一品料理を加えドリンクの種類も揃えたRamen Izakara が増えている。中には一人の会計が$40 〜50 という店も少なくない。アメリカ人の舌も肥え、流行は地方伝統の味を提供する“ ご当地グルメ” へと移行している。多様化が進むSF ラーメンビジネス業界は一層レベルアップした激戦が続いている。

J-POP ラーメンサミット
全米最大の日本ポップカルチャーの祭典、「J-Pop Summit」 が先日9 月9 日、10 日にFort Maison Center で開催され、 ベイエリアラーメンカルチャーの火付け役、丸山良幸氏がプロデュースした「Ramen Summit」は、SF 4軒とシアトルから1軒の計5店舗が結集し、終始大盛況で幕を閉じた。各ブースにはラーメンファンが長蛇の列を作り、祭りでしか体験できない人気店の一杯を食べ比べするなど堪能していた。http://www.j-pop.com/

/////// ラーメンサミットにラインアップした店舗紹介 ///////

1. Nojo Ramen Tavern

 シアトル一の人気店で、今回ラーメンサミットは初出店となる。北海道出身のオーナーシェフが作る看板メニューは、spycymisho( 店頭価格$14)。白味噌と赤味噌の絶妙な合わせでピリ辛チリを加えたブロスでアメリカ人に大好評。サンフランシスコへの進出を考慮中。

3. Orenchi Beyond
看板メニューは「Beyond ramen」($13.50) で、濃厚な豚骨醤油ベースに魚だしとニンニクを加えたオリジナリティ溢れるリッチな味わいで弾力がある縮れ中太麺とのバランスが良い。新作メニューには、味噌トマトベースのビーガンラーメン、担々麺などが揃う。

4. Marufuku Ramen
正統派、博多スタイル豚骨ベース。20 時間煮込んだブロスとカスタムメイドの風味良いストレート細麺との相性が引き立つ。看板メニューは、HakataTonkotsu ($10.99) で、こってりすぎず好みに合わせた辛さや追加トッピングを選べる。一品料理も豊富でブレーク中。

5. Hinodeya Ramen & Bar
本格的な出汁文化を紹介すべく挑んだ米国初進出店。風味豊かなカツオと昆布の繊細な本格和風だしと中太縮れ麺がブロスと程よく絡み美味しさを引き立たせている。代表ラーメンは、HidenyaRamen ($14) で、割烹風な一品料理も人気。「出汁ラーメン」は他店と差別化され、定評を得ている。
#JPOPramensamit #SF #alljapannews #ramen #trend


Bizarre labels on Japanese Sake bottles

By Yuji Matsumoto

While I’ve written repeatedly in the past about the lack of marketing efforts in branding Japanese sake bottles, it’s very disappointing that most breweries still haven’t implemented my suggestions. Every time a new Japanese sake product is introduced, many manufacturers still use labels very different from previous ones.

The bizarre marketing strategy is evident as soon as one picks up a product. Take vodka for example. While colors of the bottles may change, neither the label design nor the fonts of corporate logos ever change. Wine, whiskey, beer, etc., no matter what product you grab, the branding is such that customers immediately recognizes the manufacturer at first glance.

Wine labels share the same design, but different shapes of bottles and colors depending on the variety of grapes. For vodka, the shapes of the bottles are the same, and only the color of the label is changed according to the flavor. For beers, light vs. regular is differentiated by color, while the design is the same.

Designs of alcohol products are standardized in this manner. However, why not so with Japanese sake? Considering the cost and time required to launch a product, the lack of standardization in design for marketing purposes is “bizarre” to say the least.

I once heard from a sake manufacturer that when displaying sake bottles in small retail shops, various products by the same brand lining the shelves would confuse consumers, thus there was no choice but to change the labels. Another’s opinion was that if one brand fails, sales of other products under the same brand would also suffer due to chain reaction.

Looking at the current brands of Japanese sake, there isn’t one manufacturer whose labels are standardized among Nigori, Junmai, Ginjo, and Daiginjo. The changes in design and fonts are easy to notice.

American consumers are very loyal to brands. While the majority of them cannot read Japanese, using a standardized logo design would help consumers who happened to like Junmai to next sample Ginjo, Daiginjo, or Nigori sake.








#Japanese #alljapannews #branding #sake #sommelier


“Best in the World! International Wine Challenge (IWC) Champion” Part 1

By Kosuke Kuji 

At this year’s International Wine Challenge (IWC) 2017, “Nanbu Bijin Tokubetsu Junmai” is honored to win the “Champion Sake” title!!

From all the entries of total 1245 brands from 390 companies including foreign brands in 9 categories, the brewery master of the first prize (trophy) winner of each category came to the awards ceremony in London and just only one sake would be selected as the Champion Sake from 9 first prizes (trophy). You can see the reason why the champion sake of IWC which is the first prize (champion) from 1245 entries would be named the #1 Japanese sake in the world.

I received the first prize (trophy) for Honjozo last year and attended the award ceremony in London for the first time. When Dewazakura Sake Brewery Co was announced as Champion Sake at last year’s ceremony and while I was watching president Nakano from behind who was representing the future of Japan and walking onto the stage, I thought: I would like to bring this championship back to Nanbu Bijin, have Brewery Master Matsumori along with manufacturing staff that have been working hard until now and all supporting staff to feel the pride and excitement that their work lead them to become the world’s best, and show my appreciation to Iwate prefecture and Ninohe city that has brought us this far.

I certainly didn’t believe that my dream of these thoughts would become a reality. It was the reforming and efforts to improve the sake quality these last few years and result of persistent challenging that has lead us to this achievement. You can also say that the Nanbu Bijin team became as one to win this ultimate achievement.





#alljapannews #challenge #nation #sake #wine


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