
Tokyo Jizake Strolling (2024 Year-end sake sales event)

By Ryuji Takahashi

Since early December, many businesspeople have been excited about the long winter holiday to celebrate the New Year. My sake shop conducted a survey that revealed many consumers will celebrate a 9-day holiday due to the weekday on which the holidays fall on. Sake to celebrate the New Year will go on sale on December 28 for four days. This is the make or break moment. I requested the designer to create flyers to post and many to be printed for distribution to each home. Since we had a large inventory of sake, we borrowed a table from the shopping district office to sell sake at the storefront. Considering the highest volume of sake was sold on December 29 the previous year, we arranged part-time help for this day. We also requested Umeda Sake Brewery, as we do every year, to select the sake to be featured on New Year’s Day.  
The sake prepared exclusively for my shop was “Junmai Daiginjo Chiyono-Ume.” I had several meetings with the brewery since October to arrange special packaging for this sake and had a brand name revived that was no longer in use by the brewery. Chiyo means a prolonged period, while ume means to ward off evil, a perfect brand name for the New Year. Since it was a busy time during the sake brewing period, the initial quantity to be released was decided beforehand. The annual event seemed to be widely known as the sake sold out before the end of the year, which required an additional rush order. Other high-end sake also sold out early, which required help from many vendors to gather a lot of Daiginjo sake, perhaps due to the long holiday with many returning home to celebrate the new year.    
Kanemasu Brewery sold sake at the storefront on December 28 and 29, while Hakuro Brewery – also based in Niigata prefecture – sold sake at the storefront on December 30 and 31. The same turnout as the previous year was anticipated with part-time help arranged. However, the turnout was much greater than we expected because not all customers had a 9-day holiday. Many customers who had days off on December 28 and 29 still had to work on December 30. 
Many customers visited our shop on December 31, which required urgent part-time help. The salesperson from the brewery who helped on December 31 was extremely helpful due to his expertise in selling sake at department stores and retail stores operated by local governments. Before I knew it, the sales figure for the day was the highest on record. I learned this year that weekdays affect sales, even at the end of the year, and that Japanese consumers still enjoy sake to end the year and celebrate the new year. A soba noodle shop stands across the street from our sake shop, where I saw many customers shivering as they stood in a long line. Their sight keenly reminded me the year was ending. I wished for 2025 to be a momentous year as I glanced up at the chilly winter sky during the year-end sake sales event. 
 今年の正月は長いぞと、12月に入った瞬間からワクワクしていたサラリーマンが多い師走だった。私の店での調査によると曜日的に9連休という人が多かった。さてそんな中、正月の酒が売れ始めるのが一般的に休みに入る28日からの4日間。ここが勝負所で、12月に入り、ポスティング用のチラシをデザイナーに依頼し、大量に印刷し、各家庭に配り、酒も大量の在庫を抱え、商店街事務所から店頭販売用の台を借り、昨年は29日が一番売れたことを鑑み、ピンポイントでバイトも依頼した。そして毎年用意する正月用の目玉商品を今年は広島県梅田酒造場に依頼。当店だけに用意してもらった酒は「純米大吟醸 千代の梅」。この酒は10月くらいから蔵元と打ち合わせを重ね、荷姿も特別に用意してもらい、銘柄名も既に酒蔵では使用していない物を復活してもらった。千代とは長い期間を意味し、梅は厄を除くという意味があり、正月にはピッタリの銘柄名だ。酒造りで忙しい中だったので、最初にロットを決めていたのだが、毎年恒例の特別酒が浸透していたようで、年末を待たずして売り切れてしまい急いで追加をお願いする羽目になった。その他の高級酒も早い段階で売り切れてしまい、方々に無理を言って大吟醸酒をかき集める状況になってしまったのは、長い正月休みで帰省が多かったからだろうか。28日と29日は新潟県の金升酒造蔵元が店頭に立ち、30日と31日は同じ新潟県の柏露酒造の営業が店頭に立ってくれた。前年の流れと同じ予想でバイトもお願いしていたのだが、昨年とは流れが変わっており大きく予想を外すこととなった。確かに皆が9連休ではないわけで、28日29日は休みだが30日は仕事だという人も多くいたのだ。そして、31日に来店が集中しアルバイトも急遽お願いすることとなったが、31日の酒蔵の営業マンがデパートやアンテナショップでの販売に長けているベテランだったので、非常に助かった。気づいたら1日の売り上げとしては過去最高の数字が出ていた。年末でも曜日はギリギリまで影響することを今回は学び、年末年始は、まだまだ日本人は日本酒が飲みたいのだと実感できた。そして、当店の真向かいは町の蕎麦屋で、
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Influence to Japanese sake determined by the quality of water  

Approximately eighty-percent of Japanese sake ingredients consist of water. Therefore, the quality of water greatly influences the quality of Japanese sake. 
Water used to produce sake is generally referred to as sake brewing water, broadly divided into brewing water and bottling water. Also, brewing water is further divided into washing water, soaking water, brewing water, and miscellaneous water; while bottling water is further divided into wash bottle water, addition water, and miscellaneous water. Among these waters, the brewing water - the direct ingredient of sake - is no doubt the most important quality of sake.   
However, sake rice will absorb components dissolved in the water used while washing and soaking the rice in water, thus water used for soaking the rice must not contain components harmful to sake production. Also, addition water refers to water that adjusts the alcohol concentration of unprocessed sake, so of course, the water quality must be equivalent to the water quality of the brewing water. The containers and tools used, miscellaneous water used to wash the bottles, and anything that comes in direct contact with sake also requires high quality water.    
Generally, water is categorized as hard and soft water. Hard water refers to water containing significant mounts of alkaline earth metals (calcium ion and magnesium ion), while soft water contains minimal amounts of these metals. Soft water is more suitable for producing Japanese sake, for the sake quality produced using soft water generally makes the sake quality light and clean. However, when using the expressions soft vs. hard water, it must be taken into consideration that most of Japan’s natural waters mostly fall under the “soft water” category compared to foreign waters. For example, the most renowned Japanese sake brewing water “Miyamizu” (Nada spring water) is categorized as having the highest hardness of Japan’s brewing water, yet still incomparably low in hardness compared to renowned waters in Europe, etc.       
According to general water hardness and softness standards, hard water is defined as above 20 degrees, medium-hard water is defined as between 20 ~ 10 degrees, while soft water is defined as below 10 degrees. According to the National Tax Agency’s analysis method of categorizing sake brewing water by hardness, high hard water is defined as above 20 degrees, hard water is 20 ~ 14 degrees, medium hard water is 14 ~8 degrees, light hard water is 8 ~ 6 degrees, and medium hard water is defined as between 6 ~ 3 degrees, and soft water is defined as below 3 degrees. The hardness of “Miyamizu” (Nada spring water) is defined as between 9 ~ 11 degrees, yet categorized as medium hard water according to the later classification standards, yet still fall under “soft water” according to global standards.
The suitability of the water quality as brewing water depends not only on the water hardness and existence of harmful components, but the degree of contained components effective for koji mold and yeast to function are also a major condition, for which the “miyamizu” (Nada spring water) is superior in this regard.   
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Sake Nation “Super Frozen Sake: Part 4”

By Kosuke Kuji

I wrote in my previous report that I was blessed with a fateful encounter in Kochi prefecture, where the prefectural fish is bonito, one of my favorite foods. Finding high-quality bonito is difficult where I live in Iwate prefecture. 
My trip to Kochi prefecture blessed me with the opportunity to savor bonito of the highest quality. The bonito I tasted was so savory, it literally “melted in my mouth.” Just when I was on cloud nine, a colleague pointed out, “Kuji-san, you’re eating frozen bonito.” I was taken aback. What do you mean? There’s no way this delicious bonito was frozen. I was further confused when he asked, “Would you like to try fresh bonito?”  
Of course I tried the fresh bonito. If frozen bonito is this delicious, how much better could fresh bonito taste? What if the fresh bonito was so delicious that I end up suffering a heart attack…? I had grand expectations as I tasted the fresh bonito. “Wait, what? The fresh bonito tastes the same as the frozen bonito…”  
I thought maybe my sense of taste was off. I tasted all the local sake brewed in Kochi prefecture on site and was able to differentiate the unique flavors of each sake. My tastebuds are fine. 
“So, what does this mean?” I asked. My colleague replied, “The frozen bonito you tried was not frozen normally, it was flash-frozen.”  
I was then shown the flash-freezing machine, “TŌMIN FROZEN.” 
Nevertheless, why does the “normal freezing method” degrade the flavor while “flash-freezing” produces “no difference” in flavor before nor after flash-freezing? The Executive Director of Technician Co., Ltd., developer of TŌMIN FROZEN, answered my question. 
酒豪大陸「日本酒のスーパーフローズン その4」
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Cautionary Notes for Tasting Sake

Cautionary Notes for Tasting Sake  

Before sipping the sake, first inhale the sake aroma through the nose. The sake aroma that rises from the sake is also checked when tasting sake. After visually inspecting the sake, inhale the sake aroma through the nose without sipping the sake. 
The impression of sake aroma is generally described by comparing the sake aroma to the scent of familiar fruits and milk products. For example, sake aroma is often compared to the scent of fruits such as apples and bananas, and milk products such as yogurt. 
Sip the sake to sense the “4 flavors” 

Finally, check the sake ‘flavor.’ Sip a small quantity of sake and confirm the texture (taste) and sake aroma that passes through the nose. 
Be sure to grasp the thickness, smoothness, and texture of the sake as well. 

Next, swirl the sake all over your tongue to check the sweetness, acidity, umami flavor, and bitterness of the sake flavor. First, grasp the intensity or subtlety of the sweetness. Then, check the balance between sweetness and acidity, umami flavor, and bitterness (some sake may hardly have any bitterness at all), in order to confirm the impression of the sake flavor.

Lastly, check the lingering “after flavor” of the sake. 
During sake tastings, professionals generally sip the sake and spit it out after sampling. When tasting sake at home, it’s ok to swallow the sake after tasting. 
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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (Wine-tasting event held at a Japanese sake specialty shop)

By Ryuji Takahashi

A wine-tasting event was held at a specialty shop for local sake that sells only sake. We are now in season for France to soon release their Beaujolais Nouveau. The concept of this first wine-tasting event is Italian wine. The theme of this event is “Why not try something new? A night of rendezvous for dedicated sake fans.”   
Inconstancy is implied in a local sake specialty shop serving wine to guests. However, sommelier (for females also) Miho Nagato’s comments after tasting each wine was not a description of the unique aroma and flavor of each wine selection itself, but rather, each a chic and interesting description of human fickleness expressed by the sommelier, who is also a designer, which most adults could easily relate to.
For example, Nagato described the “Abruzzo” orange wine as “a childhood friend who grew into an admirable person,” “Valle d’Aosta” white wine as “a superior to whom you feel admiration and developed a crush,” and a red wine from Sicily as “A gentleman who looks sexy smoking a cigar,” drawing inspiration from imaginary scenarios to describe each wine flavor. A total of eight wine selections from Northern to Southern Italy were served bottomless. Guests seemed to relate to the flirtatious comments and selected wine samples based on the sommelier’s comments, not on the brand name. Since the event was held the day after Beaujolais Nouveau was released, newly released Italian wine “Vino Novello” was also served.    
Recently, more shops are no longer limited to Beaujolais Nouveau, selling newly released California and Japanese wine brands. However, very few shops sell newly released renowned Italian wine brands for some reason, thus these wine selections were featured for this event. One reason is because one wine shop raised the low demand in Japan for these newly released renowned Italian wine brands as the reason. There is still much to learn about Italian wine brands now available for casual purchase, it seems the unknown world of Italian wine is fast broadening. 
The most important takeaway from this wine-tasting event was honestly listing the ingredients, fermentation method, and flavors is appreciated only by a small group of connoisseurs, but not by the public. What appeals to general consumers are engaging keywords that are easy to understand, interesting, and fuel the imagination for the consumer to reach for a sample. This talent will soon become important in the sake industry as well. Sake fans seemed a bit nervous in the beginning of this wine-tasting event, but thanks to the engaging concept of this event, guests gradually became more familiar with wine. As we recently witnessed the declining trend in alcohol consumption, demand for sake is also declining as few sake fans fight to purchase certain sake brands. Perhaps, simple keywords could be the key to changing this declining trend. 
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Was sake produced since ancient times as “Kanzukuri?”

 “Kanzukuri” is a sake production method used during the coldest time of the year. However, until the early Edo Period (1603 - 1868), sake was produced over a long period around the autumn equinox past the spring equinox, divided into five different production methods depending on the season.   

 “Shinshu” – Sake produced around August of the old lunar calendar (below is also based on the old lunar calendar), also known as “Higanzake.”   
 “Aishu” – Sake produced during the period between Shinshu and Kanzake. Later in the Edo period, sake production methods were further divided into “Hayaaishu,” produced from mid-September; and “Aishu,” sake produced after mid-October.   
 “Kanmaezake” – Sake produced during the early winter period before “Kanshu” production begins (around November to December). During the Edo period, “Kanmaezake” was the second most expensive sake following “Kanshu,” while sake produced around the winter solstice was especially known as “Toujimono” (“winter solstice sake”).   
 “Kanshu” – Mainly sake produced during the approximately 30 day-period from Shokan (early January) to Rissyun (early February). Sake production during this period is known as “Kanzukuri.” Due to sake produced under ideal conditions for sake production, the sake quality is the highest, and prices were also the highest accordingly. 
 “Haruzake” – Sake produced from February until around the spring solstice.
Sake production skills from the medieval period became established during the Edo period, when production centered around Ikeda, Itami, and Nada evolved. However, the greatest technical characteristic during this period was that sake production method to produce “Kanzukuri” was completed. Nonetheless, the center of sake production shifted full-scale to “Kanzukuri” during the mid-Edo period after 1687. The most highly regarded technical manual for sake production during the Edo period, “Doumoushuzouki” especially valued the “Kanzukuri” production method, defining the “Kanzukuri” sake production period as “during the 90-day period from November to February.”   
Also, “Bankinsugiwaibukuro” issued in 1732 stipulated “sake is best produced by the Kanzukuri method.” The “Kanzukuri” sake production skills were completed at Itami, one of the main sake production regions at the time, and spread across various regions with the quality further improving in Nada that came to the forefront of sake production later in the Edo period.      
The reason why sake production centered on the “Kanzukuri” production method was because it was discovered from past sake production during various seasons that production during the cold winter season allows easier management of the fermenting-mash product temperatures, more easily inhibiting bacteria in the air from propagating. Also, since the Edo shogunate (under the Tokugawa regime) focused on the “Kanzukuri” method after 1667 to secure revenue source also prompted the shift to “Kanzukuri” sake production method.       

*“Kanzukuri” – Sake produced during the coldest time of the year. 
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Sake Nation “Super Frozen Sake: Part 3”

By Kosuke Kuji
How can I distribute the ultimate, fresh, unpasteurized sake worldwide? 
I thought about the answer to this question for the past 10 years. 
Unpasteurized sake is of course fresh. Since the sake is unpasteurized, however, enzymes in the sake significantly deteriorate the sake flavor. This stale odor and off-flavor of aged sake is called “nama-hine (ka).”
This reaction will ‘always’ occur, even if sake is stored at ultra-low temperatures such as 23 degrees Fahrenheit or even 14 degrees Fahrenheit, a problem that cannot be solved simply by lowering the storage temperature. 
Some sake breweries remove the “enzymes” acting as a buffer between the changes generated to delay the effects of nama-hine (ka). However, removing the enzymes does not eliminate the problem altogether. Also, the equipment to remove the enzymes from sake is quite pricey. 
Further, to distribute unpasteurized sake overseas, it must be taken into consideration that foreign importers and restaurant refrigerators are not set to negative temperatures overseas. In other words, no matter how quickly sake breweries release freshly squeezed unpasteurized sake, sustaining the fresh, unpasteurized sake quality year-round would prove difficult. 
Although unpasteurized sake is already distributed in the U.S., the flavor has significantly deteriorated compared to unpasteurized sake sold in Japan because of “nama-hine (ka).” On the other hand, sake pasteurized normally and thoroughly by the brewery and in fresh rotation usually tastes better in many cases. Although slightly less fresh compared to unpasteurized sake in the freshest condition possible, in terms of stability of the sake flavor, I thought it was impossible to distribute unpasteurized sake overseas in the freshest condition possible.
I took a private, non-work related trip to Kochi prefecture, where I was blessed with a fateful encounter. 

酒豪大陸「日本酒のスーパーフローズン その3」 

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Cautionary Notes for Tasting Sake  

Cautionary Notes for Tasting Sake  

To taste sake, first visually inspect the color tone and appearance of the sake. 

*Color tone 
Apart from nigori (cloudy) sake, one might imagine sake to be colorless and transparent. Primarily, freshly squeezed sake has a slight yellow or green tint. Although “clear appearance like water” was long considered a condition of quality sake, color is now gaining acceptance as a property that adds uniqueness to sake. 

Refers to the clarity or luster of sake. Generally green and clear sake is fresh, light, and delicate in flavor, while golden-hued sake is aged and said to be savory in flavor. 

For sparkling sake, confirm the fizz. Observe the size of bubbles, the carbonation level (amount of bubbles), and persistence (how long the fizz lasts).
*色合い  にごり酒は別として、日本酒といえば無色透明なイメージがあるかもしれない。本来搾りたての日本酒はかすかに黄色や緑がかった色をしている。長年、「水のようにクリアな外観がよい」とされてきたが、近年は色味も日本酒の個性として考えられるようになってきている。
*透明度  日本酒の澄明度(透明度)や、光沢=冴え(さえ)などを確認する。一般的に、青っぽくクリアなものは若くて淡麗なお酒、黄金色のものは熟成が進んでいてコクがあるといわれている。なお、「澄明度」は自然な透明感を、「透明度」はろ過などによって精製された透明感を指す。
*泡  発泡性の日本酒では気泡も確認する。粒の大きさや、量・持続性をチェックする。
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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (Japanese sake from Shimane prefecture) 

By Ryuji Takahashi
Many sake tasting events are held throughout Japan during the fall season. Sake breweries hustle to attend numerous sake tasting events to promote their sake as their last major job before starting their brewing season. I attended the jizake (local sake) fair organized by the Shimane Sake Brewers Association, held at the Tokyo Kotsu Kaikan (Tokyo Traffic Hall). Although there are many theories, Shimane prefecture is said to be where sake production originated, also home to the “Saka Shrine,” where the deity of sake is enshrined. 
The shrine still holds a sake brewing license to brew up to 48 gallons of sake per year. The chief priest acts as the Master Sake Brewer to brew cloudy sake as an offering to the deity. The sake is also served to worshippers at the Saka Shrine Autumn Festival on October 13. 
However, Shimane prefecture is not widely recognized as a sake producing region. Most people would likely name Niigata prefecture or Hyogo prefecture as renowned sake producing regions that first comes to mind. The local jizake fair is organized to celebrate Shimane prefecture as the birthplace of sake production. However, fewer breweries participated compared to the previous year, attended by fewer guests as well. 
This is because the coronavirus pandemic ended and big sake tasting events are organized in various regions, thus sake breweries and consumers are widely scattered. In addition, the fall season is still hot. I visited all the sake breweries and sampled their sake. There was a time when fruity sake seemed to be popular, but recently, it seems that peculiar flavors of dry sake that are characteristic of Shimane prefecture are becoming more popular.  
This may be because more sake breweries are using sake rice locally grown in Shimane prefecture for local consumption. Sake breweries seem to face the challenge of deciding how to generate sake flavors using locally grown rice to attract male and female consumers of all ages. Next week, I plan to attend another sake tasting event organized by Ichinomiya Sake Brewing Co., Ltd. (Oda city, Shimane prefecture) at a local sake specialty shop in the Hatsudai area. Chief Brewer Rika Asano will describe one sake at a time as she pours the sake for guests, an intimate tasting experience not offered at big sake tasting events. 
Operated by a husband and wife team of young and talented brewers, Ichinomiya Sake Brewing Co., Ltd. has garnered numerous Gold Prizes at The National New Sake Tasting Competition. Their main sake brand is “Iwami Ginzan,” an original and innovative sake introduced by this young couple. On this day, 10 different sake selections both familiar and new were served. The chief brewer avoided the use of industry jargon and carefully explained each sake product in simple terms that was easily understood by novices and connoisseurs alike. Guests seemed satisfied as they savored each sake, and many purchased quite a few sake bottles to take home. Sake, long produced in Shimane prefecture, is expected to overcome challenges as the flavors continue to evolve. 

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What type of sake is Ginjo?

The fundamental meaning of Ginjo is “sake brewed under close examination and scrutiny,” generally understood to be sake raised to the level of art from thorough brewing by the brewing master who further refines the highest quality of sake rice. Previously, since sake was produced for submission to sake competitions, these sake were not sold in the market. However, Ginjo is garnering attention as high-end sake due to the Japanese sake boom during the past twenty years.      
“Standards for Manufacturing Methods and Quality Indication for Sake” by the National Tax Agency defines Ginjo as sake produced according to the Ginjo production method utilizing sake rice polished below the rice polishing ratio of 60 percent, regulated as sake with a “characteristic aroma and good luster and color.” This is the definition for Ginjo sake, however, “Daiginjo” is defined as sake with the rice polishing ratio of below 50 percent, with a “characteristic aroma and especially good luster and color.”
Also, Ginjo consists of the Honjozo type and Junmai type, with the Honjozo type prepared by adding a small amount of distilled alcohol prior to the filtration process (the limit to the amount of additives is the same amount regulated for the Honjozo type). Therefore, Ginjo actually consists of four different types – the Honjozo type consisting of “Ginjo” and “Daiginjo,” and the Junmai type consisting of the “Junmai Ginjo” and “Junmai Daiginjo.”  
Ginjo is different from other Japanese sake due to the unique aroma consisting of apples, bananas, and other fruity aromas. This aroma is referred to as the “Ginjo aroma,” and this aroma is the life of Ginjo. 
However, not all Ginjo necessarily have this aroma notably, some with a faint Ginjo aroma while hardly detectable in other Ginjo. The sake production method that generates this unique aroma is called the “Ginjo method.” First, sake rice suitable for brewing sake (such as “Yamanishiki” rice) is used and carefully polished to high rice polishing ratios over time, with the water content absorbed to suppress moisture in the steamed sake rice.   
Rice malt is prepared using special young rice malt while the highly-rated No. 9 yeast is used to prepare yeast for Ginjo, then fermented at low temperatures over a long period of time.
For general sake, the highest temperature for fermenting mash is generally around 59 degrees F, with fermentation suppressed to around 20 days, approximately. However, for Ginjo, the fermenting mash is fermented below 50 degrees F for over 30 days approximately, at low-temperatures theoretically close to the limit for fermentation. Also, the lower the temperature is for fermentation, the more days it takes for fermentation, adding additional work and costs. However, this effort is what generates the fresh, fruity, elegant Ginjo sake aroma.  


吟醸酒の本来の意味は「吟味して醸造した酒」ということで、一般には、最良の米を磨きに磨き、杜氏が丹精を込めて造った芸術品ともいえる酒、と解釈されている。以前は品評会用に造られた酒だったから、市場に出回ることはほとんどなかったが、ここ20年ほどの間の日本酒ブームで高級酒として脚光を浴びている。 国税庁の「清酒の製法品質表示基準」では、吟醸酒とは精米歩合60% 以下の高精白米を使用した「吟醸造り」の日本酒で、「固有の香味、色沢が良好なもの」と規定されている。たんに吟醸酒という場合はこの規格だが、精米歩合を50%以下まで高め、「固有の香味、色沢がとくに良好なもの」の場合は「大吟醸酒」と表示することができる。また、吟醸酒には、本醸造タイプと純米タイプとがあり、本醸造タイプのものは、搾りの工程の前に少量の醸造アルコールが添加されている(添加量の限度については、本醸造酒の規格と同様)。したがって吟醸酒には、本醸造タイプの「吟醸酒」と「大吟醸酒」、純米タイプの「純米吟醸酒」と「純米大吟醸酒」との4種類があることになる。 
吟醸酒は他の日本酒とはかなり風味の違う酒であり、リンゴやバナナなどフルーツに似た独特の芳香がある。この香りは「吟醸香」または「吟香」と呼ぶが、この香りこそが吟醸酒の命といえる。ただし、すべての吟醸酒 にこの香りが明瞭にあるわけではなく、かすかにしかないものや、ほとんど感じられないものも中にはある。この香りを出すための特別な製法を「吟醸造り」という。 まず、米は特別に栽培された大粒の酒造好適米(たとえば「山田錦」など)を用い、時間をかけて高度に精米し、限定吸水によって蒸米水分を抑える。麹は「突き破精型」の特殊な若麹を用い、酒母も吟醸酒用として評価の高い清酒酵母(たとえば「きょうかい9号」酵母など)を選び、低温でゆっくりと発酵させる。一般に普通酒の場合、もろみの発酵中の最高温度は摂氏15度あたりで20日間前後で発酵を終えるが、吟醸酒では摂氏10度以下で30日間前後もかけて発酵させる。この低温発酵は、発酵理論上から見て限界に近い温度だという。また、低温であればあるほど発酵に日数がかかり、手間、コストとも余計にかかるが、こうすることで、フレッシュでフルーティー、そしてエレガントな吟醸香が生まれるのである。
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