
Sake Nation: “Young Japanese consumers and Japanese Sake ③”

By Kosuke Kuji
This is the third report on young Japanese consumers and Japanese sake, the last report for this series. 
“Sake Jump,” a community of young Japanese sake brewers in their twenties to early forties, actively introduce their original sake brands to popularize sake among young consumers. 
This group holds sake tasting events twice a year. Their sake tasting events this year were held at the Keyaki Hiroba, a restaurant and shop inside the Saitama Super Arena, an impressive? venue. 
All three organizations introduced in this series organized “outdoor tasting events.” 
Tasting events held in a hotel conference room can seem intimidating and can increase the registration fee for participants. Therefore, the group organized outdoor tasting events to reduce the intimidation factor and the registration fee for participants, an effective strategy to attract interest. 
NTT DOCOMO, INC. is a sponsor of this tasting event, organized by “Sake Jump,” to further reduce the cost to participants. Saitama Super Arena Co., Inc. is also a special collaborator. The National Tax Agency, the supervisory authority of our sake breweries, also supports this tasting event in their powerful line-up of supporters. 
I’m confident that all the parties involved desire to introduce the appeal of Japanese sake to young consumers. 
I look forward to seeing more events like this held in the future.

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The number of sake breweries operating in Japan

The number of sake breweries and shochu distilleries in Japan are declining along with the consumption volume of both sake and shochu. However, approximately 1,600 sake breweries and shochu distilleries still operate in Japan today. This report introduces the regions where many sake breweries concentrate in Japan. Although the general impression that Niigata prefecture might have the most sake breweries, while Kyoto prefecture might boast the highest sake production volume, Kagoshima prefecture on Kyushu island is home to the highest number of sake breweries in Japan. 
Top 5 sake and shochu makers associations with the highest number of breweries and distilleries: 
No. 1 Kagoshima Shochu Makers Association: 109
No. 2 Niigata Sake Brewers Cooperative Association: 90
No. 3 Nagano Sake Brewery Association: 81
No. 4 The Federation of Hyogo Prefecture Brewers Associations: 71
No. 5 Fukuoka Sake Brewers Association: 64
Number of sake breweries by region: 
Tohoku region, Hokkaido prefecture: 226
Kanto region, Honshu island: 191
Chubu region, Honshu island: 379
Kinki region, Honshu island: 234
Chugoku region, Honshu island: 155
Shikoku island: 81
Kyushu island: 378 
Regionally, Niigata prefecture ranks second while the Chubu region in Nagano prefecture ranks third. As you can see, Kyushu island is home to many sake breweries, 378 in total. The Chubu region is home to many sake breweries, while Kyushu is characteristically home to the most shochu distilleries.
1位 鹿児島県酒造組合 109
2位 新潟県酒造組合 90
3位 長野県酒造組合 81
4位 兵庫県酒造組合連合会 71
5位 福岡県酒造組合 64
東北・北海道 226
関東 191
中部 379
近畿 234
中国 155
四国 81
九州 378
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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (Niigata Sake Festival) 

By Ryuji Takahashi 
The largest sake event in Japan is the “Niigata Sake Festival,” held annually in Niigata prefecture over two days. True to its name, sake breweries from throughout Niigata prefecture gather in one place to attend this event. The concept of this event is to welcome guests from Tokyo to enjoy the atmosphere of this event. Therefore, the event “Niigata Sake Baru in Meguro” was organized at restaurant “Niigata Sake Baru Fukidamari” in Meguro ward, Tokyo. 
The two-day event held over a weekend was attended by 7 sake breweries - “AOKISHUZO The Sake Brewery Co., LTD.,” “OFUKU SHUZOU Co., Ltd.,” “Kiminoi Shuzou Co., Ltd.,” “Sasaiwai Sake Brewery,” “Taiyo Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.,” “Tamagawa Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.,” and “Minenohakubai Shuzo” - as exhibitors, along with a joint booth between 3 breweries from the sake shop - “Kanemasu Sake Co., Ltd.,” “Hakuro Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.,” and “Shiokawa Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.” – totaling 10 breweries with over 30 different sake selections from Niigata prefecture. Echigo Beer Co., Ltd. and Iwanohara Vineyard Co., Ltd. also exhibited booths on this balmy day to serve chilled beer and white wine.      
Rice from Niigata prefecture and pickled vegetables were served at a booth, while pizza and yakisoba were served out of a food truck at the Niigata Sake Festival site. The event venue was studio EASE along the Japan Railways (JR) railroad tracks between Meguro ward and Gotanda district, a chic outdoor space reminiscent of a European cityscape usually used to take photographs. Admission was free, and a space was available where children played freely with many families that attended. Sake was enjoyed by purchasing several tickets for 500 JPY each. Tickets were submitted at each booth according to the sake classification - ordinary sake required one ticket, while Ginjo required two tickets. 
Guests with reservations arrived at the “Niigata Sake Baru Fukidamari” beforehand with all-you-can-drink tickets already purchased for 3,500 JPY each, an economical option that offered all-you-can-drink sake, regardless of the sake classification. Light showers never required an umbrella both days. The evening lights illuminated the venue with metropolitan apartments visible behind the European-style cityscape in an enchantingly beautiful sight that was indescribable. 
Since tickets were accepted instead of cash, customers casually enjoyed sake and food while other participants traded food and beverages with each other in a very friendly atmosphere staffed with volunteers. The venue was filled with a comfortable, wonderful sense of unity. Although various sampling events and sales events are also organized in Tokyo for sake brewed in Niigata prefecture, few opportunities exist to sample and compare various sake brands. Therefore, this is an event that I would love to see continue in the future. 
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What kind of Japanese sake is Junmai? 

Junmai sake is prepared by squeezing mash fermented using rice and rice malt, then adding water to adjust the alcohol-level, adding no additives. Needless to say, Junmai sake is the how sake is primarily made, the basic method for how all sake is produced. However, when rice was lacking during and after World War II, the basic ingredient for sake, sake production was mostly stopped under government regulations to secure the main dietary staple. 
Sake returned to the market around 1965. According to the “Standards for Manufacturing Methods and Quality indication for Sake“ published by the National Tax Administration Agency, Junmai sake is regulated to using white rice at a rice polishing ratio of less than 70%, produced using only rice, rice malt, and water; while the aroma and flavor requirements, etc., are stipulated as having “good flavor, color, and gloss.”   
Pleasing sake aroma, luster, and color is described as “to have aroma, color, and luster characteristic of Japanese sake without offensive odor and flavor.” While labels such as “Kimoto-Junmai” or “Yamahai-Junmai” is sometimes seen, these sake doesn’t use additives, and produced using the traditional Kimoto yeast starter. Of course, some Junmai sake does use Sokujo-kei yeast starter (a modern method of adding lactic acid artificially in advance), and there is no direct relationship between the type of yeast starter and the definition of junmai sake.  
While junmai sake is generally stipulated to have a rice polishing ratio of less than 70%, for rice polishing ratio of less than 60% or other special production method with “especially good aroma, color or luster” is labeled as “Tokubetsu-Junmai.” Also, “ginjo sake produced” with rice polished to below 60% to with “especially good aroma, color, and luster characteristic of sake” is labeled as “Junmai Ginjo,” while Junmai ginjo using rice polished to 50% can be labeled as “Junmai Daiginjo.”     
While junmai sake in one word has various characteristics according to the product, generally speaking, many of them are rich in type that capitalizes on the umami flavors of rice for they don’t use additives such as distilled alcohol. Also, while the acidity-level is relatively high, the flavor is mellow, rich and full-bodied in flavor for this sake, for which the flavor is prioritized over aroma. However, sake appropriately stored and aged would be lighter in flavor, even for junmai sake. Therefore, the term “Kiippon” has been used for sake from Nada, etc., however, according to these same standards, “Kiippon” is stipulated as “junmai sake brewed only at a single brewery,” with limited use.  

純米酒とは、米と米麹と水で造り発酵させたもろみを搾った後、アルコール度を調整するための水は加えるが、それ以外は何も添加しない日本酒のことである。いうまでもなく純米酒は日本酒本来の姿であり、すべての日本酒の基本形である。しかし、原料の米が極度に不足した戦中戦後の時期に、主食米を確保する官僚統制によってほとんど姿を消した。市場に復帰したのは、昭和40年頃のこととされる。 国税庁告示の「清酒の製法品質表示基準」によると、純米酒とは精米歩合70%以下に精白した白米を使用し、米および米麹と水だけを原料として造った日本酒と規定されており、香味等の要件としては、「香味、色沢が良好なもの」となっている。香味、色沢が良好なものとは、「異味異臭がなく清酒固有の香味および色沢を有するもの」である。最近はよく「生酛純米」とか「山廃純米」といった表示をしているものを見かけることがあるが、これらはアルコールなどの添加をしていない上に、伝統的な生酛系酒母を使って造っているという意味。もちろん、速醸系酒母を用いて造る純米酒もあり、酒母の種類と純米酒の定義とに直接の関係はない。 
純米酒一般の要件は精米歩合70%以下ということだが、60%以下または特別な製造方法(要説明表示)で、「香味、色沢がとくに良好なもの」については「特別純米酒」の表示ができる。また、精米歩合60%以下に 精白して「吟醸造り」を行ない、「固有の香味、色沢が良好なもの」は「純米吟醸酒」の表示ができ、さらに50%まで精白した高精白米を用いた純米吟醸酒については「純米大吟醸酒」の表示ができることになっている。 
ひと口に純米酒といっても、製品によっていろいろな特徴があるわけだ が、一般には、醸造アルコールを添加しないために米の旨みが生かされた濃醇タイプのものが多いとされる。また、酸度は比較的高いものの、まろやかな風味を持っている。つまり、濃厚でこくのある酒ということだが、 どちらかというと香りよりも味を重視して造られる酒ということもできる。しかし、適度な貯蔵・熟成を経たものならば、純米酒でもさばけのよい軽い風味になるという。 なお、昔から灘の酒などで生一本という言葉が使われてきたが、同基準では、「生一本」とは「単一の製造場のみで醸造した純米酒」と規定し使用を制限している。
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Sake Nation: “Young Japanese consumers and Japanese Sake②”

By Kosuke Kuji
This is the second report about young Japanese consumers and Japanese sake. 
The previous report was about a social gathering organized in Asakusa district, while this report is about another social gathering organized in Shibuya district. 
As you know, Shibuya district is a renowned gathering place for the Japanese youth, a district that represents young consumers. I also frequented the Shibuya district when I was young. 
The “Sake Park” event is held at the newly renovated Miyashita Park as the venue in the Shibuya district. Held this year for the third time, many youths from Shibuya district gather every year. 
This event attracts 25 sake breweries and 5 craft sake brewers (unrefined sake producers not licensed to brew sake) from nationwide. 
Artists also participate in this event. DJs start performing live at the venue in the afternoon, etc., where sake is enjoyed in a lively environment characteristic of Shibuya district.
Guests dancing to the rhythm of the music with a cup of sake in hand is an interesting sight unique to Shibuya district, also captured in video footage. 
The event is attended by “gyaru” (young “gals” wearing loud, bold, and expressive street fashion, a subculture of Japanese street fashion popularized in the 1990s), young IT professionals, and other guests who enjoyed sake with music, a sight atypical from the usual sake sampling events attended by old men only, which shed a ray of hope into the future of the Japanese sake industry.    
Encouraging the consumption of sake served in a sake pub is a difficult way to attract young consumers, who might hesitate to step inside. Therefore, serving sake with live music and performances by DJs in the Shibuya district is a great way to attract young consumers to try sake, a highly promising effort in my opinion.  

その渋谷の新しくなったMIYASHITA PARKを会場に、「SAKE PARK」というイベントが開催されています。今年で3回目の開催で、年々たくさんの渋谷の若者が集います。
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The Oldest Sake Breweries in Japan

The Oldest Sake Breweries in Japan

In Japan, 42,966 long-established companies will celebrate over 100 years in business in 2023. The oldest business in Japan is Kongo Gumi Co., Ltd., a construction company founded in 578 AD that fuses traditional construction methods with the latest technology, celebrating 1,446 years in business this year. The top ten long-established businesses in Japan include sake breweries as well. Although there are 850 Japanese sake breweries with over 100 years in business, this report introduces the top five oldest sake breweries in Japan. 
No. 1: SUDOHONKE CO., LTD. (Kasama city, Ibaraki prefecture)
Founded in 883 AD. The family precept of Sudohonke is, “Quality sake is brewed from quality rice, quality rice is harvested from quality soil, quality soil is nourished by quality water, quality water is generated by quality trees, and quality trees ensure the survival of our sake brewery to uphold the highest quality of sake.” The sake brand of the oldest sake brewery in Japan is popular worldwide in Asia, North America, and Europe. 
No. 2: Hiraizumi Honpo Co., LTD (Nikaho city, Akita prefecture)
Located in the southern region of Akita prefecture, Hiraizumi Honpo brews sake in nutrient rich soil from Mount Chokai. Hiraizumi Honpo is notable for preparing their yeast starter using the “Yamahai” (short for “Yamaoroshi Haishi”) brewing technique. 
No. 3: Kenbishi Sake Brewing Co., Ltd. (Higashinada ward, Kobe prefecture), founded in 1505 
No. 4: Yamaji Shuzo Brewing (Kinohoto town, Shiga prefecture), founded in 1532
No. 5: Yoshinogawa Co., Ltd. (Nagaoka city, Niigata prefecture), founded in 1548



1位:須藤本家(茨城県笠間市) 1141年創業

2位:飛良泉本舗(秋田県にかほ市) 1487年創業

3位:剣菱酒造(神戸市東灘区) 1505年創業
4位:山路酒造(滋賀県木ノ本町) 1532年創業
5位:吉乃川酒造(新潟県長岡市) 1548年創業
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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (“Nihonsakari” is a quality sake brand)

By Ryuji Takahashi
I always felt major sake breweries must become successful first to invigorate the Japanese sake industry. Major sake breweries are always involved in preserving jizake breweries by various means, such as one sake brewery selling sake to another sake brewery to be sold as the purchaser’s sake, through merger & acquisition (M&A), etc. 
Nowadays however, many sake fans feel jizake is authentic sake, while sake brewed by major breweries are not. However, recent sake products by major sake breweries are delicious and yet affordable. Therefore, we organized an event titled “Meeting to Learn about Sake.” This is a meeting strictly to learn about sake, not to sell sake. Nihonsakari Junmai Ginjo and Junmai Daiginjo, paper-packed sake, and purine-free sugar-free sake were lined up and introduced by a sales representative. Anyone was allowed to participate. Participants included men and women of all ages. The older generation of participants had a bias towards major sake breweries, such as Nihonsakari, while some young participants never heard of Nihonsakari.    
When many sake fans get together, discussions get more interesting. Although the purine-free sugar-free sake was not as popular at first, one participant who used to drink it constantly for weight loss enthusiastically explained its health benefits more passionately than the sales representative and won over other participants. Also, young participants who held no bias towards major sake breweries were surprised to learn such delicious sake products are sold at supermarkets for affordable prices, while one senior jizake fan listened with a grimacing face. 
I repeatedly said in this meeting that both jizake and major sake brands should be available in restaurants and in liquor shops to increase options and make the selection more fun for consumers. If food reliability and safety is a concern, then major sake brands are good options to select from. Although packed sake and cup sake target middle-aged and senior consumers, I believe this event clarified that certain products and events can prove effective to court young consumers as well.  
Younger generations will soon increase their alcohol consumption and become regular consumers of alcohol with zero bias towards major sake breweries. Therefore, younger generations may select national sake brands in the same way they select beer sold by major beer manufacturers. Delicious, packed sake products are economically priced for this younger generation, whose earnings will soon increase. If this younger generation in their middle-aged and senior years pass on these delicious flavors to the next generation, major sake brands can lead the Japanese sake industry to also raise the familiarity of jizake breweries and invigorate the entire sake industry.

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Sake is produced with no preservatives

Sake is unfortunately perishable, and quick to spoil. The reason why sake is high in alcohol concentration compared to other alcoholic beverages worldwide is the result of accumulated technical renovations in an effort to best preserve sake. However, the greatest obstacle to sake preservation, “hiochi bacteria” (lactic acid that spoils sake) could not be defeated despite high alcohol concentrations. Therefore, since the Edo Period, tradition dictates sake is brewed during the winter season to be “heat treated” in May. Early into the Meiji Era (1868 ~ 1912), the heat treatment timing and technology remained fundamentally unchanged, and by the early Showa Era (1926 ~), sake was poured directly into large kettles and directly heated.          
However, the direct application of heat practiced at the time was merely a technique generated from many years of sake brewing experience, and the mechanism of sake spoiling due to the “hiochi bacteria” was not yet scientifically proven. Also, since sterilization was conducted in wooden barrels not fully concealed, then stored, even the heat application was not a thorough countermeasure to eradicate the hiochi bacteria. Scientific research into sake production started in the Meiji Era, bringing a remarkably quick countermeasure to resolve spoilage that materialized as a preservative and became widespread.            
Chemist Oskar Korschelt, who arrived in Japan in 1876 and served as a chemistry professor at the University of Tokyo’s Faculty of Medicine, had previously taught at a beer factory in Germany where he had already succeeded in preserving beer by adding salicylic acid. Korschelt was first to recognize the hiochi phenomenon in Japanese sake production, and announced in 1879 that adding salicylic acid as preservative could prevent spoilage during the sake production process, a breakthrough considering sake breweries nationwide (26,171 breweries across Japan in 1879) were battling the hiochi bacteria at the time.            
Afterwards, salicylic acid continued to be used long-term as a preservative to suppress spoilage by hiochi bacteria, unique to Japanese sake. However, as complete sterilization was made possible by heat treatment sterilization device and as disinfection device became widespread, breweries and sake production facilities also became sanitized, repealing the designation of this additive as food preservative in 1975, making this additive obsolete. Full-scale research on the hiochi bacteria presumably started in 1906, however, its propagation discovered to be caused by “hiochic acid” contained in sake was discovered approximately fifty years later in 1956.    

 ただし、当時の火入れはあくまで永年の酒造りの経験から生まれた知恵であり、「火落菌」による酒の腐敗のメカニズムが科学的に解明されていたわけではなかった。しかも、殺菌が不完全な木桶で仕込み、貯蔵を行なっていたわけだから、火入れをしていても「火落ち」に対する完全な対策とはいえなかった。 日本酒造りに科学のメスが入れられたのは明治時代になってからだが、
この腐敗に対する対策は意外と早く、防腐剤という形で普及することになった。明治9年に来日し、東京医学校(現・東京大学医学部)の化学教師を勤めたオスカー・コルシュルトは、ドイツでビール工場の技師をしていた人だが、すでにサリチル酸の添加によるビールの防腐に成功していた。 コルシュルトは日本酒の火落ち現象にもいち早く気づき、サリチル酸を防腐剤として添加すれば腐造を防げると発表した。明治12年のことである。 全国各地の酒造場(9年当時で全国に26,171場あった)で火落ちが頻発していたことを考えれば、まさに画期的なことだった。 
サリチル酸はその後も、日本酒特有の腐敗菌である火落菌の生育抑制を 目的とする保存料として長く用いられてきた。しかし、完全な殺菌のできる火入れ殺菌機や除菌装置が普及し、酒蔵や製造設備自体も清潔になったことで添加の必要がなくなり、昭和44年以後は業界の自主規制によって使用が自粛された。昭和50年には食品添加物としての指定も取り消されており、現在はまったく使用されていない。 ちなみに、火落ち菌の本格的な研究は明治39年から始まったとされるが、その繁殖が日本酒に含まれる「火落酸」という成分に関わっていたことが解明されたのは、ちょうど50年後の昭和31年のことだった。
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Sake Nation: “Young Japanese consumers and Japanese Sake ①”

By Kosuke Kuji
In Japan, young consumers drinking less alcohol and sake is seen as a problem. One explanation, however, is that younger generations worldwide are drinking less alcohol in general. While there are several reasons for this trend, I believe this trend is not likely to change anytime soon. 
In such circumstances, Japanese sake breweries have been trying over the past decade to entice young Japanese consumers to learn about sake, sample sake, and enjoy sake through various activities. 
I would like to introduce several such activities in the next few reports. 
First, I introduced this activity in a previous column as well. “Wajowaraku” is a private organization that collaborates with Japanese sake specialty shops and sake breweries to promote and popularize the Japanese sake culture, active under their motto, “from 0 cups to 1 cup.” “ASAKUSA JACK!” is a sake sampling event organized by Wajowaraku that targeted young customers who visited the Asakusa district, held for two consecutive years since the coronavirus pandemic ended. Surprisingly, the number of visitors who sampled sake in one day exceeded 1,000.   
The price to participate in the sampling event was set economically for guests not familiar with sake, organized in the Asakusa district in an area with especially many young pedestrians, which helped to educate young people about sake. I was excited to welcome our young participants from the event who later visited our shop to let us know they bought a T-shirt of one of the sake breweries that participated in the event from the UNIQLO store, located in the building just behind the event venue; while another participant told us they were on their way to enjoy sake in a restaurant inside the building. This event made me realize the importance of getting young people to taste and enjoy the flavor of sake.


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Many sake breweries are long-established companies with over 100 years of history.

Many sake breweries are long-established companies with over 100 years of history.  
Sake brewed from rice, the prototype of sake, is said to have originated in the time of legends until the Heian Period (794-1185). “Sake” started to be distributed as a product from the late Heian Period to the Kamakura Period (1185~1333). 
The Sino-Japanese Wars (1894-95) and the Russo-Japanese War (1904-5) are said to have been fought using taxes raised from sake (30 percent of the total tax revenue).

The top ten breweries with the highest total sake production output are as follows: 
1. Hakutsuru Sake Brewing Co., Ltd. (approximately 60,000 kiloliters)
2. Gekkeikan Sake Co., Ltd.
3. Takara Shuzo Co., Ltd.
4. Ozeki Co., Ltd.
5. Nihonsakari Co.,Ltd.
6. Koyama Honke Syuzo Co.,ltd.
7. Kizakura Co.,Ltd.
8. Oenon Holdings, Inc.
9. Kiku-Masamune Sake Brewing Co., Ltd.
10. Konishi Brewing Co., Ltd.
Hyogo prefecture produced the highest sake production volume in Japan at 28 percent of the total national output, followed by Kyoto, Niigata, Akita, Aichi, Hiroshima, Fukushima, Saitama, Nagano, and Fukushima prefectures, in that order. 
日本酒の原型となる米を原料する酒の発祥については、神話の時代から平安時代まで諸説があるが、平安時代の後期から鎌倉時代(1185 年~)にかけて、商品としての「酒」として流通し始めたといわれている。
蔵元生産高 上位10社は、
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