
Tokyo Jizake Strolling (2024 Year-end sake sales event)

By Ryuji Takahashi

Since early December, many businesspeople have been excited about the long winter holiday to celebrate the New Year. My sake shop conducted a survey that revealed many consumers will celebrate a 9-day holiday due to the weekday on which the holidays fall on. Sake to celebrate the New Year will go on sale on December 28 for four days. This is the make or break moment. I requested the designer to create flyers to post and many to be printed for distribution to each home. Since we had a large inventory of sake, we borrowed a table from the shopping district office to sell sake at the storefront. Considering the highest volume of sake was sold on December 29 the previous year, we arranged part-time help for this day. We also requested Umeda Sake Brewery, as we do every year, to select the sake to be featured on New Year’s Day.  
The sake prepared exclusively for my shop was “Junmai Daiginjo Chiyono-Ume.” I had several meetings with the brewery since October to arrange special packaging for this sake and had a brand name revived that was no longer in use by the brewery. Chiyo means a prolonged period, while ume means to ward off evil, a perfect brand name for the New Year. Since it was a busy time during the sake brewing period, the initial quantity to be released was decided beforehand. The annual event seemed to be widely known as the sake sold out before the end of the year, which required an additional rush order. Other high-end sake also sold out early, which required help from many vendors to gather a lot of Daiginjo sake, perhaps due to the long holiday with many returning home to celebrate the new year.    
Kanemasu Brewery sold sake at the storefront on December 28 and 29, while Hakuro Brewery – also based in Niigata prefecture – sold sake at the storefront on December 30 and 31. The same turnout as the previous year was anticipated with part-time help arranged. However, the turnout was much greater than we expected because not all customers had a 9-day holiday. Many customers who had days off on December 28 and 29 still had to work on December 30. 
Many customers visited our shop on December 31, which required urgent part-time help. The salesperson from the brewery who helped on December 31 was extremely helpful due to his expertise in selling sake at department stores and retail stores operated by local governments. Before I knew it, the sales figure for the day was the highest on record. I learned this year that weekdays affect sales, even at the end of the year, and that Japanese consumers still enjoy sake to end the year and celebrate the new year. A soba noodle shop stands across the street from our sake shop, where I saw many customers shivering as they stood in a long line. Their sight keenly reminded me the year was ending. I wished for 2025 to be a momentous year as I glanced up at the chilly winter sky during the year-end sake sales event. 
 今年の正月は長いぞと、12月に入った瞬間からワクワクしていたサラリーマンが多い師走だった。私の店での調査によると曜日的に9連休という人が多かった。さてそんな中、正月の酒が売れ始めるのが一般的に休みに入る28日からの4日間。ここが勝負所で、12月に入り、ポスティング用のチラシをデザイナーに依頼し、大量に印刷し、各家庭に配り、酒も大量の在庫を抱え、商店街事務所から店頭販売用の台を借り、昨年は29日が一番売れたことを鑑み、ピンポイントでバイトも依頼した。そして毎年用意する正月用の目玉商品を今年は広島県梅田酒造場に依頼。当店だけに用意してもらった酒は「純米大吟醸 千代の梅」。この酒は10月くらいから蔵元と打ち合わせを重ね、荷姿も特別に用意してもらい、銘柄名も既に酒蔵では使用していない物を復活してもらった。千代とは長い期間を意味し、梅は厄を除くという意味があり、正月にはピッタリの銘柄名だ。酒造りで忙しい中だったので、最初にロットを決めていたのだが、毎年恒例の特別酒が浸透していたようで、年末を待たずして売り切れてしまい急いで追加をお願いする羽目になった。その他の高級酒も早い段階で売り切れてしまい、方々に無理を言って大吟醸酒をかき集める状況になってしまったのは、長い正月休みで帰省が多かったからだろうか。28日と29日は新潟県の金升酒造蔵元が店頭に立ち、30日と31日は同じ新潟県の柏露酒造の営業が店頭に立ってくれた。前年の流れと同じ予想でバイトもお願いしていたのだが、昨年とは流れが変わっており大きく予想を外すこととなった。確かに皆が9連休ではないわけで、28日29日は休みだが30日は仕事だという人も多くいたのだ。そして、31日に来店が集中しアルバイトも急遽お願いすることとなったが、31日の酒蔵の営業マンがデパートやアンテナショップでの販売に長けているベテランだったので、非常に助かった。気づいたら1日の売り上げとしては過去最高の数字が出ていた。年末でも曜日はギリギリまで影響することを今回は学び、年末年始は、まだまだ日本人は日本酒が飲みたいのだと実感できた。そして、当店の真向かいは町の蕎麦屋で、
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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (Japanese sake from Shimane prefecture) 

By Ryuji Takahashi
Many sake tasting events are held throughout Japan during the fall season. Sake breweries hustle to attend numerous sake tasting events to promote their sake as their last major job before starting their brewing season. I attended the jizake (local sake) fair organized by the Shimane Sake Brewers Association, held at the Tokyo Kotsu Kaikan (Tokyo Traffic Hall). Although there are many theories, Shimane prefecture is said to be where sake production originated, also home to the “Saka Shrine,” where the deity of sake is enshrined. 
The shrine still holds a sake brewing license to brew up to 48 gallons of sake per year. The chief priest acts as the Master Sake Brewer to brew cloudy sake as an offering to the deity. The sake is also served to worshippers at the Saka Shrine Autumn Festival on October 13. 
However, Shimane prefecture is not widely recognized as a sake producing region. Most people would likely name Niigata prefecture or Hyogo prefecture as renowned sake producing regions that first comes to mind. The local jizake fair is organized to celebrate Shimane prefecture as the birthplace of sake production. However, fewer breweries participated compared to the previous year, attended by fewer guests as well. 
This is because the coronavirus pandemic ended and big sake tasting events are organized in various regions, thus sake breweries and consumers are widely scattered. In addition, the fall season is still hot. I visited all the sake breweries and sampled their sake. There was a time when fruity sake seemed to be popular, but recently, it seems that peculiar flavors of dry sake that are characteristic of Shimane prefecture are becoming more popular.  
This may be because more sake breweries are using sake rice locally grown in Shimane prefecture for local consumption. Sake breweries seem to face the challenge of deciding how to generate sake flavors using locally grown rice to attract male and female consumers of all ages. Next week, I plan to attend another sake tasting event organized by Ichinomiya Sake Brewing Co., Ltd. (Oda city, Shimane prefecture) at a local sake specialty shop in the Hatsudai area. Chief Brewer Rika Asano will describe one sake at a time as she pours the sake for guests, an intimate tasting experience not offered at big sake tasting events. 
Operated by a husband and wife team of young and talented brewers, Ichinomiya Sake Brewing Co., Ltd. has garnered numerous Gold Prizes at The National New Sake Tasting Competition. Their main sake brand is “Iwami Ginzan,” an original and innovative sake introduced by this young couple. On this day, 10 different sake selections both familiar and new were served. The chief brewer avoided the use of industry jargon and carefully explained each sake product in simple terms that was easily understood by novices and connoisseurs alike. Guests seemed satisfied as they savored each sake, and many purchased quite a few sake bottles to take home. Sake, long produced in Shimane prefecture, is expected to overcome challenges as the flavors continue to evolve. 

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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (National Sake Day)

By Ryuji Takahashi
National Sake Day is October 1. Since the brewing year used to start in October, the Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association designated October 1 as the National Sake Day in 1978. Events are held nationwide with participants toasting with sake to celebrate this day. The weekday of this event was Tuesday this year, thus the toasting event was held on a weekend in many cases. I attended the event held at the izakaya restaurant “Daidokoro Soma” in the Yoyogi area of Tokyo. 
Izakaya restaurant “Daidokoro Soma” (“Soma’s Kitchen”) is in the Yoyogi area of Tokyo, a restaurant district where many new restaurants opened in the last few years due to redevelopment. Many young customers frequent the area. The izakaya restaurant consists of eight counter seats, where older customers can sit comfortably and enjoy a drink, and a table that seats four guests. The event started on a Sunday at noon. The restaurant was filled by a wide range of solo guests between the ages of 20 to 60. 
The six seasonal fall sake selections served are “Akagisan Hiyaoroshi Honjozo” by Kondo Shuzo Co., Ltd., “Iwamiginzan Tokubetsu Junmai” by Ichinomiya Sake Brewing, “Nagatorogura Junmai Ginjo” by Fujisaki Sobei Shoten, “Takizawa Junmai Ginjo” by Shinsyu-Meijyo Co., Ltd, “Sanzui Junmai Ginjo” by Hakuro Shuzo, and “Honshu-ichi Junmai” by Umeda Shuzojo. 
The difference between each sake specification and the brewery that produced the sake can be savored with each sake that exuded a mellow fall flavor. The meal consisted of twelve courses, each devised by the restaurant owner Soma-san specifically for this event. Several appetizers prepared from vegetables kicked off the meal, followed by the chef’s original Char-siu (Chinese BBQ Pork), smoked duck, sausages, grilled shrimp, etc. Both young and elderly guests expressed satisfaction with the menu selections served. 
The bottles of sake prepared for the event gradually disappeared. The restaurant consisted of counter seats, where I watched the guests pour sake from each of the six bottles of seasonal fall sake for each other as they enjoyed the delicious food and lively conversations, exchanged contact information, and promised to meet up at “Daidokoro Soma” (“Soma’s Kitchen”) to drink together. I was reassured in my belief that sake is a communication tool. 
Three hours quickly passed as the guests enjoyed lively conversations, and the drinking event where adults toasted with sake ended. Every guest seemed full, slightly tipsy, and quite satisfied. I have no doubt that some guests who had not consumed enough sake went on to another restaurant afterwards. I often hear that guests who don’t usually drink sake are invited to drink sake on National Sake Day. I invite consumers who regularly enjoy sake to toast with sake not only on National Sake Day, but in everyday life with delicious food and great company.

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Tokyo Jizake Strolling: “Heigsoba Katsura” serves Niigata specialty soba dish “Hegisoba” in Tokyo 

By Ryuji Takahashi
Buckwheat Noodle Restaurant “Hegisoba Katsura” is located near the Shin-Nakano subway station on the Marunouchi Line along the Oume Kaidou Highway, running east and west of Tokyo. “Hegisoba” is a buckwheat noodle (soba) dish, a local favorite in Niigata prefecture and a specialty of the Echigo region, characteristic for using Funori seaweed instead of flour. The chewy soba noodles are renowned for their flavor and go down smoothly. “Hegisoba Katsura” serves this traditional specialty dish of the Echigo region in Tokyo. Owner Michio Katsura trained to prepare Hegisoba in a renowned restaurant in Niigata prefecture before opening his community-based restaurant Katsuraya in 2019. 
Menu selections besides soba noodles include other specialties of Niigata prefecture, such as “Fried Tofu from Tochio” and “Nuka Iwashi” (Sardines Marinated in Rice Bran with Plenty of Salt). Despite its location in Tokyo, Hegisoba Katsura serves only Niigata sake selections. Tempura is delicious as expected of a soba noodle restaurant, in addition to fresh and delicious fish selections such as sashimi, rarely served in a soba noodle restaurant in the city. Business hours are from 11:00 to 22:30, open between lunch and dinner without closing in between, also rare but welcome news to sake fans.    
My impression is that workers employed near the restaurant come in during peak lunch hours, followed by mothers in the neighborhood, retirees who enjoy a drink in the afternoon, then businessmen who stop in after work. Owner Michio Katsura’s experience managing various restaurants is instrumental in creating this wonderful restaurant, popular among soba noodle fans and sake fans alike. 
The restaurant’s monthly event – Full course with monthly sake selections from different sake breweries - is popular among regulars, Hegisoba fans, and sake fans alike. The sake brewery of the day introduces their sake and converse with guests enjoying a full course meal of soba noodles as the main dish with sake. The menu selections served at Katsuraya complement sake, with most guests getting tipsy on a full stomach. The 2-hour event stretches into 3 hours each time. 
Sake brewery staff and guests who long enjoyed Hegisoba are not always familiar with how soba noodles are prepared. Many guests marveled that they never enjoyed such delicious Hegisoba, even in Niigata prefecture. The gourmet website “Hitosara” also ranked Hegisoba Katsura as the Number 1 soba noodle restaurant in Tokyo in 2023. With such delicious Hegisoba readily available in Tokyo, Hegisoba might be a welcome choice of toshikoshi soba (soba noodle dish traditionally enjoyed on New Year’s Eve) to ring in the new year?

 東京を東西に走る青梅街道沿い丸の内線の新中野駅傍に「越後へぎそば桂屋」がある。新潟では一般的に親しまれているこの「へぎそば」だが、正式には越後地方の名産で、小麦粉を使用せず布海苔(ふのり)と呼ばれる海藻をつなぎに使用するのが特徴である。喉越しが良くコシが有り、風味の良さが売りの蕎麦である。そんな越後地方伝統のへぎそばを東京で食べられるのが「越後へぎそば桂屋」である。店主の桂 三智夫氏は新潟の有名店でへぎそばを修行し東京に2019年、地元密着型の桂屋をオープンさせた。「栃尾の油揚げ」や「ぬかいわし」など蕎麦以外の料理も新潟にこだわり、日本酒ラインナップも新潟の酒だけと東京にいながら新潟を堪能出来る店だ。もちろん蕎麦屋なので天麩羅も美味いし、街の蕎麦やとしては珍しいが鮮魚の刺身も美味い。営業時間も酒呑みとしては嬉しいアイドルタイム休憩が無く、午前11時に開店してから午後10時30分まで、これまた町の蕎麦屋としては珍しい通し営業なのである。私の感覚では昼のピークタイムはお店の近くで働いている方々が来店し、それが落ち着くと近所のママさん達が集まり、夕方からは近くのご隠居さんが呑み始め、次第に仕事終わりのサラリーマンが呑みに来るといった感じである。店主の桂 三智夫氏は多数の飲食店の立ち上げや統括を経験していることから、この素晴らしい蕎麦好きにも酒好きにも愛される店を作れたのだろうと思う。そして、常連様やへぎそば愛好家や日本酒愛好家を喜ばせているイベントが、月に一回行われるお店のフルコースと月替わりの酒蔵の日本酒が飲み放題の酒蔵イベントである。その日は酒蔵の蔵元が酒の説明をしながら、参加者皆で語らいながら酒と蕎麦をメインとしたフルコースを楽しむことが出来る。桂屋の料理で酒が進まない訳がないので、皆酔っ払い、腹いっぱいになって、本来2時間くらいを予定しているイベントが3時間になるのは毎回のことである。参加者だけでなく、新潟の蔵元達もへぎそばを昔から食べているが、どのように蕎麦が打たれているかなどは知らなかったし、新潟でもここまで美味いへぎそばは食べたことがないと皆口を揃えて言うのである。グルメサイトの「ヒトサラ」でも2023年の東京の蕎麦屋で1位になった名店である。それほど美味いへぎそばが東京にあるのだから、いつもと違い、年越しそばはへぎそばという選択肢も今年は有りではないだろうか。
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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (Shimbashi Koichi Festival)

By Ryuji Takahashi
The “27th Shimbashi Koichi Matsuri (Festival)” was held in the middle of summer near the “Shimbashi Station” in Minato Ward, Tokyo, a popular hangout spot among business professionals, on July 25 and 26. The Koichi Festival was named to invite residents, workers, and visitors to the Shimbashi Station area to stop by and have fun for an hour. Many food stalls were set up in three locations – Karasumori-Dori street, areas surrounding the New Shimbashi Building (“SL Square”), and Sakurada Park – where the Yukata (unlined cotton summer kimono) beauty pageant was held, along with plenty of entertainment and outdoor events over a two-day period. 
The festival, scheduled to start at 12:00 noon until the day before, was delayed until 3:00 PM due to the scorching heat. On the first day, I couldn’t stop sweating in drizzling rain due to the maximum humidity. Visitors totaled approximately 14,000 in two days. I wiped my sweat as I headed towards the Nihonsakari booth of a close friend. 
Familiar aluminum can-shaped bottles (“bottle cans”) and raw, unprocessed, undiluted sake lined the Nihonsakari booth, along with chilled sake, perfect to enjoy while strolling the festival sites. I purchased two bottles of raw, unprocessed, undiluted sake and strolled through the food stalls before the rain got heavier. Food stalls sold omuyakisoba (omelet fried noodles), skewer-grilled scallops, sake by the Fukushima Prefecture Sake Brewers Cooperative, and beer, while the stage showcased live taiko performances, Hawaiian Hula, and Bon Odori (traditional Japanese regional folk dance). The festival offered great food, beverages, and live performances. 
I couldn’t leave the festival in just short of an hour. I previously helped in food stalls, before the festival was canceled for 4 years due to the coronavirus pandemic. The festival finally resumed last year in 2023. Despite initial concerns over the turnout, many visitors came and enlivened the festival, no different from previous years. The pandemic popularized work-from-home and remote work, which reduced the number of commuters to the office. Yet, the turnout seemed high at the Koichi Festival, held at a popular hangout spot for business professionals, in fact, even higher than previous years. The rain started to get harder while strolling, so I sought shelter from the rain in the New Shimbashi building. 
I visited the “Jinsei Sakaba,” a sake pub and restaurant introduced in a previous report, where I presented the Nihonsakari raw, unprocessed, undiluted sake I purchased earlier as a souvenir. I asked if the building got crowded during the Koichi Festival and was told business was the same as usual. The restaurant inside the building has many repeat patrons, thus customers who come from the festival during peak business hours are sometimes turned away. The owner said, “The weather is often rainy on the day of the Koichi Festival.”  
Hot weather with heavy rainfall is common during summer festivals. Still, I felt excited to attend a festival that was previously canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. As the summer festival season soon ends in each region and the Olympics are now over, and once the summer baseball games are over, fall is fast approaching. Next, I’m planning to find and attend a fall festival. 


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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (Niigata Sake Festival) 

By Ryuji Takahashi 
The largest sake event in Japan is the “Niigata Sake Festival,” held annually in Niigata prefecture over two days. True to its name, sake breweries from throughout Niigata prefecture gather in one place to attend this event. The concept of this event is to welcome guests from Tokyo to enjoy the atmosphere of this event. Therefore, the event “Niigata Sake Baru in Meguro” was organized at restaurant “Niigata Sake Baru Fukidamari” in Meguro ward, Tokyo. 
The two-day event held over a weekend was attended by 7 sake breweries - “AOKISHUZO The Sake Brewery Co., LTD.,” “OFUKU SHUZOU Co., Ltd.,” “Kiminoi Shuzou Co., Ltd.,” “Sasaiwai Sake Brewery,” “Taiyo Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.,” “Tamagawa Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.,” and “Minenohakubai Shuzo” - as exhibitors, along with a joint booth between 3 breweries from the sake shop - “Kanemasu Sake Co., Ltd.,” “Hakuro Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.,” and “Shiokawa Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.” – totaling 10 breweries with over 30 different sake selections from Niigata prefecture. Echigo Beer Co., Ltd. and Iwanohara Vineyard Co., Ltd. also exhibited booths on this balmy day to serve chilled beer and white wine.      
Rice from Niigata prefecture and pickled vegetables were served at a booth, while pizza and yakisoba were served out of a food truck at the Niigata Sake Festival site. The event venue was studio EASE along the Japan Railways (JR) railroad tracks between Meguro ward and Gotanda district, a chic outdoor space reminiscent of a European cityscape usually used to take photographs. Admission was free, and a space was available where children played freely with many families that attended. Sake was enjoyed by purchasing several tickets for 500 JPY each. Tickets were submitted at each booth according to the sake classification - ordinary sake required one ticket, while Ginjo required two tickets. 
Guests with reservations arrived at the “Niigata Sake Baru Fukidamari” beforehand with all-you-can-drink tickets already purchased for 3,500 JPY each, an economical option that offered all-you-can-drink sake, regardless of the sake classification. Light showers never required an umbrella both days. The evening lights illuminated the venue with metropolitan apartments visible behind the European-style cityscape in an enchantingly beautiful sight that was indescribable. 
Since tickets were accepted instead of cash, customers casually enjoyed sake and food while other participants traded food and beverages with each other in a very friendly atmosphere staffed with volunteers. The venue was filled with a comfortable, wonderful sense of unity. Although various sampling events and sales events are also organized in Tokyo for sake brewed in Niigata prefecture, few opportunities exist to sample and compare various sake brands. Therefore, this is an event that I would love to see continue in the future. 
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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (“Nihonsakari” is a quality sake brand)

By Ryuji Takahashi
I always felt major sake breweries must become successful first to invigorate the Japanese sake industry. Major sake breweries are always involved in preserving jizake breweries by various means, such as one sake brewery selling sake to another sake brewery to be sold as the purchaser’s sake, through merger & acquisition (M&A), etc. 
Nowadays however, many sake fans feel jizake is authentic sake, while sake brewed by major breweries are not. However, recent sake products by major sake breweries are delicious and yet affordable. Therefore, we organized an event titled “Meeting to Learn about Sake.” This is a meeting strictly to learn about sake, not to sell sake. Nihonsakari Junmai Ginjo and Junmai Daiginjo, paper-packed sake, and purine-free sugar-free sake were lined up and introduced by a sales representative. Anyone was allowed to participate. Participants included men and women of all ages. The older generation of participants had a bias towards major sake breweries, such as Nihonsakari, while some young participants never heard of Nihonsakari.    
When many sake fans get together, discussions get more interesting. Although the purine-free sugar-free sake was not as popular at first, one participant who used to drink it constantly for weight loss enthusiastically explained its health benefits more passionately than the sales representative and won over other participants. Also, young participants who held no bias towards major sake breweries were surprised to learn such delicious sake products are sold at supermarkets for affordable prices, while one senior jizake fan listened with a grimacing face. 
I repeatedly said in this meeting that both jizake and major sake brands should be available in restaurants and in liquor shops to increase options and make the selection more fun for consumers. If food reliability and safety is a concern, then major sake brands are good options to select from. Although packed sake and cup sake target middle-aged and senior consumers, I believe this event clarified that certain products and events can prove effective to court young consumers as well.  
Younger generations will soon increase their alcohol consumption and become regular consumers of alcohol with zero bias towards major sake breweries. Therefore, younger generations may select national sake brands in the same way they select beer sold by major beer manufacturers. Delicious, packed sake products are economically priced for this younger generation, whose earnings will soon increase. If this younger generation in their middle-aged and senior years pass on these delicious flavors to the next generation, major sake brands can lead the Japanese sake industry to also raise the familiarity of jizake breweries and invigorate the entire sake industry.

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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (a collaborative sake pairing event held in an Italian restaurant)

By Ryuji Takahashi
I’ve authored several articles on collaborative projects that served sake with Italian cuisine in an Italian restaurant. The theme of this project was to determine if sake pairs well with Italian cuisine. 
Our venue was the usual restaurant “Karibe-Tei” in the Shimokitazawa area. The menu selections to be paired with sake took time to select. Thanks to the many helpful suggestions from Chef Karibe, Italian menu items with a Japanese twist were selected for pairing with sake. The restaurant was filled by word-of-mouth only without any promotion on social networking sites, indicative of the high satisfaction among guests who attended past events. For sake, seasonal selections from spring to early summer were selected along with traditional sake selections. In total, eighteen bottles of nine different sake selections were prepared for the event. 
The menu items served were: “Amaou Strawberries and High-sugar Tomato Caprese,” “Sicilian Potato Salad topped with Salted Cuttlefish,” “Smoked Firefly Squid from Toyama Prefecture and Clams,” “The Season’s First Bonito Carpaccio,” “White Asparagus with Grilled Anchovy Garlic Sauce,” “Thawed Oysters from Iwate Prefecture sauteed with Bamboo Shoots,” “Sakura Shrimp and Mustard Flowers Spaghetti topped with Herb Breadcrumbs,” and “Beef Hind Shank alla Romana with Saffron Risotto.”
It’s difficult to determine from the menu names alone if some menu items have a Japanese flavor. Japanese seasonings such as soy sauce were used in sauces to add Japanese flavor. For this reason, sake bottles emptied the fastest during this event out of all past events. I heard that recently, many restaurants in Italy serve Japanese-style Italian cuisine, an encouraging trend that also inspires a novel approach to serve sake. 
Japanese sake industry professionals can propose pairing sake with various cuisines worldwide to encourage various world cuisines to be prepared with a Japanese flavor for better pairing with sake as an innovative approach to introduce Japanese cuisine overseas. This collaboration concluded successfully with no incidents - all participants were full, tipsy, and quite satisfied. Someone said that loneliness and an empty stomach was not good for people. Delicious food and alcoholic beverages are sought in every country worldwide. It may not be too far in the future that Japanese culture becomes even more popular worldwide, sake enjoys the same popularity as wine worldwide, and sake appears on dinner tables worldwide.

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Tokyo Jizake Strolling  (The Daikanyama Shopping District)

By Ryuji Takahashi

With spring fast approaching at the end of March, an event titled “The Daikanyama Shop Association” featured many shops selling niche merchandise at “Daikanyama Address 17dixsept” in Shibuya district, a shopping center located right next to the Daikanyama Station. Our shop selling local sake was also invited and participated for two days during a weekend. The “Daikanyama Address 17dixsept” is a shopping zone located inside an urban shopping complex, consisting of a 36-floor tower above ground on the site of the former Dojunkai Daikanyama Apartment, a housing complex consisting of approximately 500 homes, the Daikanyama Sports Plaza, etc. 
Dix-sept translates to seventeen in French, named after their lot number 17 in the Daikanyama district. Four shops lined up in a shared space on the facility premises and sold merchandise not usually sold by the tenants to take a new approach to customers who utilize the facility.  
Retailers that participated for two days consisted of my local sake shop, an Asian variety store, a flower shop, a vegan shop on one day, and a specialty gift shop the next. It was rumored that the timing the cherry blossoms will bloom could be announced early in the week of the event, and the weather was forecast to be sunny for cherry blossom viewing. Since Daikanyama is close to Meguro River, a renowned spot to view cherry blossoms, my shop narrowed down our merchandise to only two sake sets for flower viewing – a set of five aluminum cans of Nihonsakari sake with plastic champagne glasses and a three-sampler Nagatorogura sake set. Unfortunately, the rumored announcement on the timing the cherry blossoms would bloom never occurred, ultimately announced two weeks after the event.  
Not only did the cherry blossoms not bloom during the weekend of the event, but it also rained with low turnout, both significantly contrary to expectations. Other shops near each other welcomed regulars from other shops. My shop also benefited from their customers since most of the sake sets I prepared sold, and the weekend ended with decent sales.  
I had many takeaways from my first attempt at selling merchandise in the chic Daikanyama shopping complex. Staff members shopped at each other’s shops, and I also became friendly with the shop owners. My onsite pop-up shop was personally a fruitful experience. If I was to be greedy however, I think the facility needs to think of ways to enliven the event. Eventually, I think lining up sake breweries to organize “The Daikanyama Sake Shopping District” would be an interesting idea if I’m asked to participate again.       
東京地酒散歩(The 代官山商店)
 春の訪れがもうすぐそこまで来ている3月の終わりに、代官山の駅のすぐ側にある商業施設「代官山アドレス・ディセ」にて「The 代官山商店」と銘打った渋谷区のニッチな物販店を集めたイベントが開催された。地酒を販売する当店にも声がかかり、土日の二日間参加することとなった。代官山アドレス・ディセは旧同潤会代官山アパートの跡地に建設された代官山アドレスという地上36階建のタワーを始めとする約500戸の集合住宅とショッピングゾーンや渋谷区代官山スポーツプラザなどから構成される都市型複合施設の中のショッピングゾーンのことである。ディセとはフランス語で17の意味らしく、代官山の17番地にあることから名づけられたとのこと。その施設内の共用スペースに4店舗並べ、日頃のテナントとは違う販売をすることで、施設を利用する人々に新たなアプローチをしたいといったイベントの様であった。
二日間出店するのは地酒販売の当店と、アジアン雑貨、フラワーショップ、日替わりでビーガンショップとセレクトギフトショップであった。イベントの週の前半に桜の開花宣言が出るとか出ないとかで、週末はお花見日和との情報があり、代官山という立地上、花見の有名スポット目黒川も近いことから、当店は完全に販売商品をお花見セットに絞り、日本盛のボトル缶5本セットにプラシャンパングラス付きと長瀞蔵の3種飲み比べセットの2アイテムのみに特化し販売を行なった。しかし、蓋を開けてみると開花宣言予測は大きく外れ、週末になっても宣言が出る事は無く、結果開花宣言が出たのは2週間後であった。                                                        イベント当日に桜が咲いていないだけでなく、2日間雨が降り、施設の来店客数も少なく、大きく予想を外すこととなった。他店は元々の店舗が近隣ということもあり、常連客らしき人達が来ていたので、その流れに便乗させていただく形となったが、用意していた酒は殆ど売れ、結果オーライで二日間を終えることが出来た。渋谷の端っこからオシャレな代官山への初チャレンジで、学びも多く、店舗間での買い物もあり、他店のオーナーとも仲良くなり、個人的には意味のある出張出店だったが、欲を言えばもっと盛り上がる為に、施設側の打ち出し方を考える必要があると感じた。いつかは酒蔵を並べた「The 代官山日本酒商店」なども面白いのではないかと思う。まあ、次回以降も声がかかればの話なのだが。
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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (restaurant Jinsei Sakaba inside the New Shinbashi Building) 

By Ryuji Takahashi

Shinbashi is a renowned business district where many shops line the streets, reminiscent of the Showa era (1926-1989). One venue familiar to many is the New Shinbashi Building, a large multi-tenant shopping mall on the Hibiyaguchi side of Shinbashi Station, occupied from the first basement floor to the fourth floor by many restaurants, a ticket broker, massage parlors, and shops targeting businessmen. Some call it a mall for old men. The Shinbashi Station west exit started as a black market after World War II and evolved until the current New Shinbashi Building was constructed in 1971.             
The interior of the retro, chaotic mall is long cherished as a mecca for businessmen. Many new commercial buildings were constructed recently to lease retail space to swanky shops featured on TV. The New Shinbashi Building built over fifty years ago offers a heartwarming nostalgic ambiance of the Showa Era, not felt in new stylish buildings. The basement of the New Shinbashi Building is home to many restaurants that serve alcohol during business hours on weekdays. Since I had a day off during the week with nowhere to go on my day off, I walked many rounds inside the basement floor of the New Shinbashi Building like a migratory fish.    
I saw “fans of alcoholic beverages” here and there partaking early in the day. I started to ponder ordering a glass of beer when a female restaurant worker greeted me and said, “We’re serving alcohol right now.” I quickly accepted the invitation and entered the restaurant “Jinsei Sakaba.” What a suitable restaurant name for me, I thought. The worker said, “If you want to enjoy more than one drink, all-you-can-drink is a better deal.” I quickly agreed and selected the 1 hour all-you-can-drink option for 980 JPY. First, I ordered draft beer. 
The cold beer was delicious after walking around inside the mall.       
The food menu listed Chinese style izakaya menu items. I ordered a chilled wakame seaweed salad. My appetite switched on as soon as I took the first bite. I ordered another glass of draft beer, then fried gyoza, Japanese-style omelet with spicy Pollack roe, and fried rice. All menu items were delicious, and the food was served quickly. I got into a lively conversation with the restaurant staff as I ate, and the first hour passed quickly. Of course, I exceeded my time limit and ordered several green tea highballs and shochu highballs. 
Two hours of fun passed quickly before I realized it. The food was delicious, the restaurant was comfortable, and the price was economical at this wonderful restaurant. The New Shinbashi Building is home to this excellent restaurant, currently under consideration for redevelopment due to deterioration. Although it would be sad to see this retro and chaotic ambiance close their doors, changes in the local landscape are inevitable in any era, surely, “all that remains of a warriors’ dream.”  

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