The fundamental meaning of Ginjo is “sake brewed under close examination and scrutiny,” generally understood to be sake raised to the level of art fro...
By Kosuke Kuji “Super Frozen” technology is an innovative technology used to preserve the fresh flavor of Japanese sake. Over 30 sake breweries curren...
Cautionary Notes for Tasting Sake The best environment to taste sake is at room temperature – not too hot, not too cold, approximately 68 degrees ...
By Ryuji Takahashi National Sake Day is October 1. Since the brewing year used to start in October, the Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association des...
Originally, Japanese sake varies greatly in regional characteristics, along with sake quality. Although Japan is a small island nation, the land stret...
By Kosuke Kuji Sake is currently stored in two ways: At “room temperature” or “refrigerated.” As most of you know, sake stored at room temperatur...
First, participate in tasting events when in optimal health because the flavor cannot be tasted accurately while suffering a cold or a hangover. Sm...
By Ryuji Takahashi Buckwheat Noodle Restaurant “Hegisoba Katsura” is located near the Shin-Nakano subway station on the Marunouchi Line along the Oume...
‘Miyamizu’ refers to groundwater from a certain underground area near the coast of Nishinomiya, Hyogo, considered a factor that makes sake produced in...
By Kosuke Kuji Companies usually grow grapes fermented to produce wine. While this may seem normal in the world, farmers in Japan have long cultivated...